Ebook Biswas review of forensic medicine and toxicology: Part 2

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Ebook Biswas review of forensic medicine and toxicology: Part 2
Ebook Biswas review of forensic medicine and toxicology: Part 2

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Ebook Biswas review of forensic medicine and toxicology: Part 2

CHAPTER 22AbortionDefinitions■Medically, abortion (Latin aboriri: to get detached from the proper site) is expulsion or extraction from its mother of

Ebook Biswas review of forensic medicine and toxicology: Part 2 an embryo or fetus weighing 500 g or less, when it is not capable of independent survival (WHO). This 500 g of fetal development is attained at about

22 weeks of gestation.■Legally, abortion is defind as expulsion of products of conception from the uterus at any period before full term.1■Criminal a Ebook Biswas review of forensic medicine and toxicology: Part 2

bortion: It is the termination of a pregnancy in violation of the legal regulations in force.■Abortus: The non-viable product of abortion.■Abortifacie

Ebook Biswas review of forensic medicine and toxicology: Part 2

nt: Any agent that induces abortion.Some authors use the term abortion as expulsion of ovum within first 3 months ot pregnancy; miscarriage for the ex

CHAPTER 22AbortionDefinitions■Medically, abortion (Latin aboriri: to get detached from the proper site) is expulsion or extraction from its mother of

Ebook Biswas review of forensic medicine and toxicology: Part 2arriage is synonxinous with spontaneous abortion.Classification of Abortion (Flow chart 22.1)Abortion procedures, whether performed legally by trained

professionals using modern technology or illegally using 'traditional' methods are subject toFlow chart 22.1: Classification of abcrtoasubstantial un Ebook Biswas review of forensic medicine and toxicology: Part 2

derreporting. There is no valid data on the incidence of abortion in India.Natural or Spontaneous Abortion• Incidence: 10-20% of all pregnancies (appr

Ebook Biswas review of forensic medicine and toxicology: Part 2

ox).■Most frequent within first 3 months, owing to weak attachment of ovum to uterine Willi (75% abortions occur before 16th week, and out of these, 7

CHAPTER 22AbortionDefinitions■Medically, abortion (Latin aboriri: to get detached from the proper site) is expulsion or extraction from its mother of

Ebook Biswas review of forensic medicine and toxicology: Part 2natomic(10-15%)litEndocrine (10-15%)iv.Infections-0.15V.Immunological (5-10%)vi.Othersi.Genetic: Majority of early abortions are due to chromosomal ab

normality.2•Autosomal trisomy is the commonest cause (50%) and most common is trisomy 16 (30%).•Monosomy and chromosomal aberration (including deletio Ebook Biswas review of forensic medicine and toxicology: Part 2

n, duplication, translocation and inversion) constitutes 20% and 2-4% of all abortions respectively.ii Anatomic: Cervico-uterine factors usually cause

Ebook Biswas review of forensic medicine and toxicology: Part 2

second trimester abortions.•Cervical incompetence.3•Congenital malformation of uterus, e.g. hypoplasia, bicornuate/septate uterus or duplication of u

CHAPTER 22AbortionDefinitions■Medically, abortion (Latin aboriri: to get detached from the proper site) is expulsion or extraction from its mother of

Ebook Biswas review of forensic medicine and toxicology: Part 2ient progesterone secretion from corpus lutetuniv.Infections•Viral: Rubella, cytomegalovirus, vaccinia, variola or HE’.338Review of Forensic Medicine

and Toxicology Ebook Biswas review of forensic medicine and toxicology: Part 2

CHAPTER 22AbortionDefinitions■Medically, abortion (Latin aboriri: to get detached from the proper site) is expulsion or extraction from its mother of

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