Ebook Veterinary epidemiology (4/E): Part 1

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Nội dung chi tiết: Ebook Veterinary epidemiology (4/E): Part 1

Ebook Veterinary epidemiology (4/E): Part 1

Veterinary EpidemiologyVeterinary EpidemiologyFourth EditionMichael ThrusfieldVeterinary Clinical SciencesRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies Un

Ebook Veterinary epidemiology (4/E): Part 1niversity of EdinburghWith Robert ChristleyEpidemiology & Population HealthInstitute of Infection & Global Health, andInstitute of Veterinary ScienceU

niversity of LiverpoolAnd Helen Brown, Peter J. Digglc, Nigel French, Keith Howe, Louise Kelly, Annette O’Connor, fan Sargeant and Hannah WoodWILEY Bl Ebook Veterinary epidemiology (4/E): Part 1

ackwellThis edition first published 2018 0 2018 by Mui Wiley & Sons LtdVJaum HistoryFirst edition w 1986 hy Butterworth K Co. (Publishers) ltdSecond e

Ebook Veterinary epidemiology (4/E): Part 1

dition •>.' 1995 by Blackwell Science Ltdthird edition © 2005, 2007 by Biackwetl Science Ltd. a Biackwetl Publishing companyAll rights reserved. No pa

Veterinary EpidemiologyVeterinary EpidemiologyFourth EditionMichael ThrusfieldVeterinary Clinical SciencesRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies Un

Ebook Veterinary epidemiology (4/E): Part 1ng. recording or otherwise. crccpe as permitted hy law. Advice on how to obtain permission to reuse material from this title IS available at http:,'/w

ww.wilcycom,I’gA'pcrmissions.'1 be right of Michael If irusliekl and Robert Clirãlley to be identified as tile aulliors ul tile editorial material in Ebook Veterinary epidemiology (4/E): Part 1

Illis work lias been asserted in accordance with law.Registered ỌỊỊkcsJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc., Ill River Street, Hoboken, NJ Ơ7O3O, USAJolui W iley &

Ebook Veterinary epidemiology (4/E): Part 1

Sons Ltd, The Atrium. Soutiiern Gale, ClũclMsler. West Sussex. PO19 8SQ, UKEditorial (ifikr.9600 Garsingron Road. Orford. OX4 2DQ. UKlor details of ou

Veterinary EpidemiologyVeterinary EpidemiologyFourth EditionMichael ThrusfieldVeterinary Clinical SciencesRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies Un

Ebook Veterinary epidemiology (4/E): Part 1variety of electronic formats and by pnnt on-demand. Some content that appears In standard pnnt versions of this book may not bo available In ocher fo

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Ebook Veterinary epidemiology (4/E): Part 1

or any particular patient. In view of ongoing research, equipment modifications, changes In governmental regulations, and the constant flow of informa

Veterinary EpidemiologyVeterinary EpidemiologyFourth EditionMichael ThrusfieldVeterinary Clinical SciencesRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies Un

Ebook Veterinary epidemiology (4/E): Part 1rt or instructions tor each medicine, equipment, or device for. among other things, any changes In the Instructions or indication of usage and for add

ed warnings and precautions While the publisher and authors have used their best efforts in preparing this work, they make no representations or warra Ebook Veterinary epidemiology (4/E): Part 1

nties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaim all warranties, including without limitation

Ebook Veterinary epidemiology (4/E): Part 1

any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives, writt

Veterinary EpidemiologyVeterinary EpidemiologyFourth EditionMichael ThrusfieldVeterinary Clinical SciencesRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies Un

Ebook Veterinary epidemiology (4/E): Part 1on and/or potential source of further information does not mean that the publisher and authors endorse the information or services the organization, w

ebsite, or product may provide or recommendations it may make. This work is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering Ebook Veterinary epidemiology (4/E): Part 1

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Ebook Veterinary epidemiology (4/E): Part 1

appropriate. Further, readers should be aware that websites listed in this work may have changed or disappeared between when this work was written and

Veterinary EpidemiologyVeterinary EpidemiologyFourth EditionMichael ThrusfieldVeterinary Clinical SciencesRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies Un

Ebook Veterinary epidemiology (4/E): Part 1to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.Library lÀ>nfftrss Calalvging-in-l'ubtkalkn DataNames Thrusfield. M. V, author. I Christley, R

obert, 1968- author.Tide: Veterinary epidemiology by Michael Tiuuslield. Veterinary ClinicalSciences, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, Unive Ebook Veterinary epidemiology (4/E): Part 1

rsity ofEdinburgh : with Robert cluislley and |8 Olliers].Description: Fourth edition. I Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. 2018. I Includesbibliograpliical referenc

Ebook Veterinary epidemiology (4/E): Part 1

es and index. I

Veterinary EpidemiologyVeterinary EpidemiologyFourth EditionMichael ThrusfieldVeterinary Clinical SciencesRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies Un

Veterinary EpidemiologyVeterinary EpidemiologyFourth EditionMichael ThrusfieldVeterinary Clinical SciencesRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies Un

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