The development of economic thought an overview
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The development of economic thought an overview
THEDEVELOPMENTOF ECONOMIC THOUGHTAN OVERVIEWJOSEPH R.CAMMAROSANOThe Development of Economic https://khothuvien.coniAn OverviewJoseph R. CammarosanoLEX The development of economic thought an overviewXINGTON BOOKSLanham • Boulder • Aew York • LondonPublished by Lexington BooksAn imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group. Inc.4501 Forbes Boulevard. Suite 200. Lanham. Maryland 20706WWW. rowma n. c OlliUnit A. Whitacre Mews. 26-34 Stannary Street. London SE11 4ABCopylight © 2018 by The R The development of economic thought an overviewowman & Littlefield Publishing Group. IncAll rights reserved. No pail of this book may l>e reproduced in any form 01 by any electronic 01 mechanical mThe development of economic thought an overview
eans, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from tile publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote passagesTHEDEVELOPMENTOF ECONOMIC THOUGHTAN OVERVIEWJOSEPH R.CAMMAROSANOThe Development of Economic https://khothuvien.coniAn OverviewJoseph R. CammarosanoLEX The development of economic thought an overview85-7160-9 (cloth : a Ik. paper)ISBN 978-1-4985-7161-6 (electionic)— ™The paper used in Illis publication meets the minimrun requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences— Permanence of Paper for Punted Library Materials. ANSI NISO Z39 48-1992.Printed in the United States of Ame The development of economic thought an overviewricaTo the Grandchildren.ContentsIntroduction1The Early Contributors to the Development of Economic Thought2The Mercantilists and the Physiocrats3AdamThe development of economic thought an overview
Smith (1723-1790) and the Wealth of Nations4TheClassicists5TheEarly Critics of Classical Economics6TheLater Classicists7TheSocialists and KarlMarx8HiTHEDEVELOPMENTOF ECONOMIC THOUGHTAN OVERVIEWJOSEPH R.CAMMAROSANOThe Development of Economic https://khothuvien.coniAn OverviewJoseph R. CammarosanoLEXTHEDEVELOPMENTOF ECONOMIC THOUGHTAN OVERVIEWJOSEPH R.CAMMAROSANOThe Development of Economic https://khothuvien.coniAn OverviewJoseph R. CammarosanoLEXGọi ngay
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