Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regions

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Nội dung chi tiết: Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regions

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regions

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon RegionsVera, c.\ w. GutowskP.C. R. Mechoso’, B. N. Goswami4, c. Reason5, c. D.

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regions Thorncroft0, J.A. Marengo7, B. Hewitson8, H. Hendon9, c. Jones10, p. Lionello”’Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmosfera (CIMA/CONICET-UBA). D

CAO/FCEN. UMI IFAECI/CNRS, Buenos Aires, Argentina (, of Geological & Atmospheric Sciences, Dept, of Agronomy, Iowa sta Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regions

te University, Ames, Iowa. USA ( of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. University of California. Los Angeles. USA (mech

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regions Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India ( of Oceanography. University of Cape Town

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon RegionsVera, c.\ w. GutowskP.C. R. Mechoso’, B. N. Goswami4, c. Reason5, c. D.

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon de Ciencia do Sistema Terrestre (CCST). INPE. São Paulo. Brazil ( system Analysis Group. Univ

ersity of Cape Town. Rondebosch, South Africa( for Australian Weather and Climate Research. Melbourne. VIC. Australia(h Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regions Center, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Norrkoping, Sweden( of Salento

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regions

and CMCC, Lecce. Italy (!AbstractThe chapter highlights selected scientific advances made under

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon RegionsVera, c.\ w. GutowskP.C. R. Mechoso’, B. N. Goswami4, c. Reason5, c. D.

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regionsted to a better understanding of the physical processes related to the ocean-land-atmosphere interaction that characterize the monsoon variability as

well as to a better knowledge of the sources of climate predictability. The chapter also highlights a number of challenges that are considered crucial Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regions

to improving the ability to simulate and thereby predict regional climate variability. The representation of multi-scale convection and its interacti

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regions

on with coupled modes of tropical variability (where coupling refers both to ocean-atmosphere and/or land-atmosphere coupling) remains the leading pro

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon RegionsVera, c.\ w. GutowskP.C. R. Mechoso’, B. N. Goswami4, c. Reason5, c. D.

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regionsation of the mean annual and diurnal cycles continue to be critical issues that reflect fundamental deficiencies in the representation of moist physic

s and atmosphere/land/ocean coupling. These errors do not appear to be remedied by simple model resolution increases, and they are likely a major impe Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regions

diment to improving the skill of monsoon forecasts at all time scales, other processes, however, can also play an important role in climate simulation

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regions

at regional levels. The influence of land cover change requires better quantification. Likewise, aerosol loading resulting from biomass burning, urba

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon RegionsVera, c.\ w. GutowskP.C. R. Mechoso’, B. N. Goswami4, c. Reason5, c. D.

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regionsodels. More work is also required to elucidate mechanisms that give rise to intraseasonal variability. On longer timescales an improved understanding

of interannual to decadal monsoon variability and predictability is required to better understand, attribute and simulate near-term climate change and Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regions

to assess the potential for interannual and longer monsoon prediction.A need is found to strengthen the links between model evaluation at the applica

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regions

tions level and process-oriented refinement of model formulation. Further work is required to develop and sustain effective communication among the ob

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon RegionsVera, c.\ w. GutowskP.C. R. Mechoso’, B. N. Goswami4, c. Reason5, c. D.

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regionsch and investment is needed to translate climate data into actionable information at the regional and local scales required for decisions.Keywords Mon

soons. Climate Variability. Climate Change. Regional Climate Modeling, predictability.21 IntroductionThe better understanding, simulation and predicti Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regions

on of climate and its variability at regional and local scales have challenged the scientific community for many decades. These are complex subjects d

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regions

ue to the physical processes and interactions that occur on space and time scales among the different elements of the climate system. In addition, cli

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon RegionsVera, c.\ w. GutowskP.C. R. Mechoso’, B. N. Goswami4, c. Reason5, c. D.

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regionspopulations live.Understanding, simulating and predicting monsoons involves multiple aspects of the physical climate system (i.e.. atmosphere, ocean,

land, and cryosphere), as well as the impact of human activities. During the last decades World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) has promoted interna Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regions

tional research programs that have implemented modeling activities and field experiments aimed to the fundamental processes that shape the monsoons. T

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regions

he WCRP/CLIVAR panel on the Variability of American Monsoon Systems (VAMOS. Mechoso 2000) contributed to the organization of multinational research on

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon RegionsVera, c.\ w. GutowskP.C. R. Mechoso’, B. N. Goswami4, c. Reason5, c. D.

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regionsan Monsoon Experiment (NAME, Higgins et al. 2006), La Plata Basin (LPB) Regional Hydroclimate Project (Berbery et al. 2005), VAMOS Ocean-Cloud- Atmosp

here-Land Study (VOCALS, Wood and Mechoso 200B) in the southeastern Pacific, and more recently the Intra-Americas study of Climate Processes (IASCLIP) Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regions

Program (Enfield et al. 2009). The West African Monsoon (WAM) has also received considerable attention through the international African Monsoon Mult

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regions

idisciplinary Analysis (AMMA) program (Redelsperger et al. 2010). Several observational campaigns, such as the GEWEX/CEOP (Coordinated Enhanced Observ

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon RegionsVera, c.\ w. GutowskP.C. R. Mechoso’, B. N. Goswami4, c. Reason5, c. D.

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regionservations for studies on processes and interactions affecting monsoon variability. WCRP also recently sponsored the Asian Monsoon Years (AMY 2007-2012

).The chapter presents outstanding scientific advances made under WCRP leadership in understanding, simulating and predicting climate variability and Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regions

change at regional scales with an emphasis in the monsoon regions. The chapter also discusses important related challenges to be addressed by the WCRP

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regions

community in references to the monsoons2. Regional perspectivesThis section is a brief review of progress in understanding the different monsoon syst

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon RegionsVera, c.\ w. GutowskP.C. R. Mechoso’, B. N. Goswami4, c. Reason5, c. D.

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon Regionsnger including climate change. Rather3than being comprehensive, the review highlights major advances made mainly during the last decade.

Understanding and Predicting Climate Variability and Change at Monsoon RegionsVera, c.\ w. GutowskP.C. R. Mechoso’, B. N. Goswami4, c. Reason5, c. D.

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