Fundamentals of power system economics, second edition

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Fundamentals of power system economics, second edition

DANIEL s. KIRSCHEN • GORAN STRBACFUNDAMENTALS OF__ SYSTEM ECONOMICSFundamentals of Power System EconomicsThis edition first published 2019© 2019 John

Fundamentals of power system economics, second edition Wiley & Sons LtdEdition History1« © 2004 Jolui Wiley & Sons LtdAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrie

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Fundamentals of power system economics, second edition

n and (ioran Strbac to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted in accordance with law.Registered Officcfs)John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,

DANIEL s. KIRSCHEN • GORAN STRBACFUNDAMENTALS OF__ SYSTEM ECONOMICSFundamentals of Power System EconomicsThis edition first published 2019© 2019 John

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DANIEL s. KIRSCHEN • GORAN STRBACFUNDAMENTALS OF__ SYSTEM ECONOMICSFundamentals of Power System EconomicsThis edition first published 2019© 2019 John

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Fundamentals of power system economics, second edition

ay make. Tills work is sold with the understanding dial die publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services, rhe advice and strategies con

DANIEL s. KIRSCHEN • GORAN STRBACFUNDAMENTALS OF__ SYSTEM ECONOMICSFundamentals of Power System EconomicsThis edition first published 2019© 2019 John

Fundamentals of power system economics, second editionbsites listed in this work may have changed or disappeared between when this work was written and when it is read. Neidier die publisher nor authors s

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ges.Library of Congress CataiogiMg-in-Publication DataNames: Kirschen, Daniel Sadi, audior. I Strbac, Goran, author.Title: Fundamentals of power syste

Fundamentals of power system economics, second edition

m economics / by Daniel s. Kirschen,University of Washington, United Stales, Goran Slrbac, Imperial College London, United Kingdom.Description: Second

DANIEL s. KIRSCHEN • GORAN STRBACFUNDAMENTALS OF__ SYSTEM ECONOMICSFundamentals of Power System EconomicsThis edition first published 2019© 2019 John

Fundamentals of power system economics, second editionCCN 2018015513 (print) I LCCN 2018017093 (ebook) I ISBN9781119309888 (pdf) I ISBN 9781119213253 (epub) I ISBN 9781119213246 (cloth)Subjects: LCS11: El

ectric utilities. I Electric power distribution. IInterconnected electric utility systems.Classificadon: LCC 1 ID9685.A2 (ebook) I LCC 1 ID9685.A2 K57 Fundamentals of power system economics, second edition

2019 (print) I DDC333.793/2-dc23l.c record available at Design: Wiley

DANIEL s. KIRSCHEN • GORAN STRBACFUNDAMENTALS OF__ SYSTEM ECONOMICSFundamentals of Power System EconomicsThis edition first published 2019© 2019 John

DANIEL s. KIRSCHEN • GORAN STRBACFUNDAMENTALS OF__ SYSTEM ECONOMICSFundamentals of Power System EconomicsThis edition first published 2019© 2019 John

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