Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2

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Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2

SECTION 111Classic Mycoses Caused byDimorphic FungiClassic HistoplasmosisRicardo NegroniIntroductionClassic histoplasmosis or histoplasmosis capsulati

Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2i is a systemic endemic mycosis, caused by the thermally dimorphic fungus Hisĩopỉasma capsulatum var. Cũpsnlamm. Tills microorganism lives in the envi

ronment, especially in the soil, where it exists as mould. In blood-agar medium at 37°c and in tissues it grows as a budding yeast. In the infected or Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2

gans these yeasts are inside the cells of the reticuloendothelial system (Arenas 2011: Bonifaz 2012).Histoplasmosis has been registered in more than 6

Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2

0 countries, but it is more frequent in the middle east area of U.S.A, and in Latin America (Borelli 1970). The infection is produced by inhalation of

SECTION 111Classic Mycoses Caused byDimorphic FungiClassic HistoplasmosisRicardo NegroniIntroductionClassic histoplasmosis or histoplasmosis capsulati

Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2imited (Larsh 1970). The severity of the respiratory manifestations is related to the amount of conidia inhaled (Goodwin et al. 1981). Chronic progres

sive pulmonary histoplasmosis is detected in males above 50 years of age with chronic obstructive pulmonary' disease (Goodwin et al. 1981; George and Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2

Penn 1993). Acute or chronic disseminated histoplasmosis occurs in patients with cell-mediated immunityfailures and it is a life-threatening disease (

Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2

Goodwin et al. 1980: Alsip and Dismukes 1986). Amphotericin B and itraconazole have been successfully applied in the treatment of this mycosis (Wheat

SECTION 111Classic Mycoses Caused byDimorphic FungiClassic HistoplasmosisRicardo NegroniIntroductionClassic histoplasmosis or histoplasmosis capsulati

Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2is. He performed the autopsyConsultant MD. Mycology Unit. Hospital de Infecciosas Francisco J. Muniz, Buenos Anes. Argentina. Director de la Maestlia

en Micologia Médica de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste.E-mail 1 icnegroni@hotmail.com208 Medical Mycology: Cun ent Tre Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2

nds and Future Prospectsof a black man from Martinique who had died of an infection resembling a severe tuberculosis, but microscopically he observed

Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2

an intracellular parasite very similar to Leishniania. upon closer examination he noted that this microorganism lacked kinetoplasts. Darling thought t

SECTION 111Classic Mycoses Caused byDimorphic FungiClassic HistoplasmosisRicardo NegroniIntroductionClassic histoplasmosis or histoplasmosis capsulati

Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2d histoplasmosis, one in a black man from Martinique and the other in a Chinese who had lived in Panama for 15 years (Kwon-Chung and Bennett 1992).In

1912 the eminent Brazilian parasitologist. Henrique Da Rocha Lima, who was working in Hamburg, suggested that the microorganism described by Darling w Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2

as a budding yeast and not a protozoa (Negroni 1965).In 1934 Dodd and Tompkins reported a new case of histoplasmosis and studied the growth of H. caps

Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2

ulation in blood-agar at 37°c. In these cultures they obtained the growth of the yeast form of this dimorphic fungus and confirmed Da Rocha Lima's hyp

SECTION 111Classic Mycoses Caused byDimorphic FungiClassic HistoplasmosisRicardo NegroniIntroductionClassic histoplasmosis or histoplasmosis capsulati

Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2vered the dimorphism of Histopỉasma capsulation and thought that the mycelial form of this fungus probably existed in nature (Rippon 1988).Christie an

d Peterson in 1945 reported many patients with pulmonary calcifications who reacted negatively to tuberculin and positively to histoplasmin. Palmer (1 Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2

945-1946) carried out a nation-wide project of histoplasmin skin testing and found a particular geographic distribution of histoplasmin hypersensitivi

Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2

ty in U.S.A. (George and Penn 1993).Furcolow (1945) made very important contributions to the knowledge of the epidemiology and ecology of histoplasmos

SECTION 111Classic Mycoses Caused byDimorphic FungiClassic HistoplasmosisRicardo NegroniIntroductionClassic histoplasmosis or histoplasmosis capsulati

Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2 outbreak of histoplasmosis was detected in soldiers at Camp Grubber (Oklahoma, U.S.A.) (Rippon 1988).Kwon-Chung (1972) discovered the sexual reproduc

tion of H. capsulation and identified the two mating types (-) and (-). She named the teleomorphic form Emmonsiella capsulata. In 1979. McGinnis and K Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2

atz transferred E. capsulata to the genus Ajellomyces, now named Ajellomyces capsulatus (Kwon-Chung and Bennett 1992; Deepe 2012).Pablo Negroni (1940-

Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2

1941) published a mycological study of the first Argentinean case of histoplasmosis. He performed a very careful study of the isolated fungus and was

SECTION 111Classic Mycoses Caused byDimorphic FungiClassic HistoplasmosisRicardo NegroniIntroductionClassic histoplasmosis or histoplasmosis capsulati

Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2 1965).EtiologyHistopỉasma capsulatum grows at 28°c after a 15 day incubation in several culture media such as Sabouraud dextrose-agar. dextrose-potat

o-agar and Borelli lactrimel. It presents a cottony aerial mycelia. white to tan in color. The reverse is uncolored or brown. Two types of colonies ar Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2

e found: white and brown. White colonies growClassic Histoplasmosis 209faster and lose the capacity of producing spores after several subcultures. The

Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2

brown type is more virulent for mice and produces a great amount of conidia (Kwon-Chung and Bennett 1992; Kauffman 2011; Dccpc 2012).Microscopically

SECTION 111Classic Mycoses Caused byDimorphic FungiClassic HistoplasmosisRicardo NegroniIntroductionClassic histoplasmosis or histoplasmosis capsulati

Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2erical or pear shape spores, 10 to 25 pm in diameter with a thick cell wall covered by tubercles, of which some arc like a digital protuberance in sha

pe. 1 to 3 pm in length. Illis cell wall has a thin inner layer and a thick verrucous part, lhese spores are named macroconidia, they are found in the Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2

aerial mycelia and are bom on short sporophores (Fig. 2); (2) conidia similar to the previous one, 5 to 20 pm in diameter, spherical to oval with thi

Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2

n walls, usually bom on short hyphae, and found in the submerged mycclia; (3) microconidia which arc spherical or pyriform with thin walls, 2 to 5 pm

SECTION 111Classic Mycoses Caused byDimorphic FungiClassic HistoplasmosisRicardo NegroniIntroductionClassic histoplasmosis or histoplasmosis capsulati

Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2 with 5% of rabbit blood incubated al 37°c. Blood cistcinc-agar is also an excellent culture medium for this purpose. After 4 to 5 days of incubation

colonies arc visible as whitish, wrinkled or ccrcbrifonn. 2 or 3 mm in diameter, moist, glossy and of cream consistency growth. Microscopically, small Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2

single budding yeasts, 3 to 5 pm in diameter, are observed. They multiply by polar budding and the connection between the mother and daughter cells i

Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2

s narrow. These yeast cells are uninucleated. The transformation from the mycelial growth to yeast form is not easy and may require several attempts (

SECTION 111Classic Mycoses Caused byDimorphic FungiClassic HistoplasmosisRicardo NegroniIntroductionClassic histoplasmosis or histoplasmosis capsulati

Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2ppings. The yeast form is called tissues phase. In animal tissues it is found in the form of small yeast-like elements of spherical to oval shape, sin

gle budding; they are 3-5 pm in diameter and have a thin cell wall which does not take aniline stains. Due to this characteristic it was initially mis Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2

taken for a capsule. The majority of these budding yeasts arc found inside macrophages or giant cells in the granulomas and they are of the same shape

Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2

and size (Salfelder et al. 1990; Negroni 2004). In smears stained by Giemsa or Wright techniques the cell wall docs not take up the stain and appears

SECTION 111Classic Mycoses Caused byDimorphic FungiClassic HistoplasmosisRicardo NegroniIntroductionClassic histoplasmosis or histoplasmosis capsulati

Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2 the cytoplasm (l ig. 1) (Negroni 1965). H. capsulatum is Gram positive, stains red with periodic acid Schiff (P. A.s.) and dark brown or black with (

ỉrocott methenamine-silver technique (G.M.S.) (Salfcldcr Ct al. 1990).H. capsulatum sexual reproduction follows the heterothallic conjunction of compa Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2

tible mating types (+) and ( ). paired in poor culture media as yeast extract-agar or soil extract-agar at 28“C for several weeks. I he young cleistot

Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2

hecia are globose, 100 to 150 pm in diameter; they become irregularly stellate with age because of the radiated spinal peridial hyphae. Asci are chib

SECTION 111Classic Mycoses Caused byDimorphic FungiClassic HistoplasmosisRicardo NegroniIntroductionClassic histoplasmosis or histoplasmosis capsulati

Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2g and Bennett 1992; Kauffman 2011; Dccpc 2012).H. capsulatum has 4 to 7 chromosomes. According to the number and characteristics of these chromosomes

the strains of this fungus were initially divided into two chemo types, but new molecular biology techniques have allowed the210 Medical theology: Cur Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2

rent Trends and Future ProspectsFigu re 1. Giemsa stained smear of a cutaneous lesion showing yeast-like elements of H capsulatmii inside macrophages.

Ebook Medical mycology - Current trends and guture prospects: Part 2

X 1.000Figure 2. Mycelial form ofH. capstdattmu microscopic observation of macroconidia in a preparation with lacto phenol cotton blue. X 400.identif

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