Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New

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Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New

1Establishing the Tudor Dynasty: The Role of Francesco Piccolomini in Rome as First Cardinal Protector of England1AbstractBetween 1492 and 1503, Franc

Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and Newcesco Todeschini Piccolomini (1439-1503) was the first officially appointed Cardinal Protector of England. This paper focuses on a select few of his a

ctivities executed in that capacity for Henry Tudor, King Henry VII. Drawing particularly on two unpublished letters, it underscores the importance fo Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New

r King Henry of having his most trusted supporters translated to significant bishoprics throughout the land, particularly in the northern counties, an

Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New

d explores Queen Elizabeth of York's patronage of the hospital and church of st Katharine-by-the-Tower in London. It further considers the mechanisms

1Establishing the Tudor Dynasty: The Role of Francesco Piccolomini in Rome as First Cardinal Protector of England1AbstractBetween 1492 and 1503, Franc

Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and Newhant-bankers. This study speculates whether, by the end of his long incumbency of forty-three years at the Sacred College, uncomfortably mindful of th

e extent of a cardinal’s actual and potential influence in temporal affairs, Piccolomini finally became reluctant to wield the power of the purple.1 S Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New

ome of the material contained in this paper was presented at the conference 'Renaissance Cardinals: Diplomats and Patrons in the Early Modern World',

Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New

st Mary's University, Twickenham, 13-14 March 2015, with generous support from Birmingham City University and the Association of Art Historians. I owe

1Establishing the Tudor Dynasty: The Role of Francesco Piccolomini in Rome as First Cardinal Protector of England1AbstractBetween 1492 and 1503, Franc

Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New of this journal. I am grateful, as ever, to Carolinne White for her Latin expertise. My thanks also to Paul Gwynne, Adrian Hicken, Geoffrey Nuttall a

nd David Rundle for their help along the way. Any faults are my own.2Keywords:Francesco Todeschini Piccolomini; Henry VII; early Tudor; cardinal prote Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New

ctor; st Katharine's; Italian merchant-bankersPope for only twenty-six days following his election, taking the name of Pius III (Fig. 1), Francesco To

Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New

deschini Piccolomini (1439-1503) has understandably been overshadowed in reputation by his high-profile uncle, Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini, Pope Pius I

1Establishing the Tudor Dynasty: The Role of Francesco Piccolomini in Rome as First Cardinal Protector of England1AbstractBetween 1492 and 1503, Franc

Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and Newctor of England,2 the less famous Piccolomini's contribution to the Church in Rome and to the early establishment of the house of Tudor is ripe for re

Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New

aving.London, Hulton Archive (inv. 12178987). o 2017. Photo The Print Collector/Print Collector/Getty Images.>Carol Richardson has paid the most recen

Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New

t and consistent scholarly attention to Piccolomini in papers addressing his testamentary provision,3 his places of residence in Rome,4 patronage of h

1Establishing the Tudor Dynasty: The Role of Francesco Piccolomini in Rome as First Cardinal Protector of England1AbstractBetween 1492 and 1503, Franc

Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and Newtor are summarised in Section III. For a fuller explication, see William E. Wilkie, The Cardinal Protectors of England: Rome and the Tudors Before the

Reformation (London: Cambridge University Press, 1974), 6-9.3Carol M. Richardson, "The Lost Will and Testament of Cardinal Francesco Todeschini Picco Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New

lomini (1439-1503)", Papers of the British School at Rome. vol. 66 (1998), 193-214.4Carol M. Richardson, "The Housing Opportunities of a Renaissance C

Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New

ardinal", Renaissance Studies, vol. 17, no. 4 (2003), 607-627.5Carol M. Richardson, "Francesco Todeschini Piccolomini (1439-1503), Sant’Eustachio and

1Establishing the Tudor Dynasty: The Role of Francesco Piccolomini in Rome as First Cardinal Protector of England1AbstractBetween 1492 and 1503, Franc

Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and Newersity Park, PA: Pennsylvania state University3aspects of Piccolomini's life, the most magisterial series published by Alfred A. Strnad during the 196

0s, in which he identified the need for a dedicated monograph.6 Particularly germane to this paper is Reverend William E. Wilkie's The Cardinal Protec Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New

tors of England: Rome and the Tudors before the Reformation (1974),7 while Wilkie's earlier published booklet (1966), not widely available, is an extr

Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New

act from his doctoral dissertation devoted specifically to Cardinal Piccolomini's role in that capacity.8 * This study reviews and updates the scholar

1Establishing the Tudor Dynasty: The Role of Francesco Piccolomini in Rome as First Cardinal Protector of England1AbstractBetween 1492 and 1503, Franc

Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and Newumstances in which he became cardinal protector for Henry VII, sketching in the political backdrop against which this took place; and third, exemplifi

es his activities concerned with that function, drawing particularly on two unpublished letters that passed from the early Tudor court to the Cardinal Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New

Press, 2010), 46-60. See also Carol M. Richardson, Reclaiming Rome: Cardinals in the Fifteenth Century (Leiden: Brill, 2009).♦Alfred A. strnad, "Franc

Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New

esco Todeschini-Piccolomini; Politik und Mazenatentum im Quattrocento", Romische historische Mitteilungen, vols 8-9 (1964-6), 101-425 (350). See also

1Establishing the Tudor Dynasty: The Role of Francesco Piccolomini in Rome as First Cardinal Protector of England1AbstractBetween 1492 and 1503, Franc

Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New 2 (1966), 35-84; and Alfred A. strnad, "Studia piccolomineana", in Enea Silvio Piccolomini: Papa Pio II. Atti del convegno per il quinto centenario d

ella morte e altri scritti raccolti da Domenico Maffei, ed. Domenico Maffei (Siena: Accademia degli Intronati, 1968), 295-390. For a summary of his li Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New

fe, see Matteo Sanfilippo, "Pio III", in Enciclopedia dei Papi (Rome: Institute della Enciclopedia Italians, 2000), vol. 3, 22-30.’See n.2 above.8 Wil

Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New

liam E. Wilkie, The Beginnings of the Cardinal Protectorship ofEngland: Francesco Todeschini Piccolomini 1492-1503 (Switzerland: University of Fribour

1Establishing the Tudor Dynasty: The Role of Francesco Piccolomini in Rome as First Cardinal Protector of England1AbstractBetween 1492 and 1503, Franc

Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and Neweenth Century”, Archivium Hibernicum, vol. 32 (1974), 72-80.4in the 1490s.9 The penultimate section examines the networks through which Piccolomini's

contact with the north was maintained. Finally, in light of this study, Wilkie's assessment of the Cardinal's role as national protector is revisited. Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New

It is conjectured that over the course of his long tenure, Piccolomini grew to understand the full impact of a cardinal’s influence in the playing ou

Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New

t of divergent geo-political strategies. Adding weight to Ludwig von Pastor's portrayal of Piccolomini as pious, devout and humble—a man with his mind

1Establishing the Tudor Dynasty: The Role of Francesco Piccolomini in Rome as First Cardinal Protector of England1AbstractBetween 1492 and 1503, Franc

Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and Newpulating temporal affairs.I: Francesco Piccolomini's Intellectual and Religious ConstitutionThe reputation of Pope Pius II as one of the leading human

ists of his day was well established within his own lifetime. The education of his nephew Francesco was a personal priority for Aeneas Silvius Piccolo Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New

mini even before his elevation to the papacy, and became a matter of urgent investment after it.11 Francesco's learning and character are reflected in

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contemporary sources12 and his pursuit of humanist activities is evidenced’ Rome, Biblioteca Angelica (hereafter Bib. Ang.), MS 1077, fols 13v and 87

1Establishing the Tudor Dynasty: The Role of Francesco Piccolomini in Rome as First Cardinal Protector of England1AbstractBetween 1492 and 1503, Franc

Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New Trubner & Co., 1923), vol. 4, 198-200.11 Little is known of Francesco Piccolomini's childhood years. His early education in canon law and the studia

humanitatis was under thesupervision of Giacomo de' Tolomei in Ferrara. In 1451, Francesco enrolled at the University of Vienna, after which his educa Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New

tion with Tolomei recommenced, to be completed finally at Perugia. Sanfilippo, "Pio III", 22-3. li See. for example, Sigismondo de’ Conti da Foligno,

Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New

Le storie dei suoi Tempi dal 1475 al 1510 (Rome: Minister© di Agricoltura, Industrie e5in part by his acts of patronage and sculpture collection, whic

1Establishing the Tudor Dynasty: The Role of Francesco Piccolomini in Rome as First Cardinal Protector of England1AbstractBetween 1492 and 1503, Franc

Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and Newrdinal Francesco inherited a quarter of the library of his uncle14 and significantly augmented this sizeable nucleus. He patronised copyists previousl

y in his uncle’s employment, made purchases from other collections and received bequests from close friends such as Cardinal Marco Barbo (d.1491).15 H Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New

e additionally received many dedication copies from contemporary authors, notably Marsilio Ficino,16 including a number of early printed editions.17 L

Seven Percussion Compositions Standard and New

ike his sculpture collection. Cardinal Francesco's books were kept until the final year of his life in his palazzo in Rome,18 the Palazzo di Siena, ne

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