Climate economics economic analysis of climate, climate change and climate policy, second edition

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Nội dung chi tiết: Climate economics economic analysis of climate, climate change and climate policy, second edition

Climate economics economic analysis of climate, climate change and climate policy, second edition

CLIMATE BECONOMICSEconomic Analysis of Climate, Climate Change and Climate Policy SECOND EDITIONII ** IITo Irena SendlerClimate EconomicsEconomic Anal

Climate economics economic analysis of climate, climate change and climate policy, second editionlysis of Climate, Climate Change and ClimatePolicy, Second EditionRichard S.J. TolUniversity of Sussex, UK and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Nethe

rlandsT7T7 Edward Elgar rJ Pj publishingCheltenham. UK • Northampton. MA. USA© Richard S.J. Tol 2019All rights reserved. No part of this publication m Climate economics economic analysis of climate, climate change and climate policy, second edition

ay be reproduced, stored 111 a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or photocopying, recording, or othe

Climate economics economic analysis of climate, climate change and climate policy, second edition

rwise without the prior permission of the publisher.Published byEdward Elgar Publishing LimitedThe Lypiatts15 Lansdown RoadCheltenhamGlos GL50 2JAUKEd

CLIMATE BECONOMICSEconomic Analysis of Climate, Climate Change and Climate Policy SECOND EDITIONII ** IITo Irena SendlerClimate EconomicsEconomic Anal

Climate economics economic analysis of climate, climate change and climate policy, second editionish LibraryLibrary of Congress Control Number: 2018946020ISBN 978 1 78643 507 1 (cased)ISBN 978 1 78643 509 5 (paperback)

CLIMATE BECONOMICSEconomic Analysis of Climate, Climate Change and Climate Policy SECOND EDITIONII ** IITo Irena SendlerClimate EconomicsEconomic Anal

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