Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australia

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Nội dung chi tiết: Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australia

Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australia

* RMITUNIVERSITYExploring Human Resource Management Practices:An empirical study of the Performing Arts companies in AustraliaA thesis submitted in fu

Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australiaulfilment of the requirements for the degree ofDoctor of PhilosophyByStanley Chibuzo OparaDip of Strategic Communication Management, Open Poly of New

Zealand Bachelor of Arts (Sociology), Massey University. New Zealand Master of Management (HRM), Massey University. New ZealandSchool of Management Co Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australia

llege of Business RMIT University42491DECLARATIONI. Stanley Opara. declare that the PhD thesis entitled Human Resource Management: An empirical study

Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australia

of the performing arts companies in Australia is my own account of my research and contains as its main content work which has not previously been sub

* RMITUNIVERSITYExploring Human Resource Management Practices:An empirical study of the Performing Arts companies in AustraliaA thesis submitted in fu

Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australiasince the commencement of the approved research program: and. any editorial work, paid or unpaid, carried out by a third party is acknowledged. RMTT U

niversity has permission to keep, to lend or to copy this thesis in whole or in part, on conditions that any such use of the material of the thesis be Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australia

duly acknowledged.Stanley c. opara School of Management RMIT UniversityIIACKNOWLEDGEMENTS1 would like to acknowledge the energy and time from my prin

Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australia

cipal supervisor. Professor Pauline Stanton, lor her enormous input and dedication towards this thesis. As a mentor and coach, she was invaluable thro

* RMITUNIVERSITYExploring Human Resource Management Practices:An empirical study of the Performing Arts companies in AustraliaA thesis submitted in fu

Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australias an admirable human being. 1 would also like to thank my two co-supervisors. Associate Professor David Fan and Associate Professor Cathy Brigden. who

joined us al two different stages of the study. Thanks to both of you for providing valuable comments and suggestions throughout the length of this t Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australia

hesis. Your knowledge, experience and insight have been wonderful and most appreciated. 1 would also like to extend my humble acknowledgment to Profes

Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australia

sor Alan Nankervis of Curtin Business School lor taken his lime to review this thesis.1 would also like to thank my brother Distinguished Professor Um

* RMITUNIVERSITYExploring Human Resource Management Practices:An empirical study of the Performing Arts companies in AustraliaA thesis submitted in fu

Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australial comments and suggestions. My thanks are also due to Dr Jeff Okpala. Dr Margaret Heffernan and Dr Raymond Trau both of School of Management RMIT. Eri

c Njoku. Julius Tiger Nwaokeoma. Leonard okere. Okechukwu Opara. Chris Oparaigbo. Clifford Madufo. Azu Azubuike. Luke Iwunze and Yin Huey. Your moral Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australia

support is invaluable in such an undertaking as the writing of a doctoral dissertation. Thank you for your persistent words of encouragement and love.

Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australia

I also acknowledge the professional editing assistance of Dr Bradley Smith of Semiosmith Editing and Consulting Services.l-astly. I would also wish t

* RMITUNIVERSITYExploring Human Resource Management Practices:An empirical study of the Performing Arts companies in AustraliaA thesis submitted in fu

Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australia seemed like a never-ending process. I also wish to thank my three children. Kelechi. Chichi and Uchenna. who have never known life without this thesi

s somewhere around the house. Your steadfast love, encouragement, understanding and patience meant more to me than you will ever know to have your unc Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australia

onditional support throughout this process.iiiABSTRACTThe purpose of this doctoral thesis is to explore human resource management systems and practice

Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australia

s in the performing arts companies in Australia. This is in the context of the assumption that effective utilisation of HRM in an organisation can be

* RMITUNIVERSITYExploring Human Resource Management Practices:An empirical study of the Performing Arts companies in AustraliaA thesis submitted in fu

Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australia and objectives. Despite the growth of Studies on strategic HRM in a range of industries and the economic contribution of the arts to the Australian e

conomy, there has been no study available exploring how performing arts companies manage their human resources. This study aims to fill that gap.This Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australia

is a qualitative study comprised of two phases: the first phase was a set of semistructured interviews with eight key industry stakeholders, designed

Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australia

to capture their perspectives in regard to the practice of HRM in the performing arts. Phase 2 investigated the HRM practices of three case organisati

* RMITUNIVERSITYExploring Human Resource Management Practices:An empirical study of the Performing Arts companies in AustraliaA thesis submitted in fu

Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australiation.The study suggests that there are considerable barriers to the effective adoption and implementation of HRM in the performing arts. In particular

, the research identified four major features that impact on HRM practices in the arts sector. These are: firstly, the precarious nature of employment Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australia

, due to the short-term and project focused w ork. Secondly, the reliance on often limited government funding, supplemented by philanthropy, sponsorsh

Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australia

ip and Box office takings, leading to short-term and long-term financial insecurity and limited capacity for long term planning. Thirdly, limited reso

* RMITUNIVERSITYExploring Human Resource Management Practices:An empirical study of the Performing Arts companies in AustraliaA thesis submitted in fu

Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australiant. Fourthly, despite these difficult conditions, the sector appears to attract a highly motivated and committed workforce including not just performe

rs but also managers and administrators and the sector appears to rely on their passion, commitment and shared endeavour.ivIn relation to the practice Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australia

of HRM. the findings suggest a personnel, administrative, cost focused and compliance-based approach, with little evidence of vertical or horizontal

Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australia

integration of HRM policies and no evidence of strategic HR practice. This was prevalent even in the large arts company suggesting that the sector con

* RMITUNIVERSITYExploring Human Resource Management Practices:An empirical study of the Performing Arts companies in AustraliaA thesis submitted in fu

Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australiaevance in a sector where the nature of the work and the workforce leads to careers being seen in the context of the industry not the organisation. The

performing arts workforce moves in and out of arts companies sometimes as employees sometimes as independent contractors. This has implications for H Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australia

RM practice in individual companies and HRM theory in that building commitment to the company through HR is more challenging as managing costs is para

Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australia

mount in this sector.This study also makes a theoretical contribution in that it challenges Lepak and Snell (1999» who argue that companies apply diff

* RMITUNIVERSITYExploring Human Resource Management Practices:An empirical study of the Performing Arts companies in AustraliaA thesis submitted in fu

Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australiaose employees that do not have strategic value. This study found that the very employees that provide the most strategic value to performing arts orga

nisations i.e. the performers themselves are often in the most precarious position receiving little if any investment. The study also extends the work Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australia

of Bowen and Ostroff (2004) by demonstrating how confused and inconsistent management messages can undermine HRM practices even in micro organisation

Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australia

s.VTABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION.........................................................................................IIACKNOWLEDGEMENTS............

* RMITUNIVERSITYExploring Human Resource Management Practices:An empirical study of the Performing Arts companies in AustraliaA thesis submitted in fu

Doctoral thesis of philosophy exploring human resource management practices an empirical study of the performing arts companies in australia........................IVTABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................VI

* RMITUNIVERSITYExploring Human Resource Management Practices:An empirical study of the Performing Arts companies in AustraliaA thesis submitted in fu

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