Conversational openings and closings in office settings a study based on american and vietnamese movies
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Conversational openings and closings in office settings a study based on american and vietnamese movies
VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIUNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES *****HOANG TRA MYCONVERSATIONAL OPENINGS AND CLOSINGSIN OFFICE SET Conversational openings and closings in office settings a study based on american and vietnamese moviesTTINGS: A STIDY BASED ON AMERICAN AND VIETNAMESE MOVIES(Mở thoại và kết thoại trong bối cảnh vãn phòng: Nghiên cứu trên cứ liệu phim Mỳ và phim Việt)A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in LinguisticsHANOI-2019VIETNAM NATIONAL UNI Conversational openings and closings in office settings a study based on american and vietnamese moviesVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES *****HOANG TRA MYCONVERSATIONAL OPENINGS AND ( LOSINGS IN OFFICE SETTINGS: A ST UDY BConversational openings and closings in office settings a study based on american and vietnamese movies
ASED ON AMERICAN AND VIETNAMESE MOVIES(Mỏ- thoại và kết thoại trong bối cảnh vãn phòng: Nghiên cíni trên ctí liệu phim My và phim Việt)MAJOR: ENGLISH VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIUNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES *****HOANG TRA MYCONVERSATIONAL OPENINGS AND CLOSINGSIN OFFICE SET Conversational openings and closings in office settings a study based on american and vietnamese moviesupervisor: Prof. Dr. Hoang Van VanHANOI-2019STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIPI certify my authorin’ of the dissertation submitted entitledCONVERSATIONAL OPENINGS AND CLOSINGS LN OFFICE SETTINGS: A STUDY BASED ON AMERICAN AND VIETNAMESE MOVIESIn fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philo Conversational openings and closings in office settings a study based on american and vietnamese moviessophy in Linguistics at Vietnam National Universin’, HanoiExcept where the reference is indicated, no other person’s work has been used without due acConversational openings and closings in office settings a study based on american and vietnamese movies
know lodgement in the text of the dissertation.Hoang I ra MyH ANOI, 2019ACKNo wLEDGMEN I SI would like to express my deep gratefulness and my sincere VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIUNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES *****HOANG TRA MYCONVERSATIONAL OPENINGS AND CLOSINGSIN OFFICE SET Conversational openings and closings in office settings a study based on american and vietnamese movieservisor, Prof. Dr. Hoang Van Van. for his invaluable guidance, insightful comments, endless support and conscientious supervision. Throughout the course of this work. I wish to express my deep indebtedness to him for his kindness of giving me usetill feedback and advice regarding the dissertation as Conversational openings and closings in office settings a study based on american and vietnamese movies well as his constant encouragement to help me to overcome obstacles in accomplishing my dissertation.I am also extremely thankful to Dr. Huynh Anil TConversational openings and closings in office settings a study based on american and vietnamese movies
uan, the Dean of Faculty of Postgraduate Studies for his knowledgeable suggestions, support, understanding and kindness. My gratitude also goes to allVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIUNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES *****HOANG TRA MYCONVERSATIONAL OPENINGS AND CLOSINGSIN OFFICE SET Conversational openings and closings in office settings a study based on american and vietnamese moviesearch project. 1 particularly extend my warm thanks to Prof. Dr. Nguyen Hoa. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quang, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. I.e Hung l ien for their insightful comments and suggestions to my dissertation.My sincere gratitude also goes to the personnel departments, administrators and language and infor Conversational openings and closings in office settings a study based on american and vietnamese moviesmatics center of Mien Trung University of Civil Engineering for their generosity of creating all favourable conditions including time, financial suppoConversational openings and closings in office settings a study based on american and vietnamese movies
rts, and permission for me to conduct the research. Also. I am indebted to my friends and colleagues who have encouraged me to finish this study.LastlVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIUNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES *****HOANG TRA MYCONVERSATIONAL OPENINGS AND CLOSINGSIN OFFICE SET Conversational openings and closings in office settings a study based on american and vietnamese moviesd challenges during the process of accomplishing this study. Also, I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to my husband for his tolerance, endurance, patience, and supports for me as well as his devoted care for our little son when I am busy with this dissertation. Without his immense help. love Conversational openings and closings in office settings a study based on american and vietnamese movies, encouragement and sacrifice, this work could not have been completed.HABSTRACTUnder the cross-cultural pragmatic perspective, this study aims at yieConversational openings and closings in office settings a study based on american and vietnamese movies
lding insights into the way Americans and Vietnamese open and close a conversation in office settings. Specifically, the purpose of this study is to iVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIUNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES *****HOANG TRA MYCONVERSATIONAL OPENINGS AND CLOSINGSIN OFFICE SET Conversational openings and closings in office settings a study based on american and vietnamese moviesd interpretation of conversational opening and closing processes arc primarily grounded on the cultural background of the two languages.Methodologically, the data arc staff-manager conversations occurring in office settings and gathered in American and Vietnamese movies. Qualitative and quantitative Conversational openings and closings in office settings a study based on american and vietnamese movies methods are applied in the present study. The data are coded qualitatively and manually based on the concept-driven categories and data-driven categoConversational openings and closings in office settings a study based on american and vietnamese movies
ries. Then, the recurrent patterns of conversational opening and closing sequences and strategies are quantified to assist the process of comparison aVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIUNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES *****HOANG TRA MYCONVERSATIONAL OPENINGS AND CLOSINGSIN OFFICE SET Conversational openings and closings in office settings a study based on american and vietnamese moviesnd closing sections in both languages arc complete discourse structures. Sequentially, opening sections are constructed with four sequences including summons-answer, greeting. phatic communion and topic initiation whilst closing sections are formed with three sequences namely topic termination, pre- Conversational openings and closings in office settings a study based on american and vietnamese moviesdosing and terminal exchange. In terms of strategies, opening and closing strategies are analyzed in each sequence. Totally, there are 26 opening straConversational openings and closings in office settings a study based on american and vietnamese movies
tegies including three summons-answer strategies, four greeting strategies. 15 phatic communion strategies and four topic initiation strategies whilstVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIUNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES *****HOANG TRA MYCONVERSATIONAL OPENINGS AND CLOSINGSIN OFFICE SET Conversational openings and closings in office settings a study based on american and vietnamese moviesfindings indicate that the main part of English and Vietnamese opening and closing sections is phalic talk, functioning to assist the transition to and from a conversation smoothly and politely. Conversational openings and closings in office settings a study based on american and vietnamese moviesVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIUNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES *****HOANG TRA MYCONVERSATIONAL OPENINGS AND CLOSINGSIN OFFICE SETGọi ngay
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