Geotechnical aspects of pavement engineering

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Nội dung chi tiết: Geotechnical aspects of pavement engineering

Geotechnical aspects of pavement engineering

GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING COLLECTIONHiroshan Hettiarachchi, EditorGeotechnical Aspects of Pavement EngineeringNishantha BandaraManjriker GunaratneA /P


RIKER GUNARATNE/VP, momentum press c J ENGINEERINGMOMENTUM PRESS. LLC. NEW YORKGeotechnical Aspects of Pavement EngineeringCopyright c Momentum Press® Geotechnical aspects of pavement engineering

, LLC. 2018.All rights reserved. No pan of tliis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any mea

Geotechnical aspects of pavement engineering

ns—electronic, mechanical photocopy, recording, or any other—except for brief quotations, not to exceed 400 words, without the prior permission of the

GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING COLLECTIONHiroshan Hettiarachchi, EditorGeotechnical Aspects of Pavement EngineeringNishantha BandaraManjriker GunaratneA /P

Geotechnical aspects of pavement engineeringSBN. 13:978-1-60650-541-0 (e-book)Momentum Press Geotechnical Engineering CollectionCollection ISSN: 2376-4945 (print)Collection ISSN: 2376-4953 (elec

tion*)Cover and interior design by Exeter Premedia Senices Private Ltd. Chennai. India10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1Printed in the United States of AmericaABSTR Geotechnical aspects of pavement engineering

ACTFamiliarity with geotechnical aspects of pavement engineering is essential for any practicing pavement or geoteclinical engineer. When designing pa

Geotechnical aspects of pavement engineering

vements on an existing roadbed or along a new alignment, accurate characterization of the existing subgrade condition plays an important and difficult

GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING COLLECTIONHiroshan Hettiarachchi, EditorGeotechnical Aspects of Pavement EngineeringNishantha BandaraManjriker GunaratneA /P

Geotechnical aspects of pavement engineeringowever, with the introduction of new Mechanistic-Empirical (ME) pavement design methods, there is a need for improved and more appropriate methods to

characterize the exiting subgrade materials in order to predict tuture pavement conditions with better accuracy. Hence this handbook will be quite use Geotechnical aspects of pavement engineering

ful for practicing pavement engineers in terms of selecting proper field testing methods, characterizing subgrade materials, selecting proper pavement

Geotechnical aspects of pavement engineering

design, and treatment methods for unusual field conditions, and thus for effective construction of pavement foundations in general.This book introduc

GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING COLLECTIONHiroshan Hettiarachchi, EditorGeotechnical Aspects of Pavement EngineeringNishantha BandaraManjriker GunaratneA /P

Geotechnical aspects of pavement engineeringthis book is the inclusion of an entire chapter devoted to dealing with unusual field conditions encountered in practice at times. This particular cha

pter provides design details and treatment guidelines to address such difficulties.This book is a valuable resource for any practicing pavement engine Geotechnical aspects of pavement engineering

er or a civil engineering student who wishes to pursue a career in highway design and construction.KEYWORDSconstruction, design, exploration, mechanis

Geotechnical aspects of pavement engineering

tic, pavement, subgrade, testingCONTENTS

GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING COLLECTIONHiroshan Hettiarachchi, EditorGeotechnical Aspects of Pavement EngineeringNishantha BandaraManjriker GunaratneA /P

GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING COLLECTIONHiroshan Hettiarachchi, EditorGeotechnical Aspects of Pavement EngineeringNishantha BandaraManjriker GunaratneA /P

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