Synthetic Efforts Towards the Synthesis of Prostaglandin PGF2a

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Nội dung chi tiết: Synthetic Efforts Towards the Synthesis of Prostaglandin PGF2a

Synthetic Efforts Towards the Synthesis of Prostaglandin PGF2a

Louisiana State UniversityLSU Digital CommonsLSU Doctoral DissertationsGraduate School2016Synthetic Efforts Towards the Synthesis of Prostaglandin PGF

Synthetic Efforts Towards the Synthesis of Prostaglandin PGF2aF2aAmy Marie PollaidLouisiana State ưnnvríity and Agricultural ami Mechanical College, amynipolbrd(<ỉigmail.comFollow this and additional works at: ht

tps:// dissertationsPart of the Chemistry CommonsRecommended CitationPollard, Amy Mane,'Synthetic Efforts Towards th Synthetic Efforts Towards the Synthesis of Prostaglandin PGF2a

e Synthesis of Prostaglandin PGF2a" (2016). LSƯ DoctoralDtocrwrions. 2719.,’gradschool_dissertations.'2719This Dissertat

Synthetic Efforts Towards the Synthesis of Prostaglandin PGF2a

ion » brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at LSU Digital CamnuK. It his been accepted for inclusion in ISV IXKtoraJ Diwcrta

Louisiana State UniversityLSU Digital CommonsLSU Doctoral DissertationsGraduate School2016Synthetic Efforts Towards the Synthesis of Prostaglandin PGF

Synthetic Efforts Towards the Synthesis of Prostaglandin PGF2aETIC EFFORTS TOWARDS THE SYNTHESIS OF PROSTAGLANDIN PGFjaA DissertationSubmitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University and Agricul

tural and Mechanical College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyinThe Department of ChemistrybyAmy Marie Synthetic Efforts Towards the Synthesis of Prostaglandin PGF2a

PollardB.S.. University of Tennessee. 2007 August 2016OTF. Cinco de Mayo 2013. you arc the reason why 1 do what 1 do.-PAPiiACKNOWLEDGMENTSI would lik

Synthetic Efforts Towards the Synthesis of Prostaglandin PGF2a

e to thank Emmett Pollard for being supportive of my scientific explorations from playing with chemistry sets to helping me incorporate my company. Al

Louisiana State UniversityLSU Digital CommonsLSU Doctoral DissertationsGraduate School2016Synthetic Efforts Towards the Synthesis of Prostaglandin PGF

Synthetic Efforts Towards the Synthesis of Prostaglandin PGF2awould like to thank my mother for being there for me.Sincere thanks go to Dr. Michael Miller for introducing me to wonderful world of biochemical rese

arch at the age of 14. Dean Jeffery Engler, thank you for allowing me to join your research group before I finished high school. You both have been gr Synthetic Efforts Towards the Synthesis of Prostaglandin PGF2a

eat mentors throughout my scientific career. To the Comprehensive Cancer Center at ƯAB, thank you for your support and for allowing me to be a part of

Synthetic Efforts Towards the Synthesis of Prostaglandin PGF2a

your program. To Dr. Michael Best, you were honestly the best. Thank you for convincing me that chemistry was as interesting as biochemistry and for

Louisiana State UniversityLSU Digital CommonsLSU Doctoral DissertationsGraduate School2016Synthetic Efforts Towards the Synthesis of Prostaglandin PGF

Synthetic Efforts Towards the Synthesis of Prostaglandin PGF2aack up after being thrown to the ground.I would like to sincerely thank my research advisor. Dr. Crowe, for letting me join his research group and for

giving me a new perspective on organic chemistry: I will use it well. I would also like to thank Connie Davis for GCMS training and general advice. T Synthetic Efforts Towards the Synthesis of Prostaglandin PGF2a

o Dr. Rafael Cueto, thank you for allowing me to use your lab and assistance with ozonolysis. Thanks also go to Dr. Dale Treleavan (1945-2013). Dr. Th

Synthetic Efforts Towards the Synthesis of Prostaglandin PGF2a

omas Weldeghiorhis for the NMR training and analysis help. I would like to thank Dean Guillermo Ferreya. and Dr. Carol Taylor for helping me through m

Louisiana State UniversityLSU Digital CommonsLSU Doctoral DissertationsGraduate School2016Synthetic Efforts Towards the Synthesis of Prostaglandin PGF

Synthetic Efforts Towards the Synthesis of Prostaglandin PGF2a. Thank you for your counsel. You were there when things got crazy. I fear that a mere thank is not enough, but thank you.iiiTABLE OF CONTENTSACKNOWLE

DGMENTS........................................................................iiiLIST OF TABLES...................................................... Synthetic Efforts Towards the Synthesis of Prostaglandin PGF2a


Louisiana State UniversityLSU Digital CommonsLSU Doctoral DissertationsGraduate School2016Synthetic Efforts Towards the Synthesis of Prostaglandin PGF

Louisiana State UniversityLSU Digital CommonsLSU Doctoral DissertationsGraduate School2016Synthetic Efforts Towards the Synthesis of Prostaglandin PGF

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