J k lassers your income tax 2017 for preparing your 2016 tax return

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J k lassers your income tax 2017 for preparing your 2016 tax return

J.K.LASSER^A Wiley Brandr.. *1 . y * ®""fe foryears.. .YQUJ&B INCOME^ TAX2016For Preparing Your 2015 Tax Return"Rated #1 ... Excellent." -USA TodayGet

J k lassers your income tax 2017 for preparing your 2016 tax returnt your FREE J.K. Lasser Tax Supplement ALL the last-minute tax changes and Affordable Care Act rulesVisit tor tax tips, news, or to ask J

.K. a question!OVER 39 MILLION COPIES SOLDIKIASSER’S T your ‘ ế „ Income <«TAX2016prepared by the J.K. LASSER INSTITUTE™WILEYStaff for This BookJohn W J k lassers your income tax 2017 for preparing your 2016 tax return

iley & Sons, Inc.J.K. Lasser EditorialElliott Eiss. Member of the New York Bar, Contributing Editor Barbara Wcltman. Member of the New York Bar, Contr

J k lassers your income tax 2017 for preparing your 2016 tax return

ibuting Editor Angelo c. Jack. Senior Production EditorWilliam Hamill, Copyediting and Proofreading Index by WurdCo Indexing ServicesJohn Wiley & Sons

J.K.LASSER^A Wiley Brandr.. *1 . y * ®""fe foryears.. .YQUJ&B INCOME^ TAX2016For Preparing Your 2015 Tax Return"Rated #1 ... Excellent." -USA TodayGet

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J.K.LASSER^A Wiley Brandr.. *1 . y * ®""fe foryears.. .YQUJ&B INCOME^ TAX2016For Preparing Your 2015 Tax Return"Rated #1 ... Excellent." -USA TodayGet

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J.K.LASSER^A Wiley Brandr.. *1 . y * ®""fe foryears.. .YQUJ&B INCOME^ TAX2016For Preparing Your 2015 Tax Return"Rated #1 ... Excellent." -USA TodayGet

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lable in electronic books. For more information about Wiley products, visit our web site at KMPtrtISBN 978-1-119-13392-6ISBN 978-0-13-443745-3Printed

J.K.LASSER^A Wiley Brandr.. *1 . y * ®""fe foryears.. .YQUJ&B INCOME^ TAX2016For Preparing Your 2015 Tax Return"Rated #1 ... Excellent." -USA TodayGet

J.K.LASSER^A Wiley Brandr.. *1 . y * ®""fe foryears.. .YQUJ&B INCOME^ TAX2016For Preparing Your 2015 Tax Return"Rated #1 ... Excellent." -USA TodayGet

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