Ethics for international business decision making in a global political economy
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Ethics for international business decision making in a global political economy
Ethics for InternationalBusinessDecision Making in a Global PoliticalEconomySecond EditionJohn M. KlineEthics for International BusinessBusiness takes Ethics for international business decision making in a global political economys place in an increasingly global environment, crossing political and cultural boundaries, and consequently ethical dilemmas arise. The central focus of this successful and innovative text lies in how to make and explain “best choice” judgments in international business situations.The newly-updated Ethics for international business decision making in a global political economyversion of this groundbreaking textbook continues to provide a topical and relevant analysis of the ethical dimensions of conducting business in a gloEthics for international business decision making in a global political economy
bal political economy. From a starting point of applied ethics, the book introduces a common set of normative terms and analytical tools for examiningEthics for InternationalBusinessDecision Making in a Global PoliticalEconomySecond EditionJohn M. KlineEthics for International BusinessBusiness takes Ethics for international business decision making in a global political economyuding sweatshops•export of hazardous products•testing and pricing of HIV/A1DS drugs•advertising tobacco, alcoholic beverages and infant formula•deceptive marketing techniques and bribery•religious and social discrimination•cultural impacts from “music, movies and malls”•environmental issues, includi Ethics for international business decision making in a global political economyng oil spills, rain forest preservation, global warming and genetically modi lied foods•Internet censorship and privacy issues in China•fair trade cerEthics for international business decision making in a global political economy
tification and consumer boycotts•oil companies in the Sudan•foreign investors in BurmaTo keep pace with the changing landscape of global business, thiEthics for InternationalBusinessDecision Making in a Global PoliticalEconomySecond EditionJohn M. KlineEthics for International BusinessBusiness takes Ethics for international business decision making in a global political economyrising in emerging markets•Updated descriptions and assessments of relevant international agreements•Seventeen new photographs that were chosen to accompany cases designed for classroom discussion•Three new figures that help depict the ethical analysis processThe continued globalization of business Ethics for international business decision making in a global political economyincreases the relevance of this textbook and its unique focus on specifically international ethical challenges faced by business, where governments anEthics for international business decision making in a global political economy
d civil society groups play an active role. While most business ethics texts continue to focus heavily on ethical theory, this textbook condenses ethiEthics for InternationalBusinessDecision Making in a Global PoliticalEconomySecond EditionJohn M. KlineEthics for International BusinessBusiness takes Ethics for international business decision making in a global political economylications of international business, or the business implications of corporate responsibility in the global market, will find this book a thought-provoking yet balanced analysis. Clearly written, this has become the textbook of choice in this increasingly important field.John M. Kline is a Professor Ethics for international business decision making in a global political economy of International Business Diplomacy in the Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University. He is a past Director of the Master of Science inEthics for international business decision making in a global political economy
Foreign Service Program and the Karl F. Landegger Program in International Business Diplomacy. His teaching focuses on international business-governmeEthics for InternationalBusinessDecision Making in a Global PoliticalEconomySecond EditionJohn M. KlineEthics for International BusinessBusiness takes Ethics for international business decision making in a global political economy in a Global Political EconomySecond EditionEthics for InternationalBusinessDecision Making in a Global PoliticalEconomySecond EditionJohn M. KlineEthics for International BusinessBusiness takesGọi ngay
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