Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boards

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Nội dung chi tiết: Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boards

Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boards

Templates in Chess Memory:A Mechanism for Recalling Several BoardsFernand Gobet and Herbert A. SimonDepartment of Psychology Carnegie Mellon Universit

Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several BoardstyTo appear in Covniiive PsycholiivyAddress of correspondence: Herbert A. SimonDepartment of PsychologyCarnegie Mellon UniversityPittsburgh. PA 15213R

unning head: Templates in Chess MemoryTemplates in Chess MemoryAbstractThis paper addresses empirically and theoretically a question derived from the Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boards

chunking theory of memory (Chase & Simon. 1973): To what extent is skilled chess memory limited by (he size of short-term memory (about 7 chunks)? Thi

Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boards

s question is addressed first with an experiment where subjects, ranking from class ?\ players to grandmasters, are asked to recall up to 5 positions

Templates in Chess Memory:A Mechanism for Recalling Several BoardsFernand Gobet and Herbert A. SimonDepartment of Psychology Carnegie Mellon Universit

Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boardspieces than is predicted by the chunking theory in its original form. A second experiment shows that longer latencies between the presentation of boar

ds facilitate recall. In a third experiment, a Chessmaster gradually increases the number of boards he can reproduce with higher than 70% average accu Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boards

racy to nine, replacing as many as 160 pieces correctly. To account for the results of these experiments, a revision of the Chase-Simon theory is prop

Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boards

osed. It is suggested that chess players, like experts in other recall tasks, use long-term memory retrieval structures (Chase & Ericsson, 1982) or te

Templates in Chess Memory:A Mechanism for Recalling Several BoardsFernand Gobet and Herbert A. SimonDepartment of Psychology Carnegie Mellon Universit

Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boardsal BoardsA regrettable finding of cognitive psychology is that the human cognitive system is lull of severe information processing limits, in pitrlicu

lar: a limit on the short-term memory' (STM) capacity (about seven chunks), a limit on rhe amount of information that can be learned in a given lime ( Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boards

about seven chunks in one minute) and a limit on the rate of searching through problem solving states (perhaps 10 states per minute). A felicitous fin

Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boards

ding of cognitive psychology is that, as experts in various domains demonstrate to us. these limits may be (partly) circumvented: trained subjects rec

Templates in Chess Memory:A Mechanism for Recalling Several BoardsFernand Gobet and Herbert A. SimonDepartment of Psychology Carnegie Mellon Universit

Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boardsplay simultaneous games when blindfolded.A chunking model of chess memoryResearch in cognitive psychology has pinpointed three features of expertise t

hat arc visible across domains: the importance of pattern recognition, the importance of selective search, and rich knowledge in the domain of experti Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boards

se. A first attempt to tie these three features together in a single theoretical framework was made by Chase and Simon (1973b). These authors applied

Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boards

their theory to rhe game of chess, a domain that has historically provided a rich source of data and insight lor studying expertise (Charness. 1992).S

Templates in Chess Memory:A Mechanism for Recalling Several BoardsFernand Gobet and Herbert A. SimonDepartment of Psychology Carnegie Mellon Universit

Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boards unfamiliar chess positions shown to them for only a fewseconds. To explain this performance, which does not extend to pieces arranged randomly on the

board. Chase and Simon (1973a. 1973b). making use of the EPAM model of perception and memory (Simon & Feigenbaum, 1964). proposed that, in the course Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boards

of acquiring their skill, chessplayers stored chunks in long-term memory (LTM) corresponding to patterns of pieces. Each chunk consists of a small pa

Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boards

ttern that recurs frequently in the chess positions encountered while playing. To account for their performance, assuming that only about a half dozen

Templates in Chess Memory:A Mechanism for Recalling Several BoardsFernand Gobet and Herbert A. SimonDepartment of Psychology Carnegie Mellon Universit

Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boardse (Simon & Gilmartin. 1973).The chunking model also provided a theory of the processes underlying chess skill. Skill, according to this theory, has tw

o main components: ability to search the tree of possible moves and their potential consequences highly selectively, and ability to evaluate positions Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boards

and to discover potentially strong moves. Both abilities are based on recognition of features (familiar chunks) on the chessboard. The search of the

Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boards

skilled player is guided by heuristics, or rules of thumb, that permit it to be restricted to a small tree of possibilities (usually less than 100). T

Templates in Chess Memory:A Mechanism for Recalling Several BoardsFernand Gobet and Herbert A. SimonDepartment of Psychology Carnegie Mellon Universit

Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boardsgiving access, for example, to information stored in memory about moves that may be advantageous when that chunk is present. (E.g.. "If there is an op

en file, consider moving a rook onto it.’’). Rapid recognition of patterns or chunks is also essential for evaluating the positions at the termini of Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boards

searches. This recognition and memory retrieval capability explains how skilled players arc able to play rapid-transit or simultaneous games at a rela

Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boards

tively high level of competence -- games that do not allow time for much look-ahead search (Gobet & Simon, in press-a). At the same time ithttps://kho

Templates in Chess Memory:A Mechanism for Recalling Several BoardsFernand Gobet and Herbert A. SimonDepartment of Psychology Carnegie Mellon Universit

Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boardscally. Chase and Simon's model explains the main qualitative results in the recall task (Masters’ superiority with game positions, but minimal skill d

ifferences with random positions) in the following way: during the presentation of a position taken from a game, familiar patterns of pieces on the bo Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boards

ard are recognized as chunks, and a pointer to these chunks is placed in STM. the size of which is limited. Because strong players possess both more a

Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boards

nd larger chunks ỉn LTM. they recognize more and larger patterns on the board, and therefore recall more pieces from the positions. In the case of ran

Templates in Chess Memory:A Mechanism for Recalling Several BoardsFernand Gobet and Herbert A. SimonDepartment of Psychology Carnegie Mellon Universit

Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boardsimon themselves presented with reservations. and as only a first approximation, has been challenged, mainly on two grounds: the assumption that inform

ation is stored in a short-term store during the recall task, and the assumption that information is organized in chunks whose number reaches about 50 Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boards

,000 for professional chess players. We will investigate the short-term memory assumption in this paper, while the question of chunking is addressed i

Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boards

n detail in another paper (Gobet & Simon, in press-b).Effects of Interfering TasksThe first kind of evidence challenging Chase and Simon’s use of STM

Templates in Chess Memory:A Mechanism for Recalling Several BoardsFernand Gobet and Herbert A. SimonDepartment of Psychology Carnegie Mellon Universit

Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boardsfering tasks, such asTemplates in Chess Memory6counting backward in threes from an arbitrary number, had a strong effect on the recall of three-conson

ant trigrams.1 Templates in Chess Memory A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boards

Templates in Chess Memory:A Mechanism for Recalling Several BoardsFernand Gobet and Herbert A. SimonDepartment of Psychology Carnegie Mellon Universit

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