Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

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Nội dung chi tiết: Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

CHAPTER SEVENUNDERSTANDING MASTERS ATHLETES' MOTIVATION FOR SPORTNIKOLA MEDICThe objective of this chapter is to discuss motivational processes underl

Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2lying lifelong involvement in sports. Information pertaining to the topic will be mainly derived from survey data on over 600 Masters Athletes and on

archived records from over 40,000 Masters Athletes of different sports; however, additional insights will be provided from other existing motivational Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

research on Masters Athletes. The motivational themes will be discussed with respect to the following:The importance of understanding motivational pr

Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

ocesses underlying lifelong involvement in sport;■The question of whether relative age effects exist in Masters sports;■The question of what motivates

CHAPTER SEVENUNDERSTANDING MASTERS ATHLETES' MOTIVATION FOR SPORTNIKOLA MEDICThe objective of this chapter is to discuss motivational processes underl

Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2ive body of literature has focused on the concept of motivation in sport settings. Various research strategies have been utilized successfully in purs

uit of clarifying the complexity of this concept, and over 30 different theories have been proposed to explain and predict what motivates athletes to Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

behave the way they do (Paskevich et al., 2006; Roberts, 2001). This research has been valuable because it provided the basis for understanding the ch

Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

oice, effort, and persistence tendencies, and their relationship to human behaviour. This research has also facilitated the development of strategies

CHAPTER SEVENUNDERSTANDING MASTERS ATHLETES' MOTIVATION FOR SPORTNIKOLA MEDICThe objective of this chapter is to discuss motivational processes underl

Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2hts regarding the development of motivational factors until the time athletes reachpeak performance in their sports. However, our knowledge is much mo

re limited, but emerging, with regards to the motivational processes of Masters Athletes; that is, individuals who either continue to compete beyond t Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

heir peak performance, or, at some later time in their life, start or resume training on a daily basis and compete at events available to middle- to o

Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

lder-aged adults (e.g., Master's tournaments, Senior Olympics).Numerous studies throughout the developed world have shown that, in our aging society,

CHAPTER SEVENUNDERSTANDING MASTERS ATHLETES' MOTIVATION FOR SPORTNIKOLA MEDICThe objective of this chapter is to discuss motivational processes underl

Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2 this, there is convincing evidence that the numerous physiological (Bouchard el al., 2007) and psychological (Biddle el al., 2000) benefits of physic

al activity and sport involvement outweigh the risks associated with physical activity and sport involvement in older people. Considering that physica Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

l inactivity has been highlighted as one of the most important areas lor disease-risk-factor reduction in middle- to older-aged adults, efforts have b

Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

een directed al understanding how to increase and maintain physical activity and sport participation in this population. One approach toward this aim

CHAPTER SEVENUNDERSTANDING MASTERS ATHLETES' MOTIVATION FOR SPORTNIKOLA MEDICThe objective of this chapter is to discuss motivational processes underl

Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2ontinue to train for and compete at various sporting disciplines available to older adults. Masters Athletes thus provide US with an exceptional cohor

t to study motivation for physical activity and sport because they devote a large amount of lime to sport and have a lifetime of valuable experience. Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

As such, Masters Athletes are of particular interest because they may have developed and adopted motivational strategies that allow them to maintain s

Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

port involvement across the lifespan in spite of age-related performance declines. Moreover, a benefit of utilizing Masters Athletes in research on sp

CHAPTER SEVENUNDERSTANDING MASTERS ATHLETES' MOTIVATION FOR SPORTNIKOLA MEDICThe objective of this chapter is to discuss motivational processes underl

Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2se or other physical disability as a barrier to participation. Finally, understanding motivational processes of Masters Athletes is important because

extensive evidence suggests that, in order to maintain highly skilled levels of athletic performance, individuals need to engage in adequate amounts o Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

f high-quality sport-specific training (e.g., Weir et al. (2002) showed that national-level Masters Athletes trained 6.5 hours per week on average) an

Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

d must be motivated to overcome setbacks in training and competition over time. Thus, in an attempt to broaden the vision of what constitutes high-per

CHAPTER SEVENUNDERSTANDING MASTERS ATHLETES' MOTIVATION FOR SPORTNIKOLA MEDICThe objective of this chapter is to discuss motivational processes underl

Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2d be recognized as experts who have a lifetime of valuable experience. Spirduso et al. (2005) stated that Masters Athletes:are an important group to s

tudy and to emulate ... because lhey reveal the limits of human physical potential. .. They are an inspiration ... because they epitomize optimal phys Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

ical aging... and because they inspire an upward look, provide a standard, and give hope.(p. 316, see also Horton, Chapter 8)DO RELATIVE AGE EFFECTS E

Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

XIST IN MASTERS SPORTS?A motivational strategy aimed al establishing a fair playing field in Masters sports involves the use of 'age categories' that

CHAPTER SEVENUNDERSTANDING MASTERS ATHLETES' MOTIVATION FOR SPORTNIKOLA MEDICThe objective of this chapter is to discuss motivational processes underl

Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2those close to their own age. Age categories are determined by the governing bodies for each Masters sport and are gender specific. However, anecdotal

evidence from Masters Athletes suggests that motivational differences exist within each of the five-year age categories. Masters Athletes report that Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

, as they start approaching the upper end of their age category, they feel less motivated to train and compete because of their relative-age disadvant

Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

age. For example, in a recent interview in a Masters sports' magazine, Philippa Raschker, a Masters track and field athlete (who, at the time of the i

CHAPTER SEVENUNDERSTANDING MASTERS ATHLETES' MOTIVATION FOR SPORTNIKOLA MEDICThe objective of this chapter is to discuss motivational processes underl

Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2w anxious are you about turning sixty?' I ler response was:I turn 59 in February, and due to the injury, this is the perfect time to rest and heal. An

d yes, I am very anxious to turn 60 and go after the records in that age group. For me, if there were no new goals to achieve, I would change gears an Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

d go into another sport. The records are the incentives that have kept me in this program, because they present the challenges I need to pursue after

Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

so many years of training.(Houlihan, 2006, p. 43)Likewise, a 60-year-old competitive Masters swimmer acknowledged the following:I had been active in M

CHAPTER SEVENUNDERSTANDING MASTERS ATHLETES' MOTIVATION FOR SPORTNIKOLA MEDICThe objective of this chapter is to discuss motivational processes underl

Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2ering how I would do at the 60-year-old level ... I did just that... I had gone faster than the old record . . . and I was only a half-second slower t

han my current world record in the 55-59 year bracket I had set 5 years previously ... I was very pleased and relieved that I had been able to meet my Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

expectations and the crowd's ... Each time I "age up", I look forward to setting new standards, and the thrill is always thereto race and put myself

Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

in the high-pressure zone of tough competition. I don't really know why I do this, but perhaps it is only to gain the recognition of peers and the sel

CHAPTER SEVENUNDERSTANDING MASTERS ATHLETES' MOTIVATION FOR SPORTNIKOLA MEDICThe objective of this chapter is to discuss motivational processes underl

Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2cal declines related to aging, lack of motivation to train during later stages of the five-year age categories may also contribute to the decline in M

asters Athletes' athletic performance.The motivational effect of age categories in Masters sports, and the influence of Masters Athletes' relative-age Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

advantage/disadvantage within constituent age categories, were systematically examined in a recent study by our research group (Medic et al., 2007).

Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

We reasoned that, based on Masters Athletes' birth dates, five-year age categories can be used to identify relatively-older and relatively-younger coh

CHAPTER SEVENUNDERSTANDING MASTERS ATHLETES' MOTIVATION FOR SPORTNIKOLA MEDICThe objective of this chapter is to discuss motivational processes underl

Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2 which generally use one-year age categories. In this study we tested whether a relative age effect was reflected in participation rates (i.e., partic

ipation-related relative age effect) and the performance achievements (i.e., performance-related relative age effect.) of Masters Athletes across each Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

constituent and successive year within the five-year age categories. We analyzed archived data on 24,831 participation entries from 1996 to 2005, and

Ebook The masters athlete: Part 2

1,160 national records set from 1998 to 2005 at USA Masters championships in track and field and swimming. Based on five-year age categories in which

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