Ebook Organizational behavior (15th edition): Part 2

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Ebook Organizational behavior (15th edition): Part 2

CommunicationConstantly talking isn’t necessarily conimunwating. —Joel in Eternal Sunshine.of the Spotless MindSochi bx*- Now Vort s*xk Echongo Scarce

Ebook Organizational behavior (15th edition): Part 2e: AXPhov/tehordD-vw.336 CHAPTER 11 CommunicationIt'S unlikely these messages would be consistent with Goldman's elaborate e-mail policies. But the fi

rm did make some serious profit.Source: M. Abelson and c. Winter. "The Goldman Rules." Bloomberg Businessweek (April 25,2011), pp. 90-91: L Lavelle. " Ebook Organizational behavior (15th edition): Part 2

Best Places to Launch a Career." Bloomberg Businessweek (June 2010), downloaded June 10, 2011, from httpy/images.businessweekcom/; and L Story and s.

Ebook Organizational behavior (15th edition): Part 2

Chan, 'Goldman Cited Serious’ Profit on Mortgages," The New York Times (April 25.2010). pp. Y1. Y25.This example illustrates the profound consequences

CommunicationConstantly talking isn’t necessarily conimunwating. —Joel in Eternal Sunshine.of the Spotless MindSochi bx*- Now Vort s*xk Echongo Scarce

Ebook Organizational behavior (15th edition): Part 2 discuss is gossip. Consider the following self-assessment, and see how you score on your attitudes toward gossip at work.Poor coinniunication is prob

ably the most frequently cited source of interpersonal conllict.' Because individuals spend nearly 70 percent of their waking houix communicating'—wil Ebook Organizational behavior (15th edition): Part 2

ting. reading, SỊteaking, listening—it seems reasonable that one of the biggest inhibitors of group performance is lack of effective communication. Go

Ebook Organizational behavior (15th edition): Part 2

od communication skills ate critical to career success. Polls of recruiters nearly always show communication skills among the most desired characteris

CommunicationConstantly talking isn’t necessarily conimunwating. —Joel in Eternal Sunshine.of the Spotless MindSochi bx*- Now Vort s*xk Echongo Scarce

Ebook Organizational behavior (15th edition): Part 2deas. Communicating, however, is more than merely imparting meaning; that meaning must also be understood. If one group member speaks only German and

the others do not know the language, the Gentian speaker will not be fully understood. therefore. communication must include both the transfer anti th Ebook Organizational behavior (15th edition): Part 2

e nnrlenlanding of meaning.Perfect communication, if it existed, would occur when a thought or idea was transmitted so the receiver perceived exactly

Ebook Organizational behavior (15th edition): Part 2

the same mental picture as the sender. 1 hough it sounds elementary, perfect communication is never achieved in practice, for reasons we shall Mie lat

CommunicationConstantly talking isn’t necessarily conimunwating. —Joel in Eternal Sunshine.of the Spotless MindSochi bx*- Now Vort s*xk Echongo Scarce

Ebook Organizational behavior (15th edition): Part 2I A Gossip?In die Self-Assessment Library (available on Cl) or online), lake assessment IV.E.3 (Am I a Gossip?) and answer the following questions.1Ho

w did you score relative to your classmates?2Do you think gossiping is morally wrong? why or why not?Functions of CommunicationIdentify the main funct Ebook Organizational behavior (15th edition): Part 2

ions of communication.Communication senes four major functions within a group or organization: control, motivation. emotional expression, and informat

Ebook Organizational behavior (15th edition): Part 2

ion?Communication acts to fonlrol member behavior in several ways.Organizations have authority hierarchies and formal guidelines employeesMany communi

CommunicationConstantly talking isn’t necessarily conimunwating. —Joel in Eternal Sunshine.of the Spotless MindSochi bx*- Now Vort s*xk Echongo Scarce

Ebook Organizational behavior (15th edition): Part 2cial needs. In this photo. Rene Brookbank, marketing consultant and director of client relations at Cummins & White law firm, jokes with her co-worker

s during a corporate fashion event. The law firm staged a show for female lawyers and staffers as a fun way for them to view fashion trends in busines Ebook Organizational behavior (15th edition): Part 2

s attire and then treated them all to new outfits. Throughout the social event, cheerful communication among employees allowed them to express their e

Ebook Organizational behavior (15th edition): Part 2

motions of happiness and gratitude.communication The transfer and understanding of meaning.Functions of Communication 337Source: oW/Z’JMA Pressetewsco

CommunicationConstantly talking isn’t necessarily conimunwating. —Joel in Eternal Sunshine.of the Spotless MindSochi bx*- Now Vort s*xk Echongo Scarce

Ebook Organizational behavior (15th edition): Part 2y with company policies, communication is performing a control function. Informal communication controls behavior too. When work groups tease or haras

s a member who produces t(H> much (and makes the rest of the group look bad), they are informally communicating, and controlling, the member's behavio Ebook Organizational behavior (15th edition): Part 2

r.Communication fosters motivation by clarifying to employees what they must do, how well they are doing it, and how they can improve if performance i

Ebook Organizational behavior (15th edition): Part 2

s subpar. We saw this operating in ottr review of goal-setting theory in Chapter 7. The formation of specific goals, feedback on progress toward the g

CommunicationConstantly talking isn’t necessarily conimunwating. —Joel in Eternal Sunshine.of the Spotless MindSochi bx*- Now Vort s*xk Echongo Scarce

Ebook Organizational behavior (15th edition): Part 2r many employees. Communication within the group is a fundamental mechanism by which memlM-rs show their satisfaction and frustrations. Communication,

therefore, provides for the emotional expression of feelings and fulfillment ol soc ial needs.lhe final function of communication is to facilitate de Ebook Organizational behavior (15th edition): Part 2

cision making. Communication provides the information individuals and gloups need to make decisions by transmitting the data needed to identity and ev

Ebook Organizational behavior (15th edition): Part 2

aluate choices.Almost every communication interaction that takes place in a group ororga-nization performs one or more ol these functions, and none of

CommunicationConstantly talking isn’t necessarily conimunwating. —Joel in Eternal Sunshine.of the Spotless MindSochi bx*- Now Vort s*xk Echongo Scarce

Ebook Organizational behavior (15th edition): Part 2perform, allow emotional expression, and make decision choices.338 CHAPTER 11 CommunicationThe Communication Process2 Describe the communication proce

ss and distinguish between formal and informal communication. Ebook Organizational behavior (15th edition): Part 2

CommunicationConstantly talking isn’t necessarily conimunwating. —Joel in Eternal Sunshine.of the Spotless MindSochi bx*- Now Vort s*xk Echongo Scarce

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