European integration and the atlantic community in the 1980s
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European integration and the atlantic community in the 1980s
Edited byKIRAN KLAUS PATELKENNETH WEISBRODEEUROPEAN INTEGRATION AND THE ATLANTIC COMMUNITY IN THE 1980sEuropean Integration and the Atlantic Community European integration and the atlantic community in the 1980sy in the 1980s1 his unique collection of essays lays the groundwork for the study of the intersection of European integration and transatlantic relations in the 1980s. With archives for this period only recently opened, scholars are beginning to analyze and understand what some have called an apogee European integration and the atlantic community in the 1980s of the European project and others have called the second Cold War. 1 low do these moments intersect and relate to one another? These essays, by promEuropean integration and the atlantic community in the 1980s
inent scholars from Europe and the United States, examine this and related questions while challenging conventional chronologies.Kiran Klaus Patel is Edited byKIRAN KLAUS PATELKENNETH WEISBRODEEUROPEAN INTEGRATION AND THE ATLANTIC COMMUNITY IN THE 1980sEuropean Integration and the Atlantic Community European integration and the atlantic community in the 1980sGermany and New Deal America (Cambridge 2005) and coeditor of The United States and Germany During the loth Century: Competition and Convergence (Cambridge 2010) and of Europeanization in the Twentieth Century: Historical Approaches (2010).Kenneth Weisbrode is Assistant Professor of I listory at Bil European integration and the atlantic community in the 1980skent University. He is rhe author of On Ambivalence (2012) and The Atlantic Century (2009), and coeditor of The Paradox of a Global USA (2007).EuropeaEuropean integration and the atlantic community in the 1980s
n Integration and the Atlantic Community in the 1980sEdited byKTRAN KLAUS PATELMaastricht UniversityKENNETH WELSBRODEBilkent UniversityM CAMBRIDCtEp? Edited byKIRAN KLAUS PATELKENNETH WEISBRODEEUROPEAN INTEGRATION AND THE ATLANTIC COMMUNITY IN THE 1980sEuropean Integration and the Atlantic Community European integration and the atlantic community in the 1980sf Cambridge.It furthers the University’s mission by disseminating knowledge in the pursuit of education, learning, and research ar rhe highest international levels of excellence.www.cambridge.orgInformation on rhis title:© Cambridge University Press 2013This publicati European integration and the atlantic community in the 1980son is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and ro rhe provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part mayEuropean integration and the atlantic community in the 1980s
take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press.First published 2013Printed in rhe United Stares of AmericaA catalog record foEdited byKIRAN KLAUS PATELKENNETH WEISBRODEEUROPEAN INTEGRATION AND THE ATLANTIC COMMUNITY IN THE 1980sEuropean Integration and the Atlantic Community European integration and the atlantic community in the 1980smunity in the 1980s/ [edited byl Kiran Klaus Patel, Kenneth Weisbrodc.pages cmIncludes bibliographical references.ISBN 978-1-107-03156-2 (hardback)T. Europe - Relations - United Stares. 2. United Stares - Relations -Europe. 3. European federation - History - 20th century. 4. European Economic Commun European integration and the atlantic community in the 1980sity countries -1 listory - 20th century. 5. United States -Foreign relations - T98T-T989. 6. United Stares - Economic policy - 1981-1993. 7- Europe -European integration and the atlantic community in the 1980s
Politics and government - 20th century.Edited byKIRAN KLAUS PATELKENNETH WEISBRODEEUROPEAN INTEGRATION AND THE ATLANTIC COMMUNITY IN THE 1980sEuropean Integration and the Atlantic CommunityEdited byKIRAN KLAUS PATELKENNETH WEISBRODEEUROPEAN INTEGRATION AND THE ATLANTIC COMMUNITY IN THE 1980sEuropean Integration and the Atlantic CommunityGọi ngay
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