EU international agreements an analysis of direct effect and judicial review pre and post lisbon
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EU international agreements an analysis of direct effect and judicial review pre and post lisbon
Nadine ZipperleEUInternationalAgreementsAn Analysis of Direct Effect and Judicial Review Pre- and Post-LisbonNadine ZipperleEƯ International Agreement EU international agreements an analysis of direct effect and judicial review pre and post lisbontsAn Analysis of Direct Effect and JudicialReview Pre- and Post-Lisbon0 SpringerNadine ZipperleDurham Law SchoolDurham UniversityDurham, United KingdomISBN 978-3-319-64077-8 ISBN 978-3-319-64078-5 (eBook)DOI 10.1 (X17/978-3-319-64078-5Library of Congress Control Number: 201794X664<ữ Springer Interna EU international agreements an analysis of direct effect and judicial review pre and post lisbontional Publishing AC 2017This work is subject to copyright. All rights arc reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is conEU international agreements an analysis of direct effect and judicial review pre and post lisbon
cerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any othNadine ZipperleEUInternationalAgreementsAn Analysis of Direct Effect and Judicial Review Pre- and Post-LisbonNadine ZipperleEƯ International Agreement EU international agreements an analysis of direct effect and judicial review pre and post lisbonogy now known or hereafter develo|>ed.The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication docs not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names arc exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore fr EU international agreements an analysis of direct effect and judicial review pre and post lisbonee for general use.The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed Io lie trueEU international agreements an analysis of direct effect and judicial review pre and post lisbon
and accurate al the dale of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect Io thNadine ZipperleEUInternationalAgreementsAn Analysis of Direct Effect and Judicial Review Pre- and Post-LisbonNadine ZipperleEƯ International Agreement EU international agreements an analysis of direct effect and judicial review pre and post lisbon in published maps and institutional affiliations.Printed on acid-free paperIllis Springer imprint is published by Springer Nature111C registered company is springer International Publishing AG111C registered company address is: Gcwerbcstrassc 11. 6330 Cham. SwitzerlandAcknowledgementsThe monograph EU international agreements an analysis of direct effect and judicial review pre and post lisbonis based on a 2016 PhD dissertation drafted at Durham University, Department of Law, under the co-supervision of Professor Robert Schutzc and ProfessoEU international agreements an analysis of direct effect and judicial review pre and post lisbon
r Eleanor Spaventa. The dissertation was passed by examiners Dr. Andres Delgado Castclciro (Durham University) and Dr. Markus Gehring (University of CNadine ZipperleEUInternationalAgreementsAn Analysis of Direct Effect and Judicial Review Pre- and Post-LisbonNadine ZipperleEƯ International Agreement EU international agreements an analysis of direct effect and judicial review pre and post lisbonfor the continued support offered to me. 1 truly feel privileged to have had a supervisor dedicating so much of his time and enthusiasm to the project.Furthermore. I would like to thank my second supervisor, Professor Eleanor spaventa. for comments, suggestions and constructive discussions, which ha EU international agreements an analysis of direct effect and judicial review pre and post lisbonve been invaluable throughout the process of writing this dissertation.I would also like to acknowledge the financial support of Durham University. InEU international agreements an analysis of direct effect and judicial review pre and post lisbon
particular, the award of the doctoral fellowship has enabled me to undertake the research for this project.Durham Law School gave me a chance to be iNadine ZipperleEUInternationalAgreementsAn Analysis of Direct Effect and Judicial Review Pre- and Post-LisbonNadine ZipperleEƯ International Agreement EU international agreements an analysis of direct effect and judicial review pre and post lisbonthankful to Dr. Delgado Casteleiro and Dr. Gehring for discussions. interest for the project and comments.My thanks also go to all those al Springer who have helped in copy-editing this monograph, especially to Anke Seyfried and Julia Bieler.V EU international agreements an analysis of direct effect and judicial review pre and post lisbonNadine ZipperleEUInternationalAgreementsAn Analysis of Direct Effect and Judicial Review Pre- and Post-LisbonNadine ZipperleEƯ International AgreementGọi ngay
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