Interrelations between public policies, migration and development in the philippines

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Nội dung chi tiết: Interrelations between public policies, migration and development in the philippines

Interrelations between public policies, migration and development in the philippines

OECD Development PathwaysInterrelations between Public Policies, Migration and Development in the PhilippinesiiS snOECD Development PathwaysInterrelat

Interrelations between public policies, migration and development in the philippinestions between Public Policies, Migration and Development in the PhilippinesThis work is published under the responsibility of the Secretary-General of

the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the member countries of the OECD or i Interrelations between public policies, migration and development in the philippines

ts Development Centre, or the Scalabrini Migration Center.This document, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the sta

Interrelations between public policies, migration and development in the philippines

tus of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area

OECD Development PathwaysInterrelations between Public Policies, Migration and Development in the PhilippinesiiS snOECD Development PathwaysInterrelat

Interrelations between public policies, migration and development in the philippineslippines, OECD Development Pathways, OECD Publishing, Paris. 978-92-64-27227-9 (print)ISBN 978-92-64-27

228-6 (PDF)ISBN 978-92-64-27229-3 (ePub)Series: OECD Development PathwaysISSN 2308-734X (print)ISSN 2308-7358 (online)The statistical data for Israel Interrelations between public policies, migration and development in the philippines

are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status

Interrelations between public policies, migration and development in the philippines

of the Golan Heights. East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law.Photo credits: Cover design by the

OECD Development PathwaysInterrelations between Public Policies, Migration and Development in the PhilippinesiiS snOECD Development PathwaysInterrelat

Interrelations between public policies, migration and development in the philippines2017You can copy, download or print OECD content for your own use. and you can include excerpts from OECD publications, databases and multimedia produ

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ner is given. All requests tor public or commercial use and translation rights should be submitted to rightsOoecd org. Requests for permission to phot

Interrelations between public policies, migration and development in the philippines

ocopy portions of this material for public or commercial use shall be addressed directly to the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) at

OECD Development PathwaysInterrelations between Public Policies, Migration and Development in the PhilippinesiiS snOECD Development PathwaysInterrelat

Interrelations between public policies, migration and development in the philippinesolicies and good practicesfor governing the various phases and types of migration by virtue of decades of experience as a source country for internati

onal migrants.The creation of the Sub-Committee on International Migration and Development (SCIMD) in 2014 was one step forward in its pursuit of mult Interrelations between public policies, migration and development in the philippines

i-level migration governance. The policy-making approach has also evolved from a primary concern to increase overseas employment opportunities, to an

Interrelations between public policies, migration and development in the philippines

emphasis on migrant protection and the linkages with development. Recent attention to development has led to the inclusion of international migration

OECD Development PathwaysInterrelations between Public Policies, Migration and Development in the PhilippinesiiS snOECD Development PathwaysInterrelat

Interrelations between public policies, migration and development in the philippines17-2022.In this context, the OECD Development Centre and the European Commission began a project to provide empirical evidence on the interrelations b

etween public policies, migration and development (IPPMD) in ten countries around the world, including the Philippines. This report, which presents th Interrelations between public policies, migration and development in the philippines

e Philippines’s findings, is the result of four years of fieldwork, empirical analysis and policy dialogue, conducted in collaboration with the Scalab

Interrelations between public policies, migration and development in the philippines

rini Migration Center, and with strong support from the Commission on Filipinos Overseas.The report examines how the various dimensions of migration a

OECD Development PathwaysInterrelations between Public Policies, Migration and Development in the PhilippinesiiS snOECD Development PathwaysInterrelat

Interrelations between public policies, migration and development in the philippinesctors influence a range of migration outcomes, such as the decision to migrate, the use of remittances and the success of return migration. The empiri

cal analysis is based on field work in the Philippines, which involved collecting quantitative data from 1 999 households and 37 communities across fo Interrelations between public policies, migration and development in the philippines

ur provinces, and conducting 40 qualitative stakeholder interviews.This report is published in parallel with nine other country reports and one compar

Interrelations between public policies, migration and development in the philippines

ative report, which analyses the cross-country findings and provides a coherent policy framework drawn from the fieldwork and analysis in the ten part

OECD Development PathwaysInterrelations between Public Policies, Migration and Development in the PhilippinesiiS snOECD Development PathwaysInterrelat

Interrelations between public policies, migration and development in the philippinesment nexus. It also aims to foster policy dialogue and provide guidance on how best to integrate migration into national development strategies. Build

ing on discussions with key stakeholders and policy makersINTERRELATIONS BETWEEN PUBLIC POLICIES. MIGRATION AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE PHILIPPINES© OECD/S Interrelations between public policies, migration and development in the philippines

CALABRIN1 MIGRATION CENTER 20173https://khothuvien.cori!FOREWORDin the Philippines, the OECD Development Centre and the Scứỉứbrini Migration Center lo

Interrelations between public policies, migration and development in the philippines

ok forward to continuing their co-operation to enhance the positive contribution of migration to the country’s sustainable development.Mario PezziniGr

OECD Development PathwaysInterrelations between Public Policies, Migration and Development in the PhilippinesiiS snOECD Development PathwaysInterrelat

OECD Development PathwaysInterrelations between Public Policies, Migration and Development in the PhilippinesiiS snOECD Development PathwaysInterrelat

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