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Nội dung chi tiết: Conceptualizing_And_Measuring_Ceo_Brand_Image_Aam.pdf


Conceptualizing and Measuring CEO Brand ImageDaniela Andreini. University of Bergamo, ItalyMarc Fetschenn. Rollins College. USALia Zarantonello*, Univ

Conceptualizing_And_Measuring_Ceo_Brand_Image_Aam.pdfversity of Roehampton. UK* Corresponding authorNote Authors contributed equally to the papei and are listed in alphabetical order1The importance of pe

ople as brands has been increasingly recognized as a relevant issue for marketing communication (Thomson, 2006). Ulis applies to many different types Conceptualizing_And_Measuring_Ceo_Brand_Image_Aam.pdf

of people, such as movie celebrities (Luo et al., 2010), spoils celebrities (Yang and Shi. 2011). politicians (Shama. 1976). and chief executive offic


ers (CEOs) (Clio ef al.. 2016). In the last few decades. CEOs have received increasing attention because of the positive or negative effects they can

Conceptualizing and Measuring CEO Brand ImageDaniela Andreini. University of Bergamo, ItalyMarc Fetschenn. Rollins College. USALia Zarantonello*, Univ

Conceptualizing_And_Measuring_Ceo_Brand_Image_Aam.pdfTate. 2005). the trust of the financial industry and analysts (Gaines-Ross. 2000). and overall corporate reputation (Love et al.. 2017). CEOs are ■ in

creasingly recognized as high profile figureheads for then organizations, and consequently tieated as brands with accompanying equity, in their own ri Conceptualizing_And_Measuring_Ceo_Brand_Image_Aam.pdf

ght” (Bendisch et al.. 2013. p. 596). They are viewed as brands and. as such, they can influence consumers’ perceptions of products and services marke


ted by the company (Keller. 1998). Prominent positive examples of CEOs are Warren Buffet. Sundai Picliai (Microsoft). Marc Benioff (Salesforce). Bob I

Conceptualizing and Measuring CEO Brand ImageDaniela Andreini. University of Bergamo, ItalyMarc Fetschenn. Rollins College. USALia Zarantonello*, Univ

Conceptualizing_And_Measuring_Ceo_Brand_Image_Aam.pdfes (Tharanos). Martin Shkreli (Turing Pharmaceuticals). and Martin Winterkom (Volkswagen).Previous studies have shown that CEOs are often effective ad

vertising spokespeople as they are seen as embodying the expertise and trust that consumers require from advertising (Ohanian. 1991: Erdogan and Baker Conceptualizing_And_Measuring_Ceo_Brand_Image_Aam.pdf

. 2000: Saldanha et al.. 2018). Many CEOs have therefore been involved in advertising campaigns (e g Richaid Branson for Virgin and Jolui Sclinatter f


or Papa John’s Pizza), while some have even become the face of the company because then popularity in advertising, including Dave Thomas for Wendy’s a

Conceptualizing and Measuring CEO Brand ImageDaniela Andreini. University of Bergamo, ItalyMarc Fetschenn. Rollins College. USALia Zarantonello*, Univ

Conceptualizing_And_Measuring_Ceo_Brand_Image_Aam.pdfrvices (Rubin e/ a!., 1982) and tins effect has been proven to increase with the popularity of the CFO (Reidenbach and Pitts. 1986). Notably, in the a

ge of social media, these effects can be amplified (lulgoni and Lipsiuan. 2017).CFO branding is a relatively new stream of research, and the number of Conceptualizing_And_Measuring_Ceo_Brand_Image_Aam.pdf

contributions is small (Bcndisch el al.. 2013). Ulis study aimed to expand knowledge about CEO branding by focusing on rhe concept of CFO brand image


, contributing to rhe literature in three ways. First, it offers a conceptualization of CEO brand image as a multi-dimensional construct capturing the

Conceptualizing and Measuring CEO Brand ImageDaniela Andreini. University of Bergamo, ItalyMarc Fetschenn. Rollins College. USALia Zarantonello*, Univ

Conceptualizing_And_Measuring_Ceo_Brand_Image_Aam.pdf from other corporate and product-related brand constructs, such as corporate brand image (Keller, 1993). corporate brand reputation (Walsh et al.. 20

09). product brand awareness (Netenieyer et al., 20041 Yoo el al.. 2000). and CEO familial ity (Kelting and Rice. 2013). Thud, it shows that CEO bl an Conceptualizing_And_Measuring_Ceo_Brand_Image_Aam.pdf

d image can directly predict the credibility of advertisements (ad credibility). CEO brand image also links the relationship between CEO bland familia


rity, consumers' attitude towards social media ads and ad credibility.Keller defined brand image as "the set of associations linked to the brand that

Conceptualizing and Measuring CEO Brand ImageDaniela Andreini. University of Bergamo, ItalyMarc Fetschenn. Rollins College. USALia Zarantonello*, Univ

Conceptualizing_And_Measuring_Ceo_Brand_Image_Aam.pdf that measurement scales should therefore be customized for specific product categories (Low and Lamb. 2000: Park and Srinivasan, 1994). Several brand

image scales have been developed over the years, for example, for the automotive industry, non-profit organizations, and political candidates (for a Conceptualizing_And_Measuring_Ceo_Brand_Image_Aam.pdf

review, see Zarantonello and Pauwels-Delassus, 2015). All these scales measure and4conceptualize bland image differently, because the dimensions ident


ified by scholars in relation to each of these contexts is extremely heterogeneous. This suggests that brand image consists of different types of perc

Conceptualizing and Measuring CEO Brand ImageDaniela Andreini. University of Bergamo, ItalyMarc Fetschenn. Rollins College. USALia Zarantonello*, Univ

Conceptualizing_And_Measuring_Ceo_Brand_Image_Aam.pdfging in a process of scale development designed to uncover the specific dimensionality of the CEO as a brand.The study adopted a grounded theory appro

ach to establish the dimensions of CEO brand image and followed a multi-step scale development process, consisting of scale generation and initial pur Conceptualizing_And_Measuring_Ceo_Brand_Image_Aam.pdf

ification, scale development and final purification, scale validation, and scale application. The paper also discusses the theoretical contributions,


managerial implications, and limitations of the study, and suggests some future research directions.CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORKThe CEO as a brandThere IS gen

Conceptualizing and Measuring CEO Brand ImageDaniela Andreini. University of Bergamo, ItalyMarc Fetschenn. Rollins College. USALia Zarantonello*, Univ

Conceptualizing_And_Measuring_Ceo_Brand_Image_Aam.pdf 2013; Raiigarajan er al.. 2017) or "human brands" (Thomson, 2006) The idea that people can be marketed in a way similar to products or sen ices has l

ong been discussed. In the 1960s. researchers argued that "personal marketing is an endemic human activity, from the employee trying to impress his bo Conceptualizing_And_Measuring_Ceo_Brand_Image_Aam.pdf

ss to the statesman trying to win the support of the public” (Kotler and Levy. 1969. p. 12). Examples of person, or human, brands include celebrities


and well-known people from fields such as films, fashion, live performing arts, media, politics, sports, and business (Lunaido et al.. 2015). All thes

Conceptualizing and Measuring CEO Brand ImageDaniela Andreini. University of Bergamo, ItalyMarc Fetschenn. Rollins College. USALia Zarantonello*, Univ

Conceptualizing_And_Measuring_Ceo_Brand_Image_Aam.pdfterature shows that human brands can generate strong emotional attachment and enhance the quality of the relationship with the consumer (Thomson. 2006

). Tile celebrity brand literature has developed a specific stream on celebrity image (Choi and Rifon. 2007). to help companies to find the right endo Conceptualizing_And_Measuring_Ceo_Brand_Image_Aam.pdf

rser for their products and brands. However, the dimensions characterising celebrity Ullage change with situational context, the role of the celebrity


, and the industry7, such as sport (Arai er al.. 2013). politics, or entertainment (Rojek. 2001: Kerrigan et al.. 2011).CEOs are often assigned as com

Conceptualizing and Measuring CEO Brand ImageDaniela Andreini. University of Bergamo, ItalyMarc Fetschenn. Rollins College. USALia Zarantonello*, Univ

Conceptualizing_And_Measuring_Ceo_Brand_Image_Aam.pdf or do in public might affect the company. The role of CEO as spokesperson has been studied ill advertising (Reidenbach and Pitts. 1986; Fleck et al..

2014). although not all CEOs are equally suitable as advertising spokespeople (Reidenback and Pitts. 1986). The literature has shown that using CEOs Conceptualizing_And_Measuring_Ceo_Brand_Image_Aam.pdf

111 advertising can generate better responses towards advertisements (e.g. higher recall) and the products and services being endorsed (eg. higher pur


chase intentions) than using someone from the corporate communication department (Reidenbach and Pitts. 1986; Fleck et al.. 2014). Like a movie star,

Conceptualizing and Measuring CEO Brand ImageDaniela Andreini. University of Bergamo, ItalyMarc Fetschenn. Rollins College. USALia Zarantonello*, Univ

Conceptualizing_And_Measuring_Ceo_Brand_Image_Aam.pdfhe expected performance of the company and Its products.Person or human branding can therefore apply to CEOs Bendisch er al. (2013, p. 600). in then s

eminal piece on CEO branding, defined CEO brands as a “unique type of people brand because CEOs are subject to various stakeholder needs, are influenc Conceptualizing_And_Measuring_Ceo_Brand_Image_Aam.pdf

ed by the role and identity as managers, and have to consider then relationship with the coiporate brand”. Based on Hankinson and Cowking's (1995) bra


nd dimensions and Aaker's (2003) brand identity categories. Bendisch6

Conceptualizing and Measuring CEO Brand ImageDaniela Andreini. University of Bergamo, ItalyMarc Fetschenn. Rollins College. USALia Zarantonello*, Univ

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