Ebook Netter’s essential biochemistry: Part 2

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Nội dung chi tiết: Ebook Netter’s essential biochemistry: Part 2

Ebook Netter’s essential biochemistry: Part 2

Cha pter23Oxidative Phosphorylation and Mitochondrial DiseasesSYNOPSISMillie Iroiidni ate I’-i'.v.ilK sliippeil-duwri iinirn-trequlkt: haele-IÍ.1 That

Ebook Netter’s essential biochemistry: Part 2t spccnlzc ii energy production. Human iniochondria CI'IISFI of an mierual conipnrtmcni (lhe* miochundml matrix) that cinilanix the Ln/VKILS of lire C

litic acid v.vvV, listlv acxl |>-oxjdatbn. ketone body metabolism. and parts of several bb-syndieltc p.ilhw;iys. Ihe ninlrk k enclosed hy lire inner m Ebook Netter’s essential biochemistry: Part 2

ilo-ehondiial membrane, which co mails the proteins for oxilathv phosphoryl: I»r. the inner miochondruil membrane H surrounded by an Ollier niiiichiir

Ebook Netter’s essential biochemistry: Part 2 incnilir.iric that k pcnncalik to amah molecules, lhe region between the two membranes B ihe IIlenne-nhr.tre spacen Oxilath.c plrospliiuvL-.ti.

Cha pter23Oxidative Phosphorylation and Mitochondrial DiseasesSYNOPSISMillie Iroiidni ate I’-i'.v.ilK sliippeil-duwri iinirn-trequlkt: haele-IÍ.1 That

Ebook Netter’s essential biochemistry: Part 2t- pts: due I-I >11 ofadcnosinc triphosphate (ATP: lig. 23.1L As NADH is oxklizcd. protons <11 Jure pumped 0111 n| lire niuirci mln the miernrem-bianu

space J' pail !>fa series id OAÌdaũiii-ivduclkiii ivactMlis. An A1P synthase slows protons to flow back into the uiKoehon-dnilnnnris. mid il uses lir Ebook Netter’s essential biochemistry: Part 2

e eirergv linn k freed ni ihk process to phosphorylate adenine địphosphatc (ADP)to ATP. Milochondna con > n lhetrowu DNA Muocbontlm lire Iihroed froni

Ebook Netter’s essential biochemistry: Part 2

only lliv niollicr. Snirre ofdre prolcnis needed lin osklatkc phosphoryhtbn arc encoded by the DNAn the nữoebondna. bill mosl lire derived fmri the l

Cha pter23Oxidative Phosphorylation and Mitochondrial DiseasesSYNOPSISMillie Iroiidni ate I’-i'.v.ilK sliippeil-duwri iinirn-trequlkt: haele-IÍ.1 That

Ebook Netter’s essential biochemistry: Part 2 require J hụi I Hile of ATI’, such as lire cutilial nervous system, the heart, and skeletal muscle. Pancreatic |i-celk are II km oiler

Iiiecleil Slice AH’ synlhesiv k required liir ukicose suti-.riii and iisulii sccivliui.LEARNING OBJECTIVESFor mastery of (his topic, you should be abl Ebook Netter’s essential biochemistry: Part 2

e to do thefollowing: a Ik-sciihe lire fiuiclion. cellibr Irenlimi. mid iksiiu dkiriiutiiu of the electron transport chain and ATP synthase.- Suroniii

Ebook Netter’s essential biochemistry: Part 2

nw! how components of lhe electron transport chain undergo ■■xidaliiHi-rcducliori rcaclbii' mid Imw the energy liinn such rcactbns É used to pvmp prot

Cha pter23Oxidative Phosphorylation and Mitochondrial DiseasesSYNOPSISMillie Iroiidni ate I’-i'.v.ilK sliippeil-duwri iinirn-trequlkt: haele-IÍ.1 That

Ebook Netter’s essential biochemistry: Part 2and pliosphuciu-atinc 11 iitracclnhi- energy transport, and 1st tissues it which lhese mofecules lire especiilk- .• bundanlDifferentiate lire nomial r

egulation and interplay of ATP synthase aettviy, flux 11 the electron transport chain, flux 11 the ettne next cyvk. and fins -Il gkxmKsk■Assess the ii Ebook Netter’s essential biochemistry: Part 2

lhtcnec of a lining concentration of oxygen on oxsialne phosphoryl, I ionTx--re I flic die oiled* of uticnupk:* and ckcliun lian*puil chain inhbitors

Ebook Netter’s essential biochemistry: Part 2

on II’.IX through the electron transport ehait and on theiare of uxidalkv phusplioryhlioii; predict die clfccL'. of these agents OU ’lux in cỊẹcoỊysis

Cha pter23Oxidative Phosphorylation and Mitochondrial DiseasesSYNOPSISMillie Iroiidni ate I’-i'.v.ilK sliippeil-duwri iinirn-trequlkt: haele-IÍ.1 That

Ebook Netter’s essential biochemistry: Part 2e [ihuspliorylalion nnd TI protecting lịnd nilegiilv■klentẠa pattern of ir.ioehondiial nheiitancc.■Expiun why some mUochondryllicenses are nhersed wuh

an X-lhikcd or recessive pallciu, whiL* ullrers slum maternal inheritance.■I'.xpnTi helemplismy mid xtrow huw 1 rel'.ie* lo varinlmns ri Ebook Netter’s essential biochemistry: Part 2

onset, phenotype, and severityufmr.ochoridin'.diseascscaused by munitions IT. miiochondmlDNA1OXĨDATB E PIIOSPIĨORYI ATIONOxidmivc pliosphorykilkm win

Ebook Netter’s essential biochemistry: Part 2

sisls <1/au ọxvgcn-reqiiirinụ electron transport chain and an ATT’ sjuthasc. T c electron transport drain uses the reducing power I electrons and pinl

Cha pter23Oxidative Phosphorylation and Mitochondrial DiseasesSYNOPSISMillie Iroiidni ate I’-i'.v.ilK sliippeil-duwri iinirn-trequlkt: haele-IÍ.1 That

Ebook Netter’s essential biochemistry: Part 2e mitochondrial iutcr-ineinbrane space. T e .ATP synthase allows [I 10 /low back inin lire matrix while using the elcclroclimnical H' gr.idieiii to sy

nthesize A7 P from ADPand phosphate. Inhibitors o/thc electron transport chain and Iincouplcrs 0/ oxidative phos-phoiylation both reduce ATP prodiicii Ebook Netter’s essential biochemistry: Part 2

on by oxidative phosphor yla linn.1.1.Structure and Function of MitochondriaMitochondria arc present in niosi cells. Maiurcred blood cells do not have

Ebook Netter’s essential biochemistry: Part 2

mitochondria. Fast white muscle cells have very lew miiochondria. In contrast, organs Such as the brain and he.'in contain many niitiichmiilri.i.Mito

Cha pter23Oxidative Phosphorylation and Mitochondrial DiseasesSYNOPSISMillie Iroiidni ate I’-i'.v.ilK sliippeil-duwri iinirn-trequlkt: haele-IÍ.1 That

Ebook Netter’s essential biochemistry: Part 2 the shape of an elongated beau, they actually form a highly dynamic tubular reticulum inside of cells.T e matrix space contains the enzymes of lire c

ilric acid cycle (sw Chapter 22); fully acid p-oxidation, ketone body synthesis, and ketone body oxidation I sec Chapter 27): pans of heme synthesis ( Ebook Netter’s essential biochemistry: Part 2

see Chapter 14). steroid symhesis I see Chapter 31); prolein metabolism (see Chapters 34 and 35); and the urea cycle (sec Chapter Ì5). r c inner mitoc

Ebook Netter’s essential biochemistry: Part 2

hondrial membrane contains the components of oxidative phosphorylation discussed in ihis chapter. T e Ollier membrane is permeable to small molecules.

Cha pter23Oxidative Phosphorylation and Mitochondrial DiseasesSYNOPSISMillie Iroiidni ate I’-i'.v.ilK sliippeil-duwri iinirn-trequlkt: haele-IÍ.1 That

Ebook Netter’s essential biochemistry: Part 2iauiụutlLaitaat AirIaivhI.iii of -iitDNA • nJ crii.i id eveL1.2.Electron Transport ( hain

Cha pter23Oxidative Phosphorylation and Mitochondrial DiseasesSYNOPSISMillie Iroiidni ate I’-i'.v.ilK sliippeil-duwri iinirn-trequlkt: haele-IÍ.1 That

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