Lecture Mosby''s paramedic textbook (4th ed) - Chapter 37: Trauma overview and mechanism of injury
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Lecture Mosby''s paramedic textbook (4th ed) - Chapter 37: Trauma overview and mechanism of injury
Paramedic TextbookFowrlA E4ilmTrauma Overview and Mechanism of InjuryChapter 37Learning Objectives•Describe the incidence and scope of traumatic injur Lecture Mosby''s paramedic textbook (4th ed) - Chapter 37: Trauma overview and mechanism of injuryries and deaths.•Identify tne ro e of each component of the trauma system.•Predict injury patterns based on knowledge of the laws of phys cs related to forces nvolved in trauma.Copyright s 2013 by Jones & Barter. Learning. LLC. an Ascend Learning Company1Learning Objectives•Describe injury patterns Lecture Mosby''s paramedic textbook (4th ed) - Chapter 37: Trauma overview and mechanism of injurythat should be suspected when injury occurs related to a specific type of blunt trauma.•Describe the role of restraints in injury prevention and injurLecture Mosby''s paramedic textbook (4th ed) - Chapter 37: Trauma overview and mechanism of injury
y patterns.•Discuss how C'gan motion can contribute to injury in each body region depending on the forces applied.Learning Objectives•Identify selecteParamedic TextbookFowrlA E4ilmTrauma Overview and Mechanism of InjuryChapter 37Learning Objectives•Describe the incidence and scope of traumatic injur Lecture Mosby''s paramedic textbook (4th ed) - Chapter 37: Trauma overview and mechanism of injuryify injury patterns associated with sports injuries, blast Injuries, and vertical falls.•Describe factors that influence tissue damage related to penetrating injury.Epidemiology of Trauma• Unintentional injury is devastating medical and social problem-leading caute of death among persons 1 to dd yea Lecture Mosby''s paramedic textbook (4th ed) - Chapter 37: Trauma overview and mechanism of injuryrs of age-Fifth leadi-g cause of death i-O'j all Ar'rtrcans-Trauma deaths in 2CCÔ were exceeded only by heart disease, cancer, stroke, and throne loneLecture Mosby''s paramedic textbook (4th ed) - Chapter 37: Trauma overview and mechanism of injury
r resfMratory disease;-»12CỚS, about 12Ũ.OCO unrv^rttkkhal injury deaths occurred in LWted States-Nat cnai Safety Cwclestimates that total number of uParamedic TextbookFowrlA E4ilmTrauma Overview and Mechanism of InjuryChapter 37Learning Objectives•Describe the incidence and scope of traumatic injur Lecture Mosby''s paramedic textbook (4th ed) - Chapter 37: Trauma overview and mechanism of injurys in Trauma Deaths• Deaths from unintentional injury are increasing yearly— Musi deaths from traumaLecture Mosby''s paramedic textbook (4th ed) - Chapter 37: Trauma overview and mechanism of injury
t lornpoiK'OlsIntegrated and cnnrdin.itcd tn pmvide cost effective services for injury prevention and patient camParamedic TextbookFowrlA E4ilmTrauma Overview and Mechanism of InjuryChapter 37Learning Objectives•Describe the incidence and scope of traumatic injurParamedic TextbookFowrlA E4ilmTrauma Overview and Mechanism of InjuryChapter 37Learning Objectives•Describe the incidence and scope of traumatic injurGọi ngay
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