Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gas

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Nội dung chi tiết: Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gas

Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gas

II TransnatiOiifll Histoni of Soviet Oil and GasiEdited by I J e r 0 n i m p B r D V i cĨ ».r iI aSJcronim Pcrovié EditorCold War EnergyA Transnationa

Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gasal History of Soviet Oil and Gas JpalgravemacmillanEditorJeronim Perovic Department of History University of Zurich Zurich, SwitzerlandISBN 978-3-319-

49531-6 ISBN 978-3-319-49532-3 (eBook)DOT 10.1007/978-3-319-49532-3Library of Congress Conơol Number: 2017930572€> The Editor(s) (if applicable) and T Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gas

he Author(s) 2017This work is subject IO copyright. All rights arc solely and exclusively licensed by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the

Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gas

material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, bro.tdc.asii ng, reproduction on microf

II TransnatiOiifll Histoni of Soviet Oil and GasiEdited by I J e r 0 n i m p B r D V i cĨ ».r iI aSJcronim Pcrovié EditorCold War EnergyA Transnationa

Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gasissimilar methodology now know n or hereafter developed. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in th

is publication docs not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names arc exempt from the relevant protective laws ami regulatio Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gas

ns and therefore free for general use.The publisher, the authors and the editors arc sate to assume that the advice and information in this book arc b

Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gas

elieved to l>e true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a w arranty, express or implied

II TransnatiOiifll Histoni of Soviet Oil and GasiEdited by I J e r 0 n i m p B r D V i cĨ ».r iI aSJcronim Pcrovié EditorCold War EnergyA Transnationa

Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gasurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.Cover illustration: © Jeronim Pcrovic 2016Printed on acid free paperThis Palgrav

e Macmillan imprint is published by Springer NatureThe registered company is Springer International Publishing AGThe registered company address is: Gc Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gas

wcrbcstrassc 11,6330 Cham, SwitzerlandPreface by the EditorThe history of tile Cold War remains incomplete without taking into consideration the role

Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gas

of Soviet energy', in particular in relation to oil and natural gas. The various Soviet campaigns to extract natural resources in cver-larger quantiti

II TransnatiOiifll Histoni of Soviet Oil and GasiEdited by I J e r 0 n i m p B r D V i cĨ ».r iI aSJcronim Pcrovié EditorCold War EnergyA Transnationa

Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gasn important tool in Moscow's project to integrate rhe socialist stares of Eastern Europe into a single economic space. With regard LO the states of ti

le capitalist West, Soviet energy export largely served rhe purpose of gaining access to technology and hard currency. While the growing share of “red Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gas

” oil and gas in European energy consumption was viewed with suspicion in the West, Moscow too had reservations about the prospect of tile Soviet Unio

Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gas

n becoming increasingly dependent on foreigners for technology inputs and hard currency. During rhe period of detente in the 1970s, however, trade in

II TransnatiOiifll Histoni of Soviet Oil and GasiEdited by I J e r 0 n i m p B r D V i cĨ ».r iI aSJcronim Pcrovié EditorCold War EnergyA Transnationa

Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gasnce that determines relations between Russia and Europe to this day.If anything, the Soviet Union was a rather reluctant energy power. Considering onl

y official statistics, the story of Soviet energy is one of success, as oil and gas extraction and export figures rose year by year, making the Soviet Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gas

Union one of the world’s leading international energy powers. But in actual politics, the issue of energy was more often a burden rather than an asse

Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gas

t. The image portrayed in the West during rhe Cold War about the Soviet Union trying to use energy as a political weapon, as a wayVvi PREFACE BY THE E

II TransnatiOiifll Histoni of Soviet Oil and GasiEdited by I J e r 0 n i m p B r D V i cĨ ».r iI aSJcronim Pcrovié EditorCold War EnergyA Transnationa

Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gasof revision. Also, the view that Soviet energy- policy was generally driven by an expansionist geopolitical agenda ignores the fact that the Soviet Un

ion repeatedly faced domestic energy shortages, and Moscow saw cooperation with Western companies and stares as a way to overcome internal economic pr Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gas

oblems. In East-West relations, Soviet energy was at times a cause of tension and confrontation, but much more often a political “softener.” The Iron

Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gas

Curtain was a dividing line between East and West, but nowhere was this curtain more porous than in rhe domain of energy7 flows.I llis book lakes a fr

II TransnatiOiifll Histoni of Soviet Oil and GasiEdited by I J e r 0 n i m p B r D V i cĨ ».r iI aSJcronim Pcrovié EditorCold War EnergyA Transnationa

Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gasdding new light on relations within the blocs regarding the issue of energy. By bringing together a range of junior and senior historians and speciali

sts from Europe, Russia and the US, this book represents a pioneering endeavour to approach rhe role of Soviet energy during rhe Cold War in a compreh Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gas

ensive manner, putting it into a transnational perspective.The research for this volume was originally undertaken for a conference titled “Oil, Gas an

Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gas

d Pipelines: New Perspectives on rhe Role of Soviet Energy During die Cold War.” Illis event, wliich took place at die University of Zurich on January

II TransnatiOiifll Histoni of Soviet Oil and GasiEdited by I J e r 0 n i m p B r D V i cĨ ».r iI aSJcronim Pcrovié EditorCold War EnergyA Transnationa

Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gasch, and was financed by die Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the 1 lochschulstiftung of the University of Zurich. This book contains a sel

ection of papers, which were first presented ar this international conference. The authors revised their papers based on discussions during the confer Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gas

ence, die editors’ comments and the inputs provided by an anonymous reviewer.The editor would like, in particular, to thank all participants of rhe co

Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gas

nference vv ho provided useful comments to the authors in preparing the resultant chapters. They were Margarita Balmaceda, Alain Beltran, Elisabetta B

II TransnatiOiifll Histoni of Soviet Oil and GasiEdited by I J e r 0 n i m p B r D V i cĨ ».r iI aSJcronim Pcrovié EditorCold War EnergyA Transnationa

Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gas, Galina Koleva, Dunja Krempin, Giacomo Luciani, Lorenz Liithi, Viacheslav Nekrasov, David Painter, Tanja Pentcr, Felix Rehschuh, Oscar Sanchez-Sibony

, Benjamin Schenk, Hans-Henning Schroder, Andreas Wenger, and Jean-Pierre Williot. Cold war energy a transnational history of soviet oil and gas

II TransnatiOiifll Histoni of Soviet Oil and GasiEdited by I J e r 0 n i m p B r D V i cĨ ».r iI aSJcronim Pcrovié EditorCold War EnergyA Transnationa

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