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Nội dung chi tiết: WRAP-effects-academic-incubators-university-innovation-Kolympiris-2017


WARWICKManuscript version: Author's Accepted ManuscriptThe version presented in WRAP is the author's accepted manuscript and may differ from the publi

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it.Copyright and reuse:The Warwick Research Archive Portal (WRAP) makes this work by researchers of the University of Warwick available open access u


nder the following conditions.Copyright © and all moral rights to the version of the paper presented here belong to the individual author(s) and/or ot

WARWICKManuscript version: Author's Accepted ManuscriptThe version presented in WRAP is the author's accepted manuscript and may differ from the publi

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on.For more information, please contact the WRAP Team at: wrap(® Incubators and University Innovat

WARWICKManuscript version: Author's Accepted ManuscriptThe version presented in WRAP is the author's accepted manuscript and may differ from the publi

WRAP-effects-academic-incubators-university-innovation-Kolympiris-2017irisid G. KleinProfessorHankamer School of Business Baylor UniversityPeter Kleitfa bavlor.eduPublished in Strategic Entrepreneurship J

ournalResearch summaryIn this paper we analyze the impact of academic incubators on the quality of innovations produced by US research-intensive acade WRAP-effects-academic-incubators-university-innovation-Kolympiris-2017

mic institutions. We show that establishing a university-affiliated incubator is followed by a reduction in the quality of university innovations. The


conclusion holds when we control for the endogeneity of the decision to establish an incubator using the presence of incubators at peer institutions

WARWICKManuscript version: Author's Accepted ManuscriptThe version presented in WRAP is the author's accepted manuscript and may differ from the publi

WRAP-effects-academic-incubators-university-innovation-Kolympiris-2017cubators compete for resources with technology transfer offices and other campus programs and activities, such that the useful outputs they generate c

an be partially offset by reductions in innovation elsewhere.Managerial summaryDo university incubators drain resources from other university efforts WRAP-effects-academic-incubators-university-innovation-Kolympiris-2017

to generate innovations with commercial relevance? Our analysis suggests that they do: after research intensive US universities establish incubators t


he quality of university innovations, which we measure with patents. drops. This finding has immediate implications for practice as it suggests that t

WARWICKManuscript version: Author's Accepted ManuscriptThe version presented in WRAP is the author's accepted manuscript and may differ from the publi

WRAP-effects-academic-incubators-university-innovation-Kolympiris-2017e of the university. It follows that measuring the net economic effect of incubators is challenging because besides the effects on innovation efforts

the presence of an incubator may attract particular kinds of faculty and students, enhance the prestige of the university, generate economic multiplie WRAP-effects-academic-incubators-university-innovation-Kolympiris-2017

r effects and benefit the community as a whole.JEL: C23. C26. L26. 031.032Keywords: Incubators, patents, innovation, forward citations, licensing1. IM


ROD I CliOXUniversities are increasingly tasked with fostering entrepreneurship and innovation, encouraged to generate revenues from research produce

WARWICKManuscript version: Author's Accepted ManuscriptThe version presented in WRAP is the author's accepted manuscript and may differ from the publi

WRAP-effects-academic-incubators-university-innovation-Kolympiris-2017 entrepreneurial university reflects two recent trends, First, universities arc increasingly patenting research with commercial potential and subseque

ntly seeking to increase their licensing revenues (Bulut and Moschini. 2009; Henderson cl al.. 1998). Al the same lime, universities arc creating incu WRAP-effects-academic-incubators-university-innovation-Kolympiris-2017

bator facilities to assist faculty members, university graduates, community members, or other parties to start new firms that not only contribute to l


ocal economic growth, but also generate income for the university which often holds equity positions in the incubator’s tenant firms.Establishing univ

WARWICKManuscript version: Author's Accepted ManuscriptThe version presented in WRAP is the author's accepted manuscript and may differ from the publi

WRAP-effects-academic-incubators-university-innovation-Kolympiris-2017ia and increasing pressures for public accountability. Moreover, the resources and capabilities used to support start-ups and to generate patented inv

entions are largely shared; maintaining these two activities simultaneously involves leveraging the same academic knowledge and talent, devoting dedic WRAP-effects-academic-incubators-university-innovation-Kolympiris-2017

ated personnel for patent-issuing procedures and auxiliary services to start-ups. as well as directing significant investments for research equipment


that can be used not only by university faculty and staff but also by' incubator tenants. By extension, the overlap of goals and resources between uni

WARWICKManuscript version: Author's Accepted ManuscriptThe version presented in WRAP is the author's accepted manuscript and may differ from the publi

WRAP-effects-academic-incubators-university-innovation-Kolympiris-2017 the twin channels of patenting and incubator activities are connected. This observation calls for reflection upon the basic, yet unexplored.2

WARWICKManuscript version: Author's Accepted ManuscriptThe version presented in WRAP is the author's accepted manuscript and may differ from the publi

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