The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

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Nội dung chi tiết: The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research: A Rhetorical ApproachHeidi McKee and James E. PorterA researcher is studying discursive constructions of ident

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approachtity in an online discussion forum. Because this forum is publicly available on the Web, she decides she does not need permission from discussants to

use their posts. For three months, she conducts an observational ethnography, reading messages posted to the forum, but not writing any herself. She i The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

s an unseen researcher whose presence is unknown because unannounced. She justifies her invisible presence as her way of observing the writing practic

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

es of online community members in a more naturalistic way. Is this an ethical research practice?A teacher-researcher conducts a case study of several

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research: A Rhetorical ApproachHeidi McKee and James E. PorterA researcher is studying discursive constructions of ident

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approachs students’ permission, the complete video files for students’ digital autobiographies. In these digital autobiographies, students incorporated photog

raphs, videos, and sound clips of friends and family members — and. in some cases, the family members are providing sensitive personal information abo The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

ut their lives. While the researcher has the permission of the students who created the multimedia compositions, does the researcher have any ethical

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

responsibilities to the "third parties." the family members represented aurally and visually in these digital works?A researcher studying young adults

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research: A Rhetorical ApproachHeidi McKee and James E. PorterA researcher is studying discursive constructions of ident

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach she decides not to try to direct people toward resources for help as she would had students written such disclosures in. say. a live, face-to-face fo

rum such as her classroom. When encountering distressing information like suicidal tendencies in texts on the Internet, what ethical actions, if any. The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

should a researcher pursue?We begin with these scenarios to illustrate some of the practical ethical questions facing researchers who work with digita

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

l texts and who study writing and writers in digital environments. Some of these ethical dilemmas have analogs in face-to-face (F2F) research. Some ar

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research: A Rhetorical ApproachHeidi McKee and James E. PorterA researcher is studying discursive constructions of ident

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approachmputer-based, and/or computer-delivered documents: (2) computer-based text production: and (3) the interactions of people who use computerized technol

ogies to communicate through digital means. Because of the increasing digitization of writing in educational, institutional, and social contexts, all The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

compositionthe ethics of dwr— 2researchers, not just computer and writing specialists, need to consider ethical approaches to digital writing research

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

.Our field — which we broadly define to Include rhetoric/composition, computers and writing, and technical/professional communication — has published

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research: A Rhetorical ApproachHeidi McKee and James E. PorterA researcher is studying discursive constructions of ident

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approacher than a handful of notable exceptions (e.g., Clark, Gurak and Kastman, Gurak and Silker, St. Amant), most of the research and discussion about digit

al research ethics Is happening in other disciplines, not in our field — or at least not in our published forams. What is particularly odd to US about The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

this Is that digital research, particularly research that involves the Internet and other online spaces, is fundamentally composition research. That

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

is, while psychologists, for example, may be studying the interactions of participants in an online self-help forum, they are also studying writing an

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research: A Rhetorical ApproachHeidi McKee and James E. PorterA researcher is studying discursive constructions of ident

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approache much to contribute to discussions of ethical approaches for researching and understanding digital texts, digital writers, and interactions in digita

l spaces.In this article, we examine some of the problematic ethical issues that researchers face when doing digital writing research. Through analysi The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

s of scenarios like the ones presented above, we show how studying writing in digital environments poses distinct ethical problems and issues for rese

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

archers. We suggest that rhetorlc/composition as a field has something distinctive to offer discussions of Internet research ethics across a number of

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research: A Rhetorical ApproachHeidi McKee and James E. PorterA researcher is studying discursive constructions of ident

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approachh Inventlonal system here — what we are calling a casuistic-heuristic approach — useful for making tough ethical decisions. This approach could be app

lied more broadly to all kinds of research, not just digital writing research. But we think that it is a particularly useful procedure for addressing The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

the complexity of digital writing research. A casuistic-heuristic approach grounded in rhetorical principles will not generate a set of simplistic ans

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

wers to the issues raisedthe ethics of dwr — 3by the contextual scenarios above. What it will do, though, is oiler a procedure for identifying the eth

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research: A Rhetorical ApproachHeidi McKee and James E. PorterA researcher is studying discursive constructions of ident

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approachsuistic thinking in their approach to researc h: the art ol rhetoric by its very nature teaches US the importance ol audience and ol situational c ire

umslanc es; the field of composition leac lies US to be attentive Io individual writers as persons.Our attempt here is Io artic ulate more explicitly The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

a heuristic framework lor c asuistic thinking in relation Io digital writing research.In the first part of our discussion, we consider some ol the cu

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

rrent approaches to ethical dec ision making for researc h projec ts, examining the federal regulations governing human subjects institutional review

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research: A Rhetorical ApproachHeidi McKee and James E. PorterA researcher is studying discursive constructions of ident

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approachul (and, in the case of the IRB, required), but they may not be sufficient for researchers working in digital environments and considering digital con

texts where boundaries between concepts such as public/private and researcher, participant are often blurred, in the second part of our discussion, we The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

offer a rhetorical procedure for making ethical decisions — describing the casuistic heuristic that we are using to develop our approach and explaini

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

ng the role of rhetoric in ethical decisionmaking. Finally, in the third section, we apply the heuristic to a few cases, focusing on cases illustrativ

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research: A Rhetorical ApproachHeidi McKee and James E. PorterA researcher is studying discursive constructions of ident

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approachducting.1. INSmuriO.NALAJND ORGANIZATIONAL APPROACHES TO RESEARCH Limes"No set of rigid rules can ever capture the subtlety of ethical situations that

arise.” (Bruckman, Ethical)Ac cording Io Title 4.r>, Part 46 of the United States Code of Federal Regulations (4"> CFR 46) and ac cording Io most c o The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

lleges' and universities’ research policies, researchers working with human subjects must obtain approval from an institutional review board (IRB) in

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

order to ensurethe ethics of dwr — 4the protection of human subjects and to ensure that research is conducted in an ethical manner.* The ethical princ

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research: A Rhetorical ApproachHeidi McKee and James E. PorterA researcher is studying discursive constructions of ident

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approachearchers first submit their research protocol to an IRB, the board administrator or a designated board member determines whether the study Is eligible

for review and If so at which level of review. To be eligible for review, the activity being conducted needs to be designated “research” and it needs The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

to involve human subjects, as defined by 45 CFR 46. (Since the federal Office of Human Research Protections [OHRP] has provided written guidelines to

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

help researchers and IRB administrators and board members determine whether an activity is research involving human subjects and since most researche

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research: A Rhetorical ApproachHeidi McKee and James E. PorterA researcher is studying discursive constructions of ident

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach2004 OHRP summarized these guidelines Imo “Human Subject Regulations Decision Charts.” We would like to take a moment to focus on these decision chart

s and the ethical framework they provide, because the initial determination of whether or not a researcher is working with human subjects (and is thus The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

eligible for IRB review) is an essential ethical question, one that underlies how a researcher will proceed with the rest of the research study?The k

The Ethics of Digital Writing Research A Rhetorical Approach

ey questions OHRP specifies for determining whether or not research involves human subjects are summarized in the first chart (see Figure 1). The firs

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