ACe the PMI ACP exam

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ACe the PMI ACP exam

Ace thePMI-ACP® examA Quick Reference Guide for the Busy ProfessionalSumanta BoralApress®Sunianta BoralAce the PMI-ACP ® examA Quick Reference Guide f

ACe the PMI ACP examfor the Busy ProfessionalApress-Sumanta BoralSaket. Delhi. IndiaAny source code or other supplementary materials referenced by the author in this text

are available to readers at WWW. apress . com . For detailed information about how to locate your book’s source code, go to source-cod ACe the PMI ACP exam

e . Readers can also access source code al in the Supplementary Material section for each chapter.ISBN 978-1 -4842-2525-7 C-1SBN 978-1 -

ACe the PMI ACP exam

4842-2526-4DOT 10.1007/978-1 -4842-2526-4Library of Congress Control Number: 2016961522CỘ Sumanta Boral 2016This work is subject to copyright. All rig

Ace thePMI-ACP® examA Quick Reference Guide for the Busy ProfessionalSumanta BoralApress®Sunianta BoralAce the PMI-ACP ® examA Quick Reference Guide f

ACe the PMI ACP examf illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way. and transmission or information storage and retrie

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s, and images only in an editorial fashion and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. The use in t

Ace thePMI-ACP® examA Quick Reference Guide for the Busy ProfessionalSumanta BoralApress®Sunianta BoralAce the PMI-ACP ® examA Quick Reference Guide f

ACe the PMI ACP examsion of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights.While the advice and information in this book arc believed to be title and

accurate at the date of publication, neither the authors nor the editors nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omis ACe the PMI ACP exam

sions that may be made. The publisher makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein.Printed on acid-free paperD

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istributed to the book trade worldwide by Springer Science+Business Media New York. 233 Spring Street, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10013. Phone 1 -800-SPR

Ace thePMI-ACP® examA Quick Reference Guide for the Busy ProfessionalSumanta BoralApress®Sunianta BoralAce the PMI-ACP ® examA Quick Reference Guide f

ACe the PMI ACP examber (owner) is springer Science + Business Media Finance hie (SSBM Finance Inc). SSBM Finance Inc is a Delaware corporation.Dedicated to my Dad, who k

new' that I was working on this book but, u on to see if published.IntroductionAs observed from numerous surveys worldwide, the IT industry over the l ACe the PMI ACP exam

ast decade has radically evolved in the way software is developed and provisioned to meet the changing requirements of the environment. Agile methodol

ACe the PMI ACP exam

ogies are continuously gaining popularity over the traditional project management practices. Organizations are naturally trying to accelerate their bu

Ace thePMI-ACP® examA Quick Reference Guide for the Busy ProfessionalSumanta BoralApress®Sunianta BoralAce the PMI-ACP ® examA Quick Reference Guide f

ACe the PMI ACP examng to sell IT services, we are seeing a trend of adoption of Agile practices. Such is the power of the iterative and incremental style of progress. Ag

ile practices are also finding relevance in many other non-IT domains. Hence knowledge of this subject has become much in demand these days.Certificat ACe the PMI ACP exam

ions boost the career of the exam takers, as it. in most cases, indicates knowledge, interest, proficiency and pursuit of excellence in the particular

ACe the PMI ACP exam

subject. One of the premier institutes of Project Management - PMI® has outlined the requirements of the Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP®) cert

Ace thePMI-ACP® examA Quick Reference Guide for the Busy ProfessionalSumanta BoralApress®Sunianta BoralAce the PMI-ACP ® examA Quick Reference Guide f

ACe the PMI ACP examxamination. The book augments a certification aspirant's professional experience and skills with the knowledge of tools, techniques and practices that

are required for the examination. Beyond certification seekers, the content in this book are for all Agile practitioners on whom organizations rely t ACe the PMI ACP exam

o deliver projects effectively and efficiently for their customers.Audience of this bookThe audience for this book primarily includes IT professionals

ACe the PMI ACP exam

who wish to prepare for and pass Agile Certified Professional (ACP & ) exam from the Project Management Institute (PMI ? ). The contents can also be

Ace thePMI-ACP® examA Quick Reference Guide for the Busy ProfessionalSumanta BoralApress®Sunianta BoralAce the PMI-ACP ® examA Quick Reference Guide f

ACe the PMI ACP examertification courses in the market.Apart from certification seekers, the book will also cover good ground for people using or learning to use various

flavors of the Agile methodologies and its tools and techniques. As an author, I would expect this book to become a popular asset in corporate and aca ACe the PMI ACP exam

demic libraries.If you are a PMI-ACP aspirant, this book will augment your professional experience and skills with the knowledge of Agile tools and te

ACe the PMI ACP exam

chniques that are required for the examination. The content covered in tills book is necessary and sufficient to supplement your knowledge on Agile an

Ace thePMI-ACP® examA Quick Reference Guide for the Busy ProfessionalSumanta BoralApress®Sunianta BoralAce the PMI-ACP ® examA Quick Reference Guide f

ACe the PMI ACP examumented and working knowledge from sound practitioners with whom I have been associated during my professional experience. This is invaluable for prof

essionals like you who are extremely busy in their day to day work lives, but still want to devote enough attention to master the key concepts, practi ACe the PMI ACP exam

ce hard and clear the PMI-ACP * exam.Incidentally, even if you are not aspiring for the PMI-ACP E right away, this book will still serve as a ready re

ACe the PMI ACP exam

ckoner for the key concepts in Agile and will, in a nutshell, expose you to the variants of Agile methodologies - namely Scrum. XP. Lean and Kanban. S

Ace thePMI-ACP® examA Quick Reference Guide for the Busy ProfessionalSumanta BoralApress®Sunianta BoralAce the PMI-ACP ® examA Quick Reference Guide f

ACe the PMI ACP exame professional.

Ace thePMI-ACP® examA Quick Reference Guide for the Busy ProfessionalSumanta BoralApress®Sunianta BoralAce the PMI-ACP ® examA Quick Reference Guide f

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