A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolution

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A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolution

https://khothuvien.cori!Mika Sillanpẩã • Chaker NcibiA Sustainable BioeconomyThe Green Industrial RevolutionMika Sillanpaa • Chaker NcibiA Sustainable

A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolutione BioeconomyThe Green Industrial Revolution0 SpringerMika SillanpãaLaboratory of Green Chemistry Lappecnranta University of TechnologyMikkeli. Finland

Chaker NcibiLaboratory of Green Chemistry Lappcenranta University of TechnologyMikkeli. FinlandISBN 978-3-319-55635-2ISBN 978-3-319-55637-6 (eBook)DOI A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolution

10.1007/978-3-319-55637-6Library 1)1’ Congress Control Number: 2017936950Springer International Publishing AG 2017This work is subject to copyright.

A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolution

All rights arc reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or pan of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, r

https://khothuvien.cori!Mika Sillanpẩã • Chaker NcibiA Sustainable BioeconomyThe Green Industrial RevolutionMika Sillanpaa • Chaker NcibiA Sustainable

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A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolution

are safe to assume that the advice and information ill this book are believed Io be true and accurate at the dale of publication. Neither the publishe

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acid-free paperThis Springer imprint is published by Springer NatureThe registered company is Springer International Publishing AGThe registered compa A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolution

ny address is: Gewcrbcstrassc 11. 6330 Cham. SwitzerlandPrefaceNowadays, the sustainable production of food, energy, chemicals, and materials is the m

A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolution

ajor challenge facing modern societies and future generations, after decades of reliance on fossil resources which, on the one hand, did generate econ

https://khothuvien.cori!Mika Sillanpẩã • Chaker NcibiA Sustainable BioeconomyThe Green Industrial RevolutionMika Sillanpaa • Chaker NcibiA Sustainable

A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolutionept of bioeconomy has been developed and promoted as a new sustainable and knowledge-based economic model centered on the use of renewable biomass and

derived agro-industrial and municipal wastes using various supply chains and pretreatment, conversion, separation, and purification procedures and te A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolution

chnologies. Thus, as a multidimensional concept, bioeconomy has the delicate task to replace the declining fossil-based economic model and manage its

A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolution

global and complicated legacy, while facing its own set of challenges, especially during the delicate transition phase toward the full-scale implement

https://khothuvien.cori!Mika Sillanpẩã • Chaker NcibiA Sustainable BioeconomyThe Green Industrial RevolutionMika Sillanpaa • Chaker NcibiA Sustainable

A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolution order to provide basic and advanced knowledge about bioeconomy for students, researchers, industrialists, decision makers, and the general public by

show ing opportunities, discussing R&D findings, analyzing strategies, assessing the impacts and challenges, showcasing industrial achievements, criti A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolution

cizing policies, and proposing solutions. The task was indeed challenging for one book, and we sincerely hope that we were able to accomplish it.Hence

A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolution

, this book, which is divided into nine chapters, started in Chap. I by analyzing the current situation resulting from the petroleum-based economy, sh

https://khothuvien.cori!Mika Sillanpẩã • Chaker NcibiA Sustainable BioeconomyThe Green Industrial RevolutionMika Sillanpaa • Chaker NcibiA Sustainable

A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolution 2 analyzed the concept of biocconomy and its sustainable dimension by discussing the proposed definitions and key issues related to the current trans

ition phase such as raw material change and sustainable profitability. The expected role and impact of sustainable biocconomy on the two main economic A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolution

pillars, agriculture and industry, are also presented.VviPreíaceIn Chap. 3, renewable biomass was discussed, as the core element in the bioeconomy co

A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolution

ncept, in order to provide the readers with information about its definition, classification (woody, herbaceous, and aquatic biomass, along with deriv

https://khothuvien.cori!Mika Sillanpẩã • Chaker NcibiA Sustainable BioeconomyThe Green Industrial RevolutionMika Sillanpaa • Chaker NcibiA Sustainable

A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolutionion into strategic and added-value products.Then, the opportunities to produce a multitude of bioproducts from biomass were showcased and thoroughly d

iscussed in three consecutive chapters: Chap. 4 for biofuels and bioenergy. Chap. 5 for biochemicals, and Chap. 6 for the production of biomaterials. A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolution

In each one of those chapters, a theoretical background was presented, followed by a detailed analysis of the various mechanical, thermochemical, and

A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolution

biological conversion procedures applied to transform raw biomass into value-added end products including biocthanol, biodiesel, biogas, organic acids

https://khothuvien.cori!Mika Sillanpẩã • Chaker NcibiA Sustainable BioeconomyThe Green Industrial RevolutionMika Sillanpaa • Chaker NcibiA Sustainable

A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolutionenges facing bioeconomy is to develop viable and efficient industrial-scale production schemes. Thus, Chap. 7 was devoted to analyze the industrial di

mension of the bio-based economic model and its sustainable and integrated biorefining activities. In this chapter, the implementation of bioeconomy o A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolution

n the ground was examined by illustrating the various designs of biorclincries. the obstacles facing the implementation scenarios, as well as some stu

A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolution

dy cases of green biorefining technologies. The knowledge and experiences of key countries in the field of bioeconomy were detailed and discussed in C

https://khothuvien.cori!Mika Sillanpẩã • Chaker NcibiA Sustainable BioeconomyThe Green Industrial RevolutionMika Sillanpaa • Chaker NcibiA Sustainable

A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolutionina toward adopting bioeconomy and its various sustainable industrial-scale production processes and technologies. As well, the available biorcsources

, opportunities, and challenges in the studied countries were also investigated, along with some interesting industrial study cases. A special focus w A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolution

as made on the industrial achievements and prospects in Finland.In Chap. 9, the various impacts of bioeconomy and the prospects of its world wide impl

A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolution

ementation were thoroughly discussed from a multidimensional outlook including industrial, environmental, social, and geopolitical perspectives. Thi i

https://khothuvien.cori!Mika Sillanpẩã • Chaker NcibiA Sustainable BioeconomyThe Green Industrial RevolutionMika Sillanpaa • Chaker NcibiA Sustainable

A sustainable bioeconomy the green industrial revolutionthe assessment of key environmental and social factors such as greenhouse gas emissions, land-use change, biodiversity, employment, and food security.

https://khothuvien.cori!Mika Sillanpẩã • Chaker NcibiA Sustainable BioeconomyThe Green Industrial RevolutionMika Sillanpaa • Chaker NcibiA Sustainable

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