Ebook Business statistics: A decision - making approach (9th edition - Part 2)

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Ebook Business statistics: A decision - making approach (9th edition - Part 2)

mvw.downloadslide.cofnIntroduction to Hypothesis TestingFrom Chajxer 9 of Business Statistics. A Decision-Making Approach. Ninth Edition. David E Groe

Ebook Business statistics: A decision - making approach (9th edition - Part 2)ebner, Patrick w. Shannon and Phillip c. Fry. Copyright Ộ 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.363www.dovmloadslide.comI Quick Prep Lin

ksI • Review the concepts associated with the Central Limit theorem.I • Examine the sampling distribution torproportions.• Familiarize yourself with t Ebook Business statistics: A decision - making approach (9th edition - Part 2)

he Student’s f-distributions and normed probability distributions.• Review the standard normal distribution and the Student's t-distrỉiution tables, m

Ebook Business statistics: A decision - making approach (9th edition - Part 2)

aking sure you knar; hơ/r to find critical values in both tables.Introduction toHypothesis Testing1Hypothesis Tests tor Means -I2Hypothesis Tests for

mvw.downloadslide.cofnIntroduction to Hypothesis TestingFrom Chajxer 9 of Business Statistics. A Decision-Making Approach. Ninth Edition. David E Groe

Ebook Business statistics: A decision - making approach (9th edition - Part 2)e 2. Know what Type I and Type II errors are.Outcomo 3. Correctly formulate a decision rule for testing a hypothesis.Outcome 4. Know how to use the te

st statistic, critical value, and p-vakte approaches to test a hypothesis.Outcome 5. Compute the probability of a Type II error.Why you need to knowEs Ebook Business statistics: A decision - making approach (9th edition - Part 2)

timating a population parameter based cn a sampte statistic 6 one area of business statistics called stefefi-cat inference. Mother important applicati

Ebook Business statistics: A decision - making approach (9th edition - Part 2)

on of statistical inference is fypothesis testing In hypothesis testing. a hypothesis (cr statement) ooncernng a population parameter 6 matte. We then

mvw.downloadslide.cofnIntroduction to Hypothesis TestingFrom Chajxer 9 of Business Statistics. A Decision-Making Approach. Ninth Edition. David E Groe

Ebook Business statistics: A decision - making approach (9th edition - Part 2)uces approximately 120.000 bottles of orange juice daly. Each bottle IS supposed to contan 32 fluid otnees. However, like all processes, the automated

filling machine IS subject to variation, and each bottle will contain either sightly more or less than the 32-cunce target. The important thing is th Ebook Business statistics: A decision - making approach (9th edition - Part 2)

at the mean fill is 32 fluid ounces. The manaạy might stale the hypothesis that the mean fill is 32 ounces Every two hours, the plant Quality manager

Ebook Business statistics: A decision - making approach (9th edition - Part 2)

selects a random sample of bottles and computes the sample mean. If the sample mean is a “sgnificair dstance from the desired 32 ounces, then the samp

mvw.downloadslide.cofnIntroduction to Hypothesis TestingFrom Chajxer 9 of Business Statistics. A Decision-Making Approach. Ninth Edition. David E Groe

Ebook Business statistics: A decision - making approach (9th edition - Part 2)hen be slewed until repairs or adjustments had been made. However, if the sample mean is Jck>se' to 32 ounces, the data would support the hypothesis a

nd the nwclxne would be allowed to continue filing bottles.Hypothesis testing is performed regularly in many industries. Ccmpames in the pharmaceutica Ebook Business statistics: A decision - making approach (9th edition - Part 2)

l industry must perform many hypothesis tests on new drug products befcre they are (teemed to be safe and effective by the fedora Food end Drug Admini

Ebook Business statistics: A decision - making approach (9th edition - Part 2)

stration (FDA). In these instances, the drug is hypottesied to be both unsafe and ineffective. Here, tlte FDA does not wish to certify that the drug I

mvw.downloadslide.cofnIntroduction to Hypothesis TestingFrom Chajxer 9 of Business Statistics. A Decision-Making Approach. Ninth Edition. David E Groe

Ebook Business statistics: A decision - making approach (9th edition - Part 2)cant’ evidence that the drug is safe and effective, the FDA wil alkrw the company to market the drug364www.downloadslide.coniIntroduction to Hypothesi

s TestingNull HypothesisTh? stalanrar ỉtcut tre pcpuUDon paramator tnai Wil be asstr-fid to te Bua đLririạ re ccoduct Ebook Business statistics: A decision - making approach (9th edition - Part 2)

ff/jrtoSti Wil te rejected 001/ if toe sample (feta ponfc substantia arftajctiKy mfericeAlternative HypothesisTte lnpdtlttáí Ural ixtaks al pupifutka

Ebook Business statistics: A decision - making approach (9th edition - Part 2)

I rates rrt inebded in ƯKÍ r Ml IrjpuBKais. Tie atermttre hypothesis Wil re selects erty It ttere R smog arraign s3Tfie entires to aipprrt It. ire ait

mvw.downloadslide.cofnIntroduction to Hypothesis TestingFrom Chajxer 9 of Business Statistics. A Decision-Making Approach. Ninth Edition. David E Groe

Ebook Business statistics: A decision - making approach (9th edition - Part 2)idence in court cases. In a ừimnal case, tire hypothesis in the American legal system K that Die defendant is innocent Based on the totalty 0Í the evi

dence presented in the trial, if the jury coodudes that ‘beyond a roascrable doubt’ the defendant committed the crime. the hypothesis of imccence will Ebook Business statistics: A decision - making approach (9th edition - Part 2)

be rejected and the defendant Wil be found guilty If the evidence is not strong finough. the defendant will be judged r Kit gully.Hyjxillwss testing

Ebook Business statistics: A decision - making approach (9th edition - Part 2)

is a major part at Ixrsriess statistics. llis text introduces tl» fundamentals irvotead in conducting hypothesis tests.Hypothesis Tests for MeansInfor

mvw.downloadslide.cofnIntroduction to Hypothesis TestingFrom Chajxer 9 of Business Statistics. A Decision-Making Approach. Ninth Edition. David E Groe

Ebook Business statistics: A decision - making approach (9th edition - Part 2)ns in which you need to lest a claim about a population mean by using the sample mean, you can't simply compare the sample mean to the claim and rejec

t the claim if .r and the claimed value of /Í arc different. Instead, you need a testing procedure that incorporates the potential for sampling error. Ebook Business statistics: A decision - making approach (9th edition - Part 2)

mvw.downloadslide.cofnIntroduction to Hypothesis TestingFrom Chajxer 9 of Business Statistics. A Decision-Making Approach. Ninth Edition. David E Groe

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