The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).

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Nội dung chi tiết: The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).

The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).

ỊỆThe Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).ISSN# 1526-5145 since 1997Publisher:The Maronite R

The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).Research Institute (MARI) Editor-in-Chief: Guita G. Hourani Deputy Chief Editor(s): Edward J. Brice Associate Editor: Catherine Bolton Copy Editor: Ma

nell Brice Reasearch Associate: Joseph Medawar Genealogist: Ross MacKayTranslator:Kozhaya AkikiWeb Design & Management: Michael V. Korotaev Jason RoyC The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).

orrespondence to The Journal of Maronite Studies and articles being submitted for possible publication should be addressed to (he Editor,Individual op

The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).

inions expressed in (he Journal do not necessarily represent the views and opinions ofThe Maronite Research Institute or The Journal of Maronite Studi

ỊỆThe Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).ISSN# 1526-5145 since 1997Publisher:The Maronite R

The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI)..orciA HEALING RECIPE FOR THE THIRD MILLENNIUMWhat marks Christianity and sets It apart from other religions of all time, is the commandment of love.

This powerful lodestone of the Christian faith is a universal spirit of compassion that fills the hearts of all true Christians and manifests Itself i The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).

n their caring for each other, in lending a hand to those in need and in sharing the joys and sorrows of all humankind as one indivisible body and sou

The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).

l.It is said that when they needed help of any kind, whether it was food, shelter or security, the early Christians had only to proclaim these words.

ỊỆThe Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).ISSN# 1526-5145 since 1997Publisher:The Maronite R

The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).ial declaration of faith that their fellow Christians reach out to help them fill their needs.Christianity, as the first Christians understood it. was

all about love. It began with God. who so much loved the beings of this earth that He sent his only son into the world, as the personification of His The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).

love, to save them. For two thousand years now. the shining flame of Christ's love has continued to glow, calling upon all people to follow its light

The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).

and share its blessings with one another.In his First Epistle to the Thessalonians, Chapter 5. Saint Paul talks about how we must love one another, h

ỊỆThe Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).ISSN# 1526-5145 since 1997Publisher:The Maronite R

The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).arity for their work's sake He instructs US to live in peace with all. to rebuke the unquiet, comfort the feeble in spirit, protect the weak in body,

and show understanding towards those who try our patience.Love is a powerful recipe that never fails. It was tempered into everlasting strength by Chr The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).

ist Himself, through His incarnation, teachings, death and resurrection. It IS said that the first Christians applied this recipe so well and vividly

The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).

that they were instantly recognized by all others as followers of the Nazarene whose great love had bonded them together.To those who live in fear tod

ỊỆThe Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).ISSN# 1526-5145 since 1997Publisher:The Maronite R

The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).hat God's love truly endures. We say that the world IS made of you and me; we say that because for too long we neglected love, we became pari of the p

roblem and that it will be only through resurrecting love that we can become part of the solution. As Mother Theresa advised. "We can accomplish somet The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).

hing extraordinary by doing something ordinary with love."At the dawn of this Third Millennium of Our Lord, let US all in words and in deeds partake o

The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).

f this potion of love to heal ourselves, our communities and our worldGuita G. Hourani Editor In ChiefSYRIAC CHRISTIANITY: YESTERDAY, TODAY AND FOREVE

ỊỆThe Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).ISSN# 1526-5145 since 1997Publisher:The Maronite R

The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).e, Emmitsburg. Maryland.This paper was presented at the 37th Annual Convention of the National Apostolate of Maronites, Washington. D.C. USA. July 7th

, 2000.I.INTRODUCTIONIt is a great pleasure for me to be here with you today and to have the opportunity to speak to you about a subject that is dear The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).

to my heart. It is a daunting thing to be asked to speak to you about your own tradition, but it may be that those of US who live our Christian lives

The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).

outside of the Syriac tradition are able to recognize more clearly its great riches and peculiar benefits. At least, that will be my task today: to tr

ỊỆThe Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).ISSN# 1526-5145 since 1997Publisher:The Maronite R

The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).iac Christians have done for the universal Church and what they can do for it in the future.I have decided to divide my remarks into three parts to de

monstrate the three parts of the title that Fr. Dominic Ashkar (Pastor of Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Church in Washington. D.c.) helped me devise: w The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).

here the Syriac Church has been, where is it now (especially its Maronite component), and where it might go in the future. I will try to describe to y

The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).

ou some things about (he spread of Syriac Christianity and its influence in India. Central Asia. China and, finally, in England. Once we have examined

ỊỆThe Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).ISSN# 1526-5145 since 1997Publisher:The Maronite R

The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).istic qualities. Those two elements: the geographical spread of Its influence and the quality of its Theology will. I hope, give US some idea of what

we are referring to when we talk about what Syriac Christianity can do with its tradition as it looks forward to the future.We will begin in the past, The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).

as our faith did and as Christians always do when they try to understand themselves. That is why The Letter to the Hebrews 13:8 can speak of Jesus Ch

The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).

rist yesterday, today and forever and ‘Why wo speak of Syriac Christianity in the same way. We have a history we can trace and tracing it is how we co

ỊỆThe Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).ISSN# 1526-5145 since 1997Publisher:The Maronite R

The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).t was fully come, they wore all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled a

ll the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all fil The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).

led with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with othertongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout me

The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).

n, out of every nation under heaven. Nov/ when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard

ỊỆThe Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).ISSN# 1526-5145 since 1997Publisher:The Maronite R

The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).w hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born? Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judaea, and C

appadocia, in Pontus, and Asia, Phrygia, and Pamphyha, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome. Jews and proselytes. C The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).

retes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God (Acts 2: 1-11)This scene of the Pentecost, from the beginning of t

The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).

he second chapter of The Acts of the Apostles, reminds US of two important things:A: From the very first, the Church spread from Jerusalem to the East

ỊỆThe Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).ISSN# 1526-5145 since 1997Publisher:The Maronite R

The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI). of the Roman Empire that included roughly what we now call Syria. Iraq. Iran and Afghanistan], Medes (Medes might be Persians, or people from Asia Mi

nor],..dwellers in Mesopotamia...Arabians [these two we all can recognize]’, andB: The new faith of the Church was carried first to the world by Jewis The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).

h believers in their own languages. Toward the East, that language was predominantly Aramaic. What we call "Syriac" IS a western form of Aramaic usual

The Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).

ly written in a different alphabet than the Hebrew and Aramaic Old Testament

ỊỆThe Journal of Maronite Studies is the official journal of the Maronite Research Institute (MARI).ISSN# 1526-5145 since 1997Publisher:The Maronite R

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