Economics is like sex

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Nội dung chi tiết: Economics is like sex

Economics is like sex

TMU.S. CONGRESSCommon Sense Thinking for Better Decisions Through the Taboo Topics of Money, Budgets, Markets and TradeJONATHAN M. LAMBENDORSEMENTS ht

Economics is like sexttPs://khotlluviencom“If anyone had to limit his lifetime study of economics to one book. Lamb’s effort would be a good choice. Lamb builds on a tradi

tion going back to Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson, explaining that economics isn't the dry calculus of the balance sheet. In tills lively boo Economics is like sex

k—no equations, a handful of graphs, and plenty' of real-world anecdotes—you realize we make economic choices all the time.Resources are scarce. The u

Economics is like sex

nseen consequences of our actions are often overlooked. Unintended consequences abound. “Affordable housing” programs can make housing less affordable

TMU.S. CONGRESSCommon Sense Thinking for Better Decisions Through the Taboo Topics of Money, Budgets, Markets and TradeJONATHAN M. LAMBENDORSEMENTS ht

Economics is like sexre cobras. Lamb even shows that if you can't beat the lottery, you can use human behavior to better your (still bad) odds.The world would be a better

place if everyone, including our political leaders, read this book— especially our political leaders.”WILLIAM “BILL” STYRING IIIEconomist and former S Economics is like sex

enior Fellow, Hudson InstituteEconomics is Like Sex ECONOMICS IS LIKE sex™Common Sense Thinking for Better Decisions Though the Taboo Topics of Money,

Economics is like sex


TMU.S. CONGRESSCommon Sense Thinking for Better Decisions Through the Taboo Topics of Money, Budgets, Markets and TradeJONATHAN M. LAMBENDORSEMENTS ht

Economics is like sexeproduced. stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means —electronic, mechanical plKJtocopy. recording, scanning. or other—

except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisliei.Published in New York. New York, b Economics is like sex

y Morgan James Publblung Morgan Janies is a trademark of Morgan James, LLC. WWW. MorganJ ame sPublishing. c omEconomics IS Like Sex IS a trademark of

Economics is like sex

J Lamb Investments. INCThe Morgan James Speakers Group can bring authors to your live event. For more information or to book an event visit The Morgan

TMU.S. CONGRESSCommon Sense Thinking for Better Decisions Through the Taboo Topics of Money, Budgets, Markets and TradeJONATHAN M. LAMBENDORSEMENTS ht

Economics is like sex: 2017912750Cover Design by:Megan Wlutneymegan@creati\enm.iadesigns comInterior Design by:Chris MotganJames

TMU.S. CONGRESSCommon Sense Thinking for Better Decisions Through the Taboo Topics of Money, Budgets, Markets and TradeJONATHAN M. LAMBENDORSEMENTS ht

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