Americas leaning ivory tower the measurement of and response to concentration of federal funding for academic research

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Nội dung chi tiết: Americas leaning ivory tower the measurement of and response to concentration of federal funding for academic research

Americas leaning ivory tower the measurement of and response to concentration of federal funding for academic research

SPRINGER BRIEFS IN POLITICAL SCIYonghong WuAmerica's Leaning Ivory TowerThe Measurement of and Response to Concentration of Federal Funding for Academ

Americas leaning ivory tower the measurement of and response to concentration of federal funding for academic researchmic ResearchSpringerMore information about this series at WuAmerica’s Leaning Ivory TowerThe Measurement o

f and Response to Concentration of Federal Funding for Academic ResearchSpringerYonghong WuDepartment of Public Administration University of Illinois Americas leaning ivory tower the measurement of and response to concentration of federal funding for academic research

at Chicago Chicago, IL. USAISSN 2191-5466ISSN 2191-5474 (electronic)SpringerBriefs in Political ScienceISBN 978-3-030-18703-3ISBN 978-3-030-18704-0 (e

Americas leaning ivory tower the measurement of and response to concentration of federal funding for academic research

Book)https://doi .org/10.1007/978-3-030-18704-0The Authors). under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020This work is subject to cop

SPRINGER BRIEFS IN POLITICAL SCIYonghong WuAmerica's Leaning Ivory TowerThe Measurement of and Response to Concentration of Federal Funding for Academ

Americas leaning ivory tower the measurement of and response to concentration of federal funding for academic researchts of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way. and transmis

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veloped.The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication docs not imply, even in the absenc

Americas leaning ivory tower the measurement of and response to concentration of federal funding for academic research

e of a specific statement, that such names arc exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.The publish

SPRINGER BRIEFS IN POLITICAL SCIYonghong WuAmerica's Leaning Ivory TowerThe Measurement of and Response to Concentration of Federal Funding for Academ

Americas leaning ivory tower the measurement of and response to concentration of federal funding for academic researchblication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained herein o

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utional affiliations.This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG.The registered company address is: Ge

Americas leaning ivory tower the measurement of and response to concentration of federal funding for academic research

werbestrasse 11. 6330 Cham. SwitzerlandPrefaceAs a scholar in (he field of public budgeting and finance. I have a genuine interest in the allocation o

SPRINGER BRIEFS IN POLITICAL SCIYonghong WuAmerica's Leaning Ivory TowerThe Measurement of and Response to Concentration of Federal Funding for Academ

Americas leaning ivory tower the measurement of and response to concentration of federal funding for academic researchely, the lives of people in this country. Because elected representatives make budgetary decisions at all levels of government, government resource al

location is basically an outcome of the political process. However, federal resource allocation does not end when Congress passes appropriation bills Americas leaning ivory tower the measurement of and response to concentration of federal funding for academic research

and the president signs them. Government agencies often need to further allocate appropriated funds to other institutions and individuals. While publi

Americas leaning ivory tower the measurement of and response to concentration of federal funding for academic research

c budgeting and finance scholars focus on the politics of government budgeting, the post-appropriation allocation has not been studied enough.A few fe

SPRINGER BRIEFS IN POLITICAL SCIYonghong WuAmerica's Leaning Ivory TowerThe Measurement of and Response to Concentration of Federal Funding for Academ

Americas leaning ivory tower the measurement of and response to concentration of federal funding for academic researcht academic research, and they allocate the funds to higher education institutions and researchers via a competitive selection process. With my bachelo

r’s degree in applied physics and doctoral training in science and technology policy, 1 understand the rationales of government funding of academic re Americas leaning ivory tower the measurement of and response to concentration of federal funding for academic research

search and the need for merit-based competition in funding scientific research. However, a competitionbased allocation mechanism has led to a substant

Americas leaning ivory tower the measurement of and response to concentration of federal funding for academic research

ial concentration of federal funding in high-capacity states, while low-capacity states arc largely left underfunded. The uneven distribution of feder

SPRINGER BRIEFS IN POLITICAL SCIYonghong WuAmerica's Leaning Ivory TowerThe Measurement of and Response to Concentration of Federal Funding for Academ

Americas leaning ivory tower the measurement of and response to concentration of federal funding for academic researchpecial programs to address funding concentration issue in the 1980s and 1990s. Although the programs have shown some modest effects on research-capaci

ty building through investing in collaboration development and infrastructure improvement, insufficient attention to the institutional environment lim Americas leaning ivory tower the measurement of and response to concentration of federal funding for academic research

its the progress toward a more equitable distribution of federal research funding across jurisdictions. I feel the obligation to thoroughly investigat

Americas leaning ivory tower the measurement of and response to concentration of federal funding for academic research

e the issue of uneven distribution of federal resources and recommend ways to improve the effectiveness of government efforts in this arena.V

SPRINGER BRIEFS IN POLITICAL SCIYonghong WuAmerica's Leaning Ivory TowerThe Measurement of and Response to Concentration of Federal Funding for Academ

SPRINGER BRIEFS IN POLITICAL SCIYonghong WuAmerica's Leaning Ivory TowerThe Measurement of and Response to Concentration of Federal Funding for Academ

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