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Nội dung chi tiết: TRSE-2013-Lower-Order-Expectations


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TRSE-2013-Lower-Order-Expectationslisher: RoutledgeInforma Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer street, Lond

on WIT 3JH, UKTheory & Research in Social EducationPublication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.ta TRSE-2013-Lower-Order-ExpectationsÔThe Lower-Order Expectations of High-Stakes Tests: A Four-state Analysis of Social Studies Standards and Test Alignment Scott


w. DeWitt3, Nancy Patterson b , WhitneyBlankenship c , Brooke Blevins d , Lorrei DiCamillo e , David Gerwin ' , Jill M. Gradwell g , John Gunn ' , Lam

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TRSE-2013-Lower-Order-Expectationsstate University ' Rhode Island College d Baylor University e Canisius College* Queens College, City University of New York g Buffalo State College-SU

NYh University of North Alabama : University of Texas at Austin 3 Auburn University■' The College of William and Mary■ Georgia state University Publis TRSE-2013-Lower-Order-Expectations

hed online: 04 Sep 2013.To cite this article: Scott w. DeWitt , Nancy Patterson , Whitney Blankenship , Brooke Blevins , Lorrei DiCamillo , David Gerw


in , Jill M. Gradwell , John Gunn , Lamont Maddox , Cinthia Salinas , John Saye , Jeremy Stoddard & Caroline c. Sullivan (2013) The Lower-Order Expect

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TRSE-2013-Lower-Order-Expectations04.2013.787031To link to this article: SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLEby (Baylor University Libraries] at

14:00 02 January 2014Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in the publications TRSE-2013-Lower-Order-Expectations

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TRSE-2013-Lower-Order-Expectationsd University Faculty Assembly ofNational Council lor the Social StudiesISSN 0093-3104 print / 2163-1654 onlineDOI: 10.1080/00933104.2013.7870313 Routl

edgeTaylor ranch GroupThe Lower-Order Expectations of High-Stakes Tests: A Four-State Analysis of Social Studies Standards and Test AlignmentScott w. TRSE-2013-Lower-Order-Expectations

DeWittUniversity of Cincinnati-Blue Ash CollegeNancy PattersonBowling Green State UniversityWhitney BlankenshipRhode Island CollegeBrooke BlevinsBaylo


r University

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