The role of economic regulators in the governance of infrastructure
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The role of economic regulators in the governance of infrastructure
The Governance of RegulatorsThe Role of EconomicRegulatorsin the Governance of Infrastructure®»OECDThe Governance of RegulatorsThe Role of Economic Re The role of economic regulators in the governance of infrastructureegulators in the Governance of InfrastructureQ// OECDBETTER POLICIES FOR BETTER LIVESThis work is published under the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of OECD member countries.This The role of economic regulators in the governance of infrastructuredocument and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frThe role of economic regulators in the governance of infrastructure
ontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.Please cite this publication as:OECD (2017), The Role of Economic Regulators in The Governance of RegulatorsThe Role of EconomicRegulatorsin the Governance of Infrastructure®»OECDThe Governance of RegulatorsThe Role of Economic Re The role of economic regulators in the governance of infrastructure1 (print)ISBN 978-92-64-27280-4 (PDF)Series: The Governance of RegulatorsISSN 2415-1432 (print)ISSN 2415-1440 (online)Photo credits: Cover ậ Leigh Prather/ to OECD publications may be found on line at: u>u»ựpublíshing/corrígenda.htm.©OECD 2017You can copy, downlo The role of economic regulators in the governance of infrastructuread or print OECD content for your own use, and you can include excerpts from OECD publications, databases and multimedia products in your own documentThe role of economic regulators in the governance of infrastructure
s, presentations, blogs, websites and teaching materials, provided that suitable acknowledgement of OECD as source and copyright owner is given. All rThe Governance of RegulatorsThe Role of EconomicRegulatorsin the Governance of Infrastructure®»OECDThe Governance of RegulatorsThe Role of Economic Re The role of economic regulators in the governance of infrastructurehis material for public or commercial use shall be addressed directly to the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) at or the Centre frangais d’exploitation du droit de copie (CFQ at - 3ForewordInfrastructure is vital lor all citizens and businesses, prov i The role of economic regulators in the governance of infrastructureding essential sen ices ranging from clean water to energy, roads and public buildings such as schools and hospitals. The governance of infrastructureThe role of economic regulators in the governance of infrastructure
supports all stages in the infrastructure lifecycle (from the identification of needs to decommission), underpinning delivery of those sen ices. WhenThe Governance of RegulatorsThe Role of EconomicRegulatorsin the Governance of Infrastructure®»OECDThe Governance of RegulatorsThe Role of Economic Re The role of economic regulators in the governance of infrastructureoor outcomes.The “governance of infra struct urc” is the processes, tools, and norms of interaction, decision making and monitoring used by government organisations and their counterparts to make infrastructure sen ices available to the public and the public sector.The OECD has developed a Framework The role of economic regulators in the governance of infrastructure for the Governance of Infrastructure that provides practical guidance to governments on what type of processes, tools, decision-making mechanisms andThe role of economic regulators in the governance of infrastructure
institutions arc needed for cUcclivc infrastructure policy.Economic regulators arc part of an effective infra structure governance framework. They enThe Governance of RegulatorsThe Role of EconomicRegulatorsin the Governance of Infrastructure®»OECDThe Governance of RegulatorsThe Role of Economic Re The role of economic regulators in the governance of infrastructurend poor sen ice quality.Economic regulators set tariffs and ensure access to not only public but also private infrastructure in a number of industries such as waler, electricity and gas, tclccommunicalions and transport.Where economic regulators arc involved in infrastructure industries, they have a The role of economic regulators in the governance of infrastructuren ongoing relationship with the operators of regulated infrastructure throughout the infrastructure's lifecycle from the identification of infrastructThe role of economic regulators in the governance of infrastructure
ure needs, through construction and maintenance to its eventual decommissioning.THE ROLE OF ECONOMIC REGULATORS IN THE GOVERNANCE OF INFRASTRUCTURE c The Governance of RegulatorsThe Role of EconomicRegulatorsin the Governance of Infrastructure®»OECDThe Governance of RegulatorsThe Role of Economic Re The role of economic regulators in the governance of infrastructureders whether the approach that economic regulators take to applying tariff and access regulation has implications for the governance of infrastructure more generally. The role of economic regulators in the governance of infrastructureThe Governance of RegulatorsThe Role of EconomicRegulatorsin the Governance of Infrastructure®»OECDThe Governance of RegulatorsThe Role of Economic ReGọi ngay
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