Ebook General ophthalmology (19/E): Part 2

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Nội dung chi tiết: Ebook General ophthalmology (19/E): Part 2

Ebook General ophthalmology (19/E): Part 2

14Neuro-OphthalmologyPaul Riordan-Eva, FRCOphthThe retinas and anterior visual pathways (optic nerves, optic chiasm, and optic tracts) (Figures 14-1 a

Ebook General ophthalmology (19/E): Part 2and 14-2) are an integral part of the brain, providing a substantial proportion of its total sensor}' input. The pattern of visual field loss indicate

s the site of damage in the visual pathway (Figures 14-3 to 14-5). Eye movement disorders may be due to disease of cranial nerves III, IV, or VI, or a Ebook General ophthalmology (19/E): Part 2

more central lesion. Cranial nerves V and VII are also intimately associated with ocular function.626Normal blind spotsCD Lesion in left superior tem

Ebook General ophthalmology (19/E): Part 2

poral retina causes a corresponding field defect in left inferior nasal visual field.©Right homonymous inferiorLeft ocopital lobeRight visual field® L

14Neuro-OphthalmologyPaul Riordan-Eva, FRCOphthThe retinas and anterior visual pathways (optic nerves, optic chiasm, and optic tracts) (Figures 14-1 a

Ebook General ophthalmology (19/E): Part 2ia.quadrantanopia duo to involvement of upper optic radiation in left parietal lobe.® Right homonymous hemianopia with® Right congruous incomplete hom

onymous hemianopia due Io a lesion of left occipital cortexmacular sparing due to a lesion ofleft occipital cortex©Figure 14-3. Visual field defects d Ebook General ophthalmology (19/E): Part 2

ue to various lesions of the optic pathways.627Figure 14-4. Occipital lobe abscess. Top: Automated perimetry and tangent screen examination showing ho

Ebook General ophthalmology (19/E): Part 2

monymous, congruous, paracentral scotoma in right upper visual fields. Bottom: Parasagittal magnetic resonance imaging showing lesion involving left i

14Neuro-OphthalmologyPaul Riordan-Eva, FRCOphthThe retinas and anterior visual pathways (optic nerves, optic chiasm, and optic tracts) (Figures 14-1 a

Ebook General ophthalmology (19/E): Part 2ision of the classic Holmes map. Arch Ophthalmol 1991;109:816. Copyright © 199Ỉ. American Medical Association. All rights reserved.)628M.2°Figure 14-5

. Bilateral occipital infarcts with bilateral macular sparing. Top: Tangent screen and superimposed Goldmann visual fields of both eyes showing bilate Ebook General ophthalmology (19/E): Part 2

ral homonymous hemianopia with macular sparing, greater in the right hemi-field. Bottom: Axial magnetic resonance imaging showing sparing of occipital

Ebook General ophthalmology (19/E): Part 2

poles. (Reproduced, with permission, from Horton JC, Hoyt WF: The representation of the visual field in human striate cortex. A revision of the class

14Neuro-OphthalmologyPaul Riordan-Eva, FRCOphthThe retinas and anterior visual pathways (optic nerves, optic chiasm, and optic tracts) (Figures 14-1 a

Ebook General ophthalmology (19/E): Part 2maging of normal brain in sagittal section (upper left), coronal section (lipper right), and axial section (lower left). The white arrows indicate the

chiasm.630Figure 14-2. The optic pathway. The dotted lines represent nerve fibers that carry visual and pupillary afferent impulses from the left hal Ebook General ophthalmology (19/E): Part 2

f of the visual field.THE OPTIC NERVEA wide variety of diseases affect the optic nerve (Table 14-1). Clinical features indicative of optic nerve disea

Ebook General ophthalmology (19/E): Part 2

se are reduction of visual acuity and field, afferent pupillary defect, poor color vision, and optic disk changes.Table 14-1. Etiologic Classification

14Neuro-OphthalmologyPaul Riordan-Eva, FRCOphthThe retinas and anterior visual pathways (optic nerves, optic chiasm, and optic tracts) (Figures 14-1 a

14Neuro-OphthalmologyPaul Riordan-Eva, FRCOphthThe retinas and anterior visual pathways (optic nerves, optic chiasm, and optic tracts) (Figures 14-1 a

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