Ebook Airway management: Part 1

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Ebook Airway management: Part 1

Zahid Hussain Khan EditorAirway Management0 springerZahid Hussain Khan EditorAirway Management<ÉỊ SpringerEditorZahid Hussain KhanDepartment of Anesth

Ebook Airway management: Part 1hesiologyand Intensive CareTehran University of Medical SciencesTehranIranISBN 978-3-319-08577-7 ISBN 978-3-319-08578-4DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-08578-4Sp

ringer Chain Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London(eBook)Library of Congress Control Number: 2014946194© Springer International Publishing Switzerland Ebook Airway management: Part 1

2014This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically

Ebook Airway management: Part 1

the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way. and

Zahid Hussain Khan EditorAirway Management0 springerZahid Hussain Khan EditorAirway Management<ÉỊ SpringerEditorZahid Hussain KhanDepartment of Anesth

Ebook Airway management: Part 1after developed. Exempted from this legal reservation are brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis or material supplied specifi

cally for the purpose of being entered and executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the work. Duplication of this publicat Ebook Airway management: Part 1

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Ebook Airway management: Part 1

or use must always be obtained from Springer. Permissions for use may be obtained through RightsLink at the Copyright Clearance Center. Violations are

Zahid Hussain Khan EditorAirway Management0 springerZahid Hussain Khan EditorAirway Management<ÉỊ SpringerEditorZahid Hussain KhanDepartment of Anesth

Ebook Airway management: Part 1this publication docs not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulat

ions and therefore free for general use.While the advice and information in this book arc believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication, Ebook Airway management: Part 1

neither the authors nor the editors nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made. The publisher

Ebook Airway management: Part 1

makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein.Printed on acid-free paperSpringer is part of springer Science+B

Zahid Hussain Khan EditorAirway Management0 springerZahid Hussain Khan EditorAirway Management<ÉỊ SpringerEditorZahid Hussain KhanDepartment of Anesth

Ebook Airway management: Part 1integral part of a multitude of medical specialties, including critical care, emergency medicine, pulmonary medicine, surgery, and of course, anesthes

ia. It is difficult, if not impossible, to properly credit the first person to “manage the airway," in part because many maneuvers arc now considered Ebook Airway management: Part 1

an integral part of managing it: proper head and neck positioning, artificial ventilation, tracheotomy, cricothyrotomy, laryngoscopy, and tracheal int

Ebook Airway management: Part 1

ubation. To wit. we need only recall the vast number of pieces of equipment found in the modem “difficult airway cart." all of which arc designed to h

Zahid Hussain Khan EditorAirway Management0 springerZahid Hussain Khan EditorAirway Management<ÉỊ SpringerEditorZahid Hussain KhanDepartment of Anesth

Ebook Airway management: Part 1xygen and carbon dioxide.Over 5.500 years ago. Egyptian tablets depicted (he earliest known method of managing the airway in the description of trache

otomy. In the fourth century BCE, the Greek physician Hippocrates warned against the dangers of lacerating the carotid artery when tracheotomy was not Ebook Airway management: Part 1

performed expertly, and described tracheal intubation in humans. Around the same era. another Greek physician. Aesculapius, and the Roman anatomist G

Ebook Airway management: Part 1

allcnus described the insertion of a hollow reed stem into the trachea to perform artificial ventilation. A thousand years later, Avicenna, around the

Zahid Hussain Khan EditorAirway Management0 springerZahid Hussain Khan EditorAirway Management<ÉỊ SpringerEditorZahid Hussain KhanDepartment of Anesth

Ebook Airway management: Part 1 by the German surgeon Franz Kuhn, who was also among the first physicians to describe nasal intubation of the trachea under topical anesthesia (the s

o-called “cocainizalion" technique).In modem anesthesia, the sine qua non of airway management consists of effective mask ventilation and/or endotrach Ebook Airway management: Part 1

eal intubation. The last century has seen the most explosive growth of medical equipment and techniques purported to facilitate perioperative manageme

Ebook Airway management: Part 1

nt of even the most difficult of airways. It is perhaps unreasonable to expect today that a single clinician might be able to use properly and efficie

Zahid Hussain Khan EditorAirway Management0 springerZahid Hussain Khan EditorAirway Management<ÉỊ SpringerEditorZahid Hussain KhanDepartment of Anesth

Ebook Airway management: Part 1pert" in (heir clinical use and application. And chat is precisely the brilliance of the textbook edited by Prof. Khan. To be sure. Prof. Khan is inte

rnationally known for his seminal work on airway assessment and anatomical factors that may portend a difficult airway. I first became aware of his ex Ebook Airway management: Part 1

pertise in airway management over a decade ago. as 1 read his first description of the upper lip bite test (ULBT) in one of the premiere anesthesia jo

Ebook Airway management: Part 1

urnals. Anesthesia & Analgesia. It is not an exaggeration to write that the ULBT test, alongside the Mallampati classification, has revolutionized ass

Zahid Hussain Khan EditorAirway Management0 springerZahid Hussain Khan EditorAirway Management<ÉỊ SpringerEditorZahid Hussain KhanDepartment of Anesth

Ebook Airway management: Part 1, thermoregulation, and education. As the current Editor of Patient Safety Section for Anesthesia & Analgesia, 1 have also had the privilege of review

ing many of his manuscripts that have been published in the journal—so 1 can attest to his significant contributions in the field.Because of his inter Ebook Airway management: Part 1

national prominence. Prof. Khan has been able to gather an enviable list of experts in the field to contribute their experience with airway management

Ebook Airway management: Part 1

in a multitude of clinical settings. The critical appraisal of the airway authored by the editor. Prof. Khan, sets the stage for the important prcopc

Zahid Hussain Khan EditorAirway Management0 springerZahid Hussain Khan EditorAirway Management<ÉỊ SpringerEditorZahid Hussain KhanDepartment of Anesth

Ebook Airway management: Part 1f authors spans the world, and encompasses clinicians from Malaysia, the United States, Pakistan, India, Denmark, Singapore, Germany, Canada, and Iran

. What is equally remarkable is the list of topics discussed in the textbook, and the varied clinical settings in which airway management is likely to Ebook Airway management: Part 1

pose particular and unique challenges: pediatrics; patients with cervical spine injury and those with traumatic brain injury; ambulatory surgery; pat

Ebook Airway management: Part 1

ients with obstructive sleep apnea; and obstetric patients. The textbook also addresses the latest in technological advances that can aid the clinicia

Zahid Hussain Khan EditorAirway Management0 springerZahid Hussain Khan EditorAirway Management<ÉỊ SpringerEditorZahid Hussain KhanDepartment of Anesth

Ebook Airway management: Part 1uch as cricothyrotomy. Finally, underscoring the truly international appeal of the textbook, and acknowledging the potential technological limitations

of the developing world, a chapter is dedicated to the use of indigenous devices in managing the difficult airway.In short, this textbook is a welcom Ebook Airway management: Part 1

e and needed addition to the library of any clinician, and its international flavor assures that it will provide excellent guidance to clinicians worl

Ebook Airway management: Part 1

dwide for the benefit of all patients.41579Sorin J. Brull MD. FCARCSI

Zahid Hussain Khan EditorAirway Management0 springerZahid Hussain Khan EditorAirway Management<ÉỊ SpringerEditorZahid Hussain KhanDepartment of Anesth

Zahid Hussain Khan EditorAirway Management0 springerZahid Hussain Khan EditorAirway Management<ÉỊ SpringerEditorZahid Hussain KhanDepartment of Anesth

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