Key aspects of german business law

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Nội dung chi tiết: Key aspects of german business law

Key aspects of german business law

Key Aspects of German Business LawMichael Wendler • Bernd TremmlBernard Buecker (Eds.)Key Aspectsof German Business LawA Practical ManualThird Edition

Key aspects of german business lawnSpringerMichael WendlerWendler Tremml RechtsanwalteMorsenbroicher Weg 200 40470 DiisseldorfGermanydus@law-wt.deBernard Buecker 1220 Tower Life Buildi

ng 310 s. St. Mary’sSan Antonio, Texas 78205 USADr. jur. Bernd Tremml, M.C.J. Wendler Tremml Rechtsanwalte MartiusstraBe 5/II 80802 MunchenGermany mun Key aspects of german business law

ich@law-wt.deThe information contained herein is general information and is not intended to provide legal advide. Should you require legal advice, you

Key aspects of german business law

should seek the assistance of counsel.Copyright © 2006 Michael Wendler, Bernd Tretnrnl, Bernard BueckerISBN-10 3-540-28422-2 Springer Berlin Heidelbe

Key Aspects of German Business LawMichael Wendler • Bernd TremmlBernard Buecker (Eds.)Key Aspectsof German Business LawA Practical ManualThird Edition

Key aspects of german business lawin-Publication DataLibrary of Congress Control Number: 2005938059This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part

of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on m Key aspects of german business law

icrofilm or in any other way, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of th

Key aspects of german business law

e German Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer-Vcrlag. Violations a

Key Aspects of German Business LawMichael Wendler • Bernd TremmlBernard Buecker (Eds.)Key Aspectsof German Business LawA Practical ManualThird Edition

Key aspects of german business lawidelberg 1999, 2002, 2006Printed in GermanyThe use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply

, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for gen Key aspects of german business law

eral use.Hardcover-Design: Erich Kirchner, HeidelbergSPIN 1154397864/3153-5 4 3 2 1 0 - Printed on acid-free paperPrefaceThis book presents a clear an

Key aspects of german business law

d precise overview of the key aspects of German business law. Il was written by attorneys involved in the daily practice of business law in Germany an

Key Aspects of German Business LawMichael Wendler • Bernd TremmlBernard Buecker (Eds.)Key Aspectsof German Business LawA Practical ManualThird Edition

Key aspects of german business lawishment, operations and liquidations.The first section of the book is devoted to an explanation of the major issues to be considered in acquiring or e

stablishing a business in Germany. The second section focuses on areas of commercial law that are important for an operating business. The following s Key aspects of german business law

ections deal with labor law as an independent part of German business law and with computer law. Furthermore, procedural law and European law are addr

Key aspects of german business law

essed. Finally, the last two sections of the book are devoted to an overview over the German tax law, which has an enormous impact on business decisio

Key Aspects of German Business LawMichael Wendler • Bernd TremmlBernard Buecker (Eds.)Key Aspectsof German Business LawA Practical ManualThird Edition

Key aspects of german business lawt of the United States. Nevertheless, the intention is to provide information that will prove valuable to all foreigners, particularly business men an

d women and lawyers advising clients with an interest in doing business in Germany.Although it is the object of this book to provide readers with a ge Key aspects of german business law

neral orientation and the foundation for making informed decisions concerning business transactions in Germany, it cannot possibly function as a subst

Key aspects of german business law

itute for casespecific professional advice and by no means purports to do so. Those readers who wish to follow up on any decisions they may have forme

Key Aspects of German Business LawMichael Wendler • Bernd TremmlBernard Buecker (Eds.)Key Aspectsof German Business LawA Practical ManualThird Edition

Key aspects of german business lawinding obligations.This holds particularly true in light of the fact that all information here is based on the laws that w ere in effect in the Federa

l Republic of Germany on the first of November 2005. Key aspects of german business law

Key Aspects of German Business LawMichael Wendler • Bernd TremmlBernard Buecker (Eds.)Key Aspectsof German Business LawA Practical ManualThird Edition

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