Economic ideas you should forget 2

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Nội dung chi tiết: Economic ideas you should forget 2

Economic ideas you should forget 2

Bruno s. FreyDavid Iselin — EditorsEconomicIdeasYou ShouldBruno s. Frey • David Iselin EditorsEconomic Ideas YouShould Forget0 SpringerEditorsBruno s.

Economic ideas you should forget 2. Frey University of Basel CREMAZurich, SwitzerlandDavid IselinKOI- Swiss Economic InstituteETH ZurichZurich, SwitzerlandISBN 978-3-319-47457-1ISBN 97

8-3-319-47458-8 (eBook)DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-47458-8Library of Congress Control Number: 2017930404•© Springer International Publishing AG 2017Illis wo Economic ideas you should forget 2

rk is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights

Economic ideas you should forget 2

of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmissio

Bruno s. FreyDavid Iselin — EditorsEconomicIdeasYou ShouldBruno s. Frey • David Iselin EditorsEconomic Ideas YouShould Forget0 SpringerEditorsBruno s.

Economic ideas you should forget 2oped.1 he use ol general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence

of a specific statement, diat such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.The publisher Economic ideas you should forget 2

, the authors and rhe editors arc safe to assume that rhe advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate ar rhe date of publ

Economic ideas you should forget 2

ication. Neither rhe publisher nor rhe authors or rhe editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or fo

Bruno s. FreyDavid Iselin — EditorsEconomicIdeasYou ShouldBruno s. Frey • David Iselin EditorsEconomic Ideas YouShould Forget0 SpringerEditorsBruno s.

Economic ideas you should forget 2nal affiliations.Printed on acid-free paperThis Springer imprint is published by Springer Naturerhe registered company is Springer International Publi

shing AGThe registered company address is: Gcwcrbcstrasse 11, 6330 (‘ham, SwitzerlandIntroductionIdeas are rhe drivers behind innovation, may they be Economic ideas you should forget 2

political, economic, in the arts or in science. “Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come” is a popular quote attributed to Victor I lugo

Economic ideas you should forget 2

. But what about ideas whose time has already passed? Ideas that might have had value at a certain point in time but are still sticking around even th

Bruno s. FreyDavid Iselin — EditorsEconomicIdeasYou ShouldBruno s. Frey • David Iselin EditorsEconomic Ideas YouShould Forget0 SpringerEditorsBruno s.

Economic ideas you should forget 2ound base of theory supported by empirical research that is taught the same way all over the world. Yet, according to Popper, we gain scientific progr

ess only by rejecting specific hypotheses within the theoretical framework. Economics is a vigorous and progressive science, which does not lose its f Economic ideas you should forget 2

orce when particular parts of its theory are empirically rejected. Rather, they contribute to the accumulation of knowledge.We bury ideas from the “Co

Economic ideas you should forget 2

ase Theorem” to “Say's Law” to “Bayesianism”. We let established scientists and lesser known younger colleagues speak. We give voice not only to econo

Bruno s. FreyDavid Iselin — EditorsEconomicIdeasYou ShouldBruno s. Frey • David Iselin EditorsEconomic Ideas YouShould Forget0 SpringerEditorsBruno s.

Economic ideas you should forget 2fects of an abundance of choice; we bid farewell to the idea that economic growth increases people’s well-being. We doubt that CEOs are paid so well m

erely because of their talent and question the usefulness of home ownership. Doubting assumptions and ideas is at rhe core of economics.The essays do Economic ideas you should forget 2

not idolize models or references and base their content on one single idea that should be forgotten. They reflect entirely personal views; the book th

Economic ideas you should forget 2

erefore only contains contributions by single authors. This makes the content parsimonious and distinctive.Vvi Introduction

Bruno s. FreyDavid Iselin — EditorsEconomicIdeasYou ShouldBruno s. Frey • David Iselin EditorsEconomic Ideas YouShould Forget0 SpringerEditorsBruno s.

Bruno s. FreyDavid Iselin — EditorsEconomicIdeasYou ShouldBruno s. Frey • David Iselin EditorsEconomic Ideas YouShould Forget0 SpringerEditorsBruno s.

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