Ebook Business statistics in practice (7th edition): Part 2

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Ebook Business statistics in practice (7th edition): Part 2

Comparing Two Means and TwoProportionsWWWLearning ObjectivesAfter mastering the material in this chapter, you will be able to:L010-1 Compare two popul

Ebook Business statistics in practice (7th edition): Part 2lation means when the samples are independent.LO10-2 Recognize when data come from independent samples and when they are paired.Chapter Outline10.1Com

paring Two Population Means by Using Independent Samples10.2Paired Difference ExperimentsL010-3 Compare two population means when the data are paired. Ebook Business statistics in practice (7th edition): Part 2

L010-4 Compare two population proportions using large independent samples.10.3Comparing Two Population Proportions by Using Large, Independent Samples

Ebook Business statistics in practice (7th edition): Part 2

vww.downlo3dslide.comusiness improvement often requires making comparisons. For example, to increase consumer awareness of a product or mig

Comparing Two Means and TwoProportionsWWWLearning ObjectivesAfter mastering the material in this chapter, you will be able to:L010-1 Compare two popul

Ebook Business statistics in practice (7th edition): Part 2compare the profitability of different investment portfolios. As a third example, a manufacturer might compare different production methods in order t

o minimize or eliminate out of specification product.In this chapter we discuss using confidence intervals and hypothesis tests to compare two populat Ebook Business statistics in practice (7th edition): Part 2

ions. Specifically, SVC compare twopopulation means and two population proportions. We make these comparisons by studying differences. For instance, t

Ebook Business statistics in practice (7th edition): Part 2

o compare two population means, say 111, and III,. we consider the difference between these means, a, - tn,. If. for example, we use a confidence inte

Comparing Two Means and TwoProportionsWWWLearning ObjectivesAfter mastering the material in this chapter, you will be able to:L010-1 Compare two popul

Ebook Business statistics in practice (7th edition): Part 2ence interval or hypothesis test shows that- m2 is anegative number, then we conclude that BI| is less than m,.We explain many of this chapter's metho

ds in the context of three new cases:The Catalyst Comparison Case: The production supervisor at a chemical plant uses confidence intervals and hypothe Ebook Business statistics in practice (7th edition): Part 2

sis tests for the difference between two population means to determine which of two catalysts maximizes the hourly yield of a chemical process. By max

Ebook Business statistics in practice (7th edition): Part 2

imizing yield, the plant increases its productivity and improves its profitability.The Auto Insurance Case: In order to reduce the costs of automobile

Comparing Two Means and TwoProportionsWWWLearning ObjectivesAfter mastering the material in this chapter, you will be able to:L010-1 Compare two popul

Ebook Business statistics in practice (7th edition): Part 2 cost estimates for dam aged cars at two different garages.The Test Market Case: An advertising agency is test marketing a new product by using one ad

vertising campaign in Des Moines, losva, and a different campaign in Toledo, Ohio. The agency uses confidence intervals and hypothesis tests for the d Ebook Business statistics in practice (7th edition): Part 2

ifference between two population proportions to compare the effectiveness of the two advertising campaigns.10.1 Comparing Two Population Means by Usin

Ebook Business statistics in practice (7th edition): Part 2

g Independent Samples » • •A bank manager has developed a new system to reduce the time customers spend waiting to be seised by teller, during peak bu

Comparing Two Means and TwoProportionsWWWLearning ObjectivesAfter mastering the material in this chapter, you will be able to:L010-1 Compare two popul

Ebook Business statistics in practice (7th edition): Part 2nager randomly selects II-. = 100 customers and records the length of time each customer spends wailing for sen-ice. The manager finds that the mean a

nd the variance of the waiting times tor these too customers arc X| 8.79 minutes and si 4.8237. We let nt. denote the population mean customer wailing Ebook Business statistics in practice (7th edition): Part 2

lime during peak business hours for the new system. During a trial run. the manager finds that the mean and the variance of the waiting rimes tor a r

Ebook Business statistics in practice (7th edition): Part 2

andom sample of n> = 10Ơ customers are X, = 5.14 minutes and ->2 = 1-7927.Tn order to compare m, and m2, the manager estimates IU| nụ, the difference

Comparing Two Means and TwoProportionsWWWLearning ObjectivesAfter mastering the material in this chapter, you will be able to:L010-1 Compare two popul

Ebook Business statistics in practice (7th edition): Part 2esIhis says we estimate that the current population mean wailing lime is 3.65 minutes longer than the population mean waiting time under rhe new syste

m. Thar is. we estimate that the new system reduces the mean wailing lime by 3.65 minutes.To compute a confidence interval form, - Uh (or to lest a hy Ebook Business statistics in practice (7th edition): Part 2

pothesis about Ill, — uij). we need to know the properties of the sampling distribution of XI x->. To understand this sampling distribution. consider

Ebook Business statistics in practice (7th edition): Part 2

randomly selecting a sample1 of fl| measurements from a population having mean nij and variance s* let.?, be the mean of this sample. Also consider ra

Comparing Two Means and TwoProportionsWWWLearning ObjectivesAfter mastering the material in this chapter, you will be able to:L010-1 Compare two popul

Ebook Business statistics in practice (7th edition): Part 2kn Mmplrs* as *u»mplr\ *L010-1 Compare two population means when the samples are independent.www.downloadslide.com382

Comparing Two Means and TwoProportionsWWWLearning ObjectivesAfter mastering the material in this chapter, you will be able to:L010-1 Compare two popul

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