E -Services

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Nội dung chi tiết: E -Services

E -Services

Alfredo M. Ronchie-ServicesÌỄIToward a New Model of (Inter)active CommunityAlfredo M. Ronchie-ServicesToward a New Model of (Inter)active Community0 S

E -ServicesSpringerAlfredo M. RonchiPolitecnico di Milano Milano, ItalyISBN 978-3-030-01841-2 ISBN 978-3-030-01842-9 (eBook) l(M)7/978-3-030

01842-9Library of Congress Control Number 2018961013© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019This work is subject to copyright. All rights arc reserved by E -Services

the Publisher. whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illusưations. rec

E -Services

itation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage anil retrieval, electronic ada

Alfredo M. Ronchie-ServicesÌỄIToward a New Model of (Inter)active CommunityAlfredo M. Ronchie-ServicesToward a New Model of (Inter)active Community0 S

E -Servicesnames. trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication docs not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names arc exempt fro

m the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that t E -Services

he advice and information in this book are believed Io be lore and accurate al the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the e

E -Services

ditors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The

Alfredo M. Ronchie-ServicesÌỄIToward a New Model of (Inter)active CommunityAlfredo M. Ronchie-ServicesToward a New Model of (Inter)active Community0 S

E -Servicesj Statue in Moscow I Pantheon Dome Rome, © 2018 The AuthorIllis Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG

I11C registered company address is: Gcwcrbestfassc 11. 6330 Cham. SwitzerlandPrefaceThe editorial scries “c-Citizcns: Being Human in the Digital Age” E -Services

aims to explore the rich set of technologies and applications that characterise the living environment of citizens in the digital age and is intended

E -Services

to call attention to fundamental transformations in social organisation and structure. The main technologies and issues have been carefully described

Alfredo M. Ronchie-ServicesÌỄIToward a New Model of (Inter)active CommunityAlfredo M. Ronchie-ServicesToward a New Model of (Inter)active Community0 S

E -Servicesning. Culture, Media and News.In order to introduce this volume, let US review a little bit of the history of information technology. One of the most

significant changes to occur in the field of information technology over the last few decades was the implementation of real-time communication and in E -Services

formation exchange between computers—in one word: networking.A computer was originally considered to be like Leibniz’s1 “monad”, an ultimate atom with

E -Services

out windows and doors: a sealed entity. Intercommunication processes enabled external access to these monads, allowing information and data exchange b

Alfredo M. Ronchie-ServicesÌỄIToward a New Model of (Inter)active CommunityAlfredo M. Ronchie-ServicesToward a New Model of (Inter)active Community0 S

E -Serviceslone proprietary networks were gradually merged into the network of networks: the Internet.The Internet represents one of the most successful examples

of the benefits of sustained investment and commitment to research and development of information infrastructure. Beginning with the early research i E -Services

n packet switching, the government, industry' and academia have been partners in evolving and deploying this exciting new technology.'Gottfried Wilhel

E -Services

m Leibniz (also Leibnitz or von Leibniz) was born on I July 1646 (Leipzig. Germany) and died on 14 November 1716 (Hanover, Germany). School tradition:

Alfredo M. Ronchie-ServicesÌỄIToward a New Model of (Inter)active CommunityAlfredo M. Ronchie-ServicesToward a New Model of (Inter)active Community0 S

E -Servicesnad. See last accessed February 2019.’B. M. Leiner et al. (2003) A brief history of the Internet. Inte

rnet Society. Reston. VA (see http://, last accessed February 2019).VviPrefaceOf course, one of the main dri E -Services

vers for Internet usage was the introduction of the hypertext transfer protocol (http), which led to the birth of the World Wide Web. thanks to the co

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ntributions of Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau at CERN5 in 1990 and the success of Mosaic at NCSA4 in 1992. the first web browser.Conceived and de

Alfredo M. Ronchie-ServicesÌỄIToward a New Model of (Inter)active CommunityAlfredo M. Ronchie-ServicesToward a New Model of (Inter)active Community0 S

E -Services decision mechanism it employed. Enhancements and extensions were proposed, discussed and implemented mainly by active members of the community of res

earchers and experts involved in the process.The Web community at that time was a mixture of ICT experts and scientific content managers. The double r E -Services

ole of these prosumers was probably one of the key innovative aspects of that community during that period. The subsequent gradual drift from technolo

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gy developers to general users is a natural process that often occurs with mature technologies. It happened, for instance, in the field of computer gr

Alfredo M. Ronchie-ServicesÌỄIToward a New Model of (Inter)active CommunityAlfredo M. Ronchie-ServicesToward a New Model of (Inter)active Community0 S

E -Servicesology unleashed creative energies, the first generations of Websites, mainly due to volunteers often not belonging to the IT sector; don't forget that

the cradle of the Web was CERN, the temple of phy sics and subatomic particles. Web technology was for sure an enabling technology, offering to almos E -Services

t everyone the opportunity to contribute to the creation of the textual and. later on, visual cyberspace.The Internet has incredibly facilitated acces

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s to mass communication. This influenced even news and journalism as we will describe later. It combines a worldwide broadcasting capability with a me

Alfredo M. Ronchie-ServicesÌỄIToward a New Model of (Inter)active CommunityAlfredo M. Ronchie-ServicesToward a New Model of (Inter)active Community0 S

E -Services to reach wide audiences was radio and television broadcasting, and before these were invented, mainly printed materials or heralds. In addition, it i

s a medium that encourages collaborations and interactions between individuals and their computers almost without regard for geographic location.After E -Services

the “publishing” hangover, it was the time to manage and structure and index this blob of content and upgrade from information provision to service p

E -Services

rovision. ICT-based innovation “ừ not only a matter of technology". The main aim of this work is to bridge the gap between technological solutions and

Alfredo M. Ronchie-ServicesÌỄIToward a New Model of (Inter)active CommunityAlfredo M. Ronchie-ServicesToward a New Model of (Inter)active Community0 S

E -Servicese of e-Scrviccs: cultural

Alfredo M. Ronchie-ServicesÌỄIToward a New Model of (Inter)active CommunityAlfredo M. Ronchie-ServicesToward a New Model of (Inter)active Community0 S

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