German mergers acquisitions in the USA

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German mergers acquisitions in the USA

Bernd WiibbenGerman Mergers & Acquisitions in the USAwww.ebook3000.comBernd WiibbenGerman Mergers & Acquisitions in the USATransaction management and

German mergers acquisitions in the USA successWith a foreword by Professor Dr. Dirk SchiereckDeutscher Universităts-Verlagwww.ebook3000.comBibliografische Information Der Deutschen Nationa

lbibliothekDie Deutsche NationaIbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in derDeutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten Sind German mergers acquisitions in the USA

im Internet uber abrufbar.Dissertation Universitãt Witten/Herdecke, 2006 u.d.T.:Wiibben, Bernd: German cross-border mergers and

German mergers acquisitions in the USA

acquisitions in the United States1. Auflage Marz 2007Alle Rechte vorbehalten© Deutscher Universitãts-Verlag I GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden 2007Lekt

Bernd WiibbenGerman Mergers & Acquisitions in the USAwww.ebook3000.comBernd WiibbenGerman Mergers & Acquisitions in the USATransaction management and

German mergers acquisitions in the USAeBlich aller seiner Teile ist urheberrechtlich geschutzt. ' Jede Verwertun9 auBerhalb der engen Grenzen des Urheberrechtsgesetzes í Í') ist ohne Zusti

mmung des Verlags unzulassig und strafbar. Das gilt insbe-sondere fur Vervielfaltigungen, Ubersetzungen, Mikroverfilmungen und die Einspeicherung und German mergers acquisitions in the USA

Verarbeitung in elektronischen Systemen.Die Wiedergabe von Gebrauchsnamen, Handelsnamen, Warenbezeichnungen usw. in diesem Werk berechtigt auch ohne b

German mergers acquisitions in the USA

esondere Kennzeichnung nicht ZU der Annahme, dass solche Namen im Sinne der Warenzeichen- und Markenschutz-Gesetzgebung als frei ZU betrachten waren u

Bernd WiibbenGerman Mergers & Acquisitions in the USAwww.ebook3000.comBernd WiibbenGerman Mergers & Acquisitions in the USATransaction management and

German mergers acquisitions in the USArei gebleichtem Papier Printed in GermanyISBN 978-3-8350-0624-9To Suzannewww.ebook3000.comForewordIn early 2006 BASF AG. Ludwigshafen, acquired, in a

prolonged and rather hostile transaction, the U.S. Company Engelhard Corporation in order to strengthen its competitive position in the world's larges German mergers acquisitions in the USA

t economy. This sizable takeover follows even larger acquisitions by German companies in the United Slates in the past decade, such as by Daimler-Benz

German mergers acquisitions in the USA

, Deutsche Telekom and Deutsche Bank. Due to increasing pressure from the continuous globalization of international capital and product markets, numer

Bernd WiibbenGerman Mergers & Acquisitions in the USAwww.ebook3000.comBernd WiibbenGerman Mergers & Acquisitions in the USATransaction management and

German mergers acquisitions in the USAnt European markets. Accordingly, a transaction in the most important consumer market is expected to be particularly beneficial for German acquirers a

nd should elicit positive reactions by investors. But did this actually happen?Despite the high volume of cross-border transactions during the past de German mergers acquisitions in the USA

cade, the number of studies analyzing the success of mergers and acquisitions activity is still limited, especially regarding transatlantic acquisitio

German mergers acquisitions in the USA

ns involving U.S. target companies. In his thesis, Bernd Wiibben provides empirical evidence to fill this gap. Based on capital market data and a surv

Bernd WiibbenGerman Mergers & Acquisitions in the USAwww.ebook3000.comBernd WiibbenGerman Mergers & Acquisitions in the USATransaction management and

German mergers acquisitions in the USAs of the acquiring and target company and the acquisition structure had a significant impact on the transaction success.Another focus of the thesis is

to describe from the perspective of a foreign acquirer special considerations for structuring and managing a cross-border transaction of a U.S. targe German mergers acquisitions in the USA

t company, mainly the legal, financial accounting, and tax implications.Bernd Wiibben fully achieves the objectives of this dissertation. The analysis

German mergers acquisitions in the USA

contains many intriguing and surprising results, which make this thesis an interesting read that 1 highly recommend to corporate finance practitioner

Bernd WiibbenGerman Mergers & Acquisitions in the USAwww.ebook3000.comBernd WiibbenGerman Mergers & Acquisitions in the USATransaction management and

Bernd WiibbenGerman Mergers & Acquisitions in the USAwww.ebook3000.comBernd WiibbenGerman Mergers & Acquisitions in the USATransaction management and

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