Building engagement for sustainable development challenges of sustainable economy in times of accelerated change

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Nội dung chi tiết: Building engagement for sustainable development challenges of sustainable economy in times of accelerated change

Building engagement for sustainable development challenges of sustainable economy in times of accelerated change

Sustainable Management,Wertschopfung und EffizienzLaurentiu Tăchiciu - Gregor WeberMarkus Bodemann EditorsBuilding Engagementfor SustainableDevelopmen

Building engagement for sustainable development challenges of sustainable economy in times of accelerated changentChallenges of Sustainable Economy in Times of Accelerated ChangeRESEARCH0 Springer GablerSustainable Management, Wertschopfung und EffizienzReihe he

rausgegeben vonGregor Weber. Breunigweiler, DeutschlandMarkus Bodemann. Warburg. DeutschlandRené Schmidpeler, Kohl. DeutschlandIn dieser Schriftenreih Building engagement for sustainable development challenges of sustainable economy in times of accelerated change

e stehen insbesondere empirische und praxisnahe Studien ZU nachhaltigcm Wirtschaftcn und Effizienz im Mittelpunkt. Energie-, Umwclt-, Nachhaltigkeits-

Building engagement for sustainable development challenges of sustainable economy in times of accelerated change

. CSR-. Innovations-. Risiko- und integrierte Managementsys-lenie sind nur einige Beispiele. die Sie hier wiederfinden. Ein besonderer Fokus licgt dab

Sustainable Management,Wertschopfung und EffizienzLaurentiu Tăchiciu - Gregor WeberMarkus Bodemann EditorsBuilding Engagementfor SustainableDevelopmen

Building engagement for sustainable development challenges of sustainable economy in times of accelerated changeizicrt wcrdcn nationale und internationale wisscnschaftlichc Arbcitcn.ReihenherausgeberDr. Gregor Weber, ecoistics.instituteDr. Markus BodcmannProf. D

r. René Schmidpeler, Center for Advanced Sustainable Management. Cologne Business SchoolThis series is focusing on empirical and practical research in Building engagement for sustainable development challenges of sustainable economy in times of accelerated change

the fields of sustainable management and efficiency. Management systems in the context of energy, environment, sustainability, CSR, innovation, risk

Building engagement for sustainable development challenges of sustainable economy in times of accelerated change

as well as integrated management systems arc just a few examples which can be found here. A special focus is on the value such systems can offer for t

Sustainable Management,Wertschopfung und EffizienzLaurentiu Tăchiciu - Gregor WeberMarkus Bodemann EditorsBuilding Engagementfor SustainableDevelopmen

Building engagement for sustainable development challenges of sustainable economy in times of accelerated changepublications are published (English and German).Series EditorsDr. Gregor Welver, ccoistics.instituteDr. Markus BodemannProf. Dr. René Schmidpeler. Cen

ter for Advanced Sustainable Management. Cologne Business SchoolMore information about this series at http://www.springer.eom/series/l 5909LaurentiuTă Building engagement for sustainable development challenges of sustainable economy in times of accelerated change

chiciu • Gregor Weber • Markus BodemannEditorsBuilding Engagement for Sustainable DevelopmentChallenges of Sustainable Economy in Times of Accelerated

Building engagement for sustainable development challenges of sustainable economy in times of accelerated change

ChangeỂỊ Springer GablerEditorsLaurenỊiu TăchiciuBucurcsti, Romania

Sustainable Management,Wertschopfung und EffizienzLaurentiu Tăchiciu - Gregor WeberMarkus Bodemann EditorsBuilding Engagementfor SustainableDevelopmen

Sustainable Management,Wertschopfung und EffizienzLaurentiu Tăchiciu - Gregor WeberMarkus Bodemann EditorsBuilding Engagementfor SustainableDevelopmen

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