Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14

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Nội dung chi tiết: Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14

Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14

CALIFORNIA LEGISLATUREInformational HearingSenate Committee on AgricultureSenator Cathleen Galgiani, ChairThe Future of California Agricultural Educat

Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14tion and uc Cooperative Extensionstate Capitol, Sacramento March 18, 2014SENATOR CATHLEEN GALGIANI: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Senate Agricu

lture Committee's informational hearing on the Future of California Agricultural Education and uc Cooperative Extension.California leads the nation in Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14

agricultural productivity, where in 2012 the farm gate value for ag products was S44.7 billion. But despite this growing market, California is consis

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tently faced with challenges. We are currently in a severe and dangerous drought that calls for additional storage solutions. We’re also continuously

CALIFORNIA LEGISLATUREInformational HearingSenate Committee on AgricultureSenator Cathleen Galgiani, ChairThe Future of California Agricultural Educat

Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14t generation of farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural leaders.These challenges can only be addressed through the development and continued support

of agricultural education. This hearing will address ag education in two parts. The first will focus on the education of future agricultural leaders Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14

through high school educational programs, and thesecond will focus on the work and expertise provided to farmers and to the community through the uc C

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ooperative Extension Program.High school agricultural education provides the opportunity for our children to gain real-world knowledge and skills appl

CALIFORNIA LEGISLATUREInformational HearingSenate Committee on AgricultureSenator Cathleen Galgiani, ChairThe Future of California Agricultural Educat

Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14 of high school agricultural education and the impact on this program if existing funding sources are reallocated.On the other end of the ag education

spectrum, the uc Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources' Cooperative Extension is a valuable resource for all of California. The second part o Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14

f today's hearing will provide an update as to the current status of Cooperative Extension, given that it has endured significant budget cuts over the

Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14

last decade. We will discuss future progress toward rebuilding the program and hear testimony from current advisors and farmers as to the impact of C

CALIFORNIA LEGISLATUREInformational HearingSenate Committee on AgricultureSenator Cathleen Galgiani, ChairThe Future of California Agricultural Educat

Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14like to invite our first panel to come forward. Mr. Russell Weikle, Career and College Transition Division Director, California Department of Educatio

n; Kimberly Leahy from the California Department of Finance; and Natasha Collins from the Legislative Analyst's Office.2While Mr. Weikle comes forward Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14

, I would like to invite anyone interested in providing testimony during the public comment period to please sign in with the sergeants.Welcome and th

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ank you.MR. RUSSELL WEIKLE: Good morning. My name is Russell Weikle. I'm the director of the Career and College Transition Division of the California

CALIFORNIA LEGISLATUREInformational HearingSenate Committee on AgricultureSenator Cathleen Galgiani, ChairThe Future of California Agricultural Educat

Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14983, in response to industry demands to improve agricultural education at the high school level in California. Since the inception of the program, mea

surable statewide achievements have been accomplished in agricultural education. Since 1991, the California Association of Future Farmers of America h Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14

as won the State of the Year Award 11 times. Forty-three percent of agricultural courses now meet the uc A-G entrance requirements; 75 percent of all

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graduating agricultural education seniors attend postsecondary education after high school; and enrollment in ag classes has actually grown to nearly

CALIFORNIA LEGISLATUREInformational HearingSenate Committee on AgricultureSenator Cathleen Galgiani, ChairThe Future of California Agricultural Educat

Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14 health are the two that have grown in the last several years while all others have shown a decline. The Agriculture Incentive Grant provides approxim

ately $4 million to improve the quality of ag programs around the state with requirements for matching funds from3other sources, and none of these fun Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14

ds can be used for salaries or indirect costs. I would say that most school districts, they can match these funds with any dollars, so a lot of them u

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se the Federal Perkins dollars, and I will say that there is a Maintenance of Effort Requirement on the Federal Perkins dollars, and we at the Departm

CALIFORNIA LEGISLATUREInformational HearingSenate Committee on AgricultureSenator Cathleen Galgiani, ChairThe Future of California Agricultural Educat

Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14griculture Incentive Grant threatens a proven delivery model that provides essential agriculture education and leadership training experience for stud

ents interested in agriculture, California's single most important industry and vitally important to our state's economy. The Ag Incentive Grant is no Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14

t a categorical entitlement. It is, in fact, a true incentive program designed to assist local schools which choose to participate in providing high-q

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uality agricultural education fortheir students. While Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson supports the implementation of the Local Con

CALIFORNIA LEGISLATUREInformational HearingSenate Committee on AgricultureSenator Cathleen Galgiani, ChairThe Future of California Agricultural Educat

Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14Local Control Funding Formula. Thank you.SENATOR GALGIANI: Thank you very much.Our second speaker, please, Kimberly Leahy, California Department of Fi

nance.MS. KIMBERLY LEAHY: Good morning, Madam Chair and members. Kimberly Leahy with the Department of Finance, and I'm pleased to present4the Governo Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14

r's 2014-15 budget proposal related to the Agricultural Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Program. The 2013-14 fiscal year is the first-year

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implementation of the Local Control Funding Formula for K-12 schools. The Local Control Funding Formula replaced revenue limits and most categorical p

CALIFORNIA LEGISLATUREInformational HearingSenate Committee on AgricultureSenator Cathleen Galgiani, ChairThe Future of California Agricultural Educat

Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14districts.During last year's budget deliberations, the funding for the Agricultural Career Technical Educational Incentive Grant Program and a special

ized secondary program was proposed to be included in the Local Control Funding Formula. However, the final budget bill presented to the governor pres Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14

erved these two programs as categoricals. As a result, the governor issued a signing message directing Department of Finance staff to examine whether

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these two programs should continue to exist as categoricals. As a result of the Department of Finance staff review, the governor's budget transfers th

CALIFORNIA LEGISLATUREInformational HearingSenate Committee on AgricultureSenator Cathleen Galgiani, ChairThe Future of California Agricultural Educat

Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14eceive these funds but without the programmatic constraints or associated administrative requirements. Consistent with the principles of the Local Con

trol Funding Formula, we believe this will provide local educational agencies greater flexibility to offer these programs in ways that meet the needs Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14

of their students.5The current Agricultural Career Tech Ed Program provides $4.1 million annually to districts through an application process administ

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ered by the state Department of Education. The funds are for any non-salary, program-related expenditure, such as instructional equipment, supplies, f

CALIFORNIA LEGISLATUREInformational HearingSenate Committee on AgricultureSenator Cathleen Galgiani, ChairThe Future of California Agricultural Educat

Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14trict operating an Agricultural Career Tech Ed Program is already dedicating significant general purpose funding for teachers, which typically represe

nts the bulk of this program's costs.Historically, categorical programs have focused on the inputs. Districts were required to report on expenditures Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14

and enrollment but not on the outcomes, such as completion rates. Under the Local Control Funding Formula, districts must demonstrate in their Local C

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ontrol Accountability Plan how they are serving the needs of their students. The Local Control Accountability Plan emphasizes the importance of progra

CALIFORNIA LEGISLATUREInformational HearingSenate Committee on AgricultureSenator Cathleen Galgiani, ChairThe Future of California Agricultural Educat

Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14s to address career technical education by reporting on outcomes, such as the percentage of students who have successfully completed career technical

educational courses or career technical education programs of study.In communities where the Agricultural Career Tech Ed Program is important, distric Transcript - Final - Future of CA Agricultural Ed and UC Cooperative Extension 3-18-14

ts can continue to fund it under the Local Control Funding Formula. Moreover, we believe that including the funding for this program in

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