Logistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely development
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Logistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely development
Ollj-Pekka Hilmola & Bulcsu SzekelyLOGISTICS DEVELOPMENT IN FINNISH AND SWEDISH COMPANIESWITH RESPECT OF RUSSIA AND FOUR ASIAN COUNTRIES: TRAFFIC FLOW Logistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely developmentW AND WAREHOUSING ANALYSIS FROM CURRENT SITUATION AND LIKELY DEVELOPMENT TRENDSLAPPEENRANTAUNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGYLAPPEENRANNAN TEKNILLINEN YLIOPISTO TUOTANTOTALOUDEN OSASTOTUTK1MUSRAP0RTTI 175 RESEARCH REPORTLAPPEENRANTA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENTL Logistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely developmentAPPEENRANTA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Kouvola Research UnitResearch Report 175Olli-Pekka Hihnola &Logistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely development
Bulcsu SzekelyLogistics Development in Finnish and Swedish Companies with Respect of Russia and Four Asian Countries: Traffic Flow and Warehousing AnaOllj-Pekka Hilmola & Bulcsu SzekelyLOGISTICS DEVELOPMENT IN FINNISH AND SWEDISH COMPANIESWITH RESPECT OF RUSSIA AND FOUR ASIAN COUNTRIES: TRAFFIC FLOW Logistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely developmentthat nowadays the centre of world trade is slowly shifting its place to Asia in general and to China in particular. Especially in manufacturing terms the change is obvious and tins fact puts a significant pressure on cost efficient and lead tune wise supply chain solutions. At the same tune there IS Logistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely development a massive unbalance in the traffic flows between continents. This is in most cases due to the supply chain strategies large multinational companies oLogistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely development
pt for. Many of them optimize their network by embracing “local sourcing” to achieve control and responsiveness in their supply chains. As a consequenOllj-Pekka Hilmola & Bulcsu SzekelyLOGISTICS DEVELOPMENT IN FINNISH AND SWEDISH COMPANIESWITH RESPECT OF RUSSIA AND FOUR ASIAN COUNTRIES: TRAFFIC FLOW Logistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely developmento transportation, warehousing costs on the one hand and waste of tune as a result of delays on the other. The optimal decision has to be reached considering the choice between centralized and decentralized inventory policies together with the choice of choosing the right combination of transportatio Logistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely developmentn modes. From Asia to Europe to ship goods via sea is cheap, but takes very long time - in some cases even eight weeks. In contrast air transport IS eLogistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely development
xpensive and poses limits to the size and weights of the products. Still there is a third option that would seem to be the solution: railways transporOllj-Pekka Hilmola & Bulcsu SzekelyLOGISTICS DEVELOPMENT IN FINNISH AND SWEDISH COMPANIESWITH RESPECT OF RUSSIA AND FOUR ASIAN COUNTRIES: TRAFFIC FLOW Logistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely developments.In this scrutiny we .are to analyze the situation by taking imder consideration large enterprises of Finland and Sweden. On the bases of this investigation we track the way of how the market shares between transportation modes will evolve in the future and cast a detailed view on traffic flows bet Logistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely developmentween Europe. Russia. South-Korea. India. China, and Japan. Alongside we show estimations on the development of transportation and warehousing of theseLogistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely development
companies in the forthcoming years. Based on our survey results, we identify* that pure transportation costs will not change that greatly in the nextOllj-Pekka Hilmola & Bulcsu SzekelyLOGISTICS DEVELOPMENT IN FINNISH AND SWEDISH COMPANIESWITH RESPECT OF RUSSIA AND FOUR ASIAN COUNTRIES: TRAFFIC FLOW Logistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely developmentill gain small increase in transportation share. Issues regaiding to emerging markets, we identify that especially China and Russia will face increasing vohunes 111 amount of containers transported, while India has a bit less significant increase. Oiu research also reveals that transportation unbala Logistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely developmentnce will persist with Russia; Swedish as well as Finnish companies mostly exploit export based strategy in the future too. In the warehousing issues wLogistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely development
e identify that amount of smaller warehouses is likely to continue small decline in the future. and the interest will shift to larger warehousing faciOllj-Pekka Hilmola & Bulcsu SzekelyLOGISTICS DEVELOPMENT IN FINNISH AND SWEDISH COMPANIESWITH RESPECT OF RUSSIA AND FOUR ASIAN COUNTRIES: TRAFFIC FLOW Logistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely development more on Western Europe Both of the countries have largest presence in home country. As selecting warehouse location, companies emphasize issues such as low distribution costs, proximity of assembly inanufactm Illg units, inbound logistics integration. and available child party logistics comiections Logistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely development. In the end of our research report we speculate that warehousing locations will not that greatly change due to the structure of ports and coiuiectionLogistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely development
s. We also suggest some avenues for fiirther research.Keywords: International transportation, transportation modes, emerging markets, warehousing2THVIOllj-Pekka Hilmola & Bulcsu SzekelyLOGISTICS DEVELOPMENT IN FINNISH AND SWEDISH COMPANIESWITH RESPECT OF RUSSIA AND FOUR ASIAN COUNTRIES: TRAFFIC FLOW Logistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely developmentErityisesti valniistavien yritysten peispektiivistã muutos on ollut merkittãvã ja tãinã tosiasia kasvattaa yrityksissã paineita luoda kustannnstehokkaita tounitusketjuratkaisnja. j Olden vasteaika on mahdollisimman lyhyt. Saniaan aikaan kun tarkasteilaan kuljetusvirtoja. huoniattaan etta maanosien v Logistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely developmentalillá on suuri epíỉtasapaino Táma on enĩnmiííkseen seurausta suurten globaalisti toiniivien yritysten toimitusketjustrategioista. Useimmat nãistã tonLogistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely development
nijoista optimoivat veikostonsa tnrvautnmalla "paikalliseen hankintaan”. jorta he voisivat paieinmin hallita toiniitusketjujaan ja saada nđită reagoinOllj-Pekka Hilmola & Bulcsu SzekelyLOGISTICS DEVELOPMENT IN FINNISH AND SWEDISH COMPANIESWITH RESPECT OF RUSSIA AND FOUR ASIAN COUNTRIES: TRAFFIC FLOW Logistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely developmenttuvat kuljetus- ja varastointikustannnkset sekă nãiden senranksena hnkka-aika. joka ailieuniu viivỉístyksista. Voidakseen saavuttaa optimùatkaisun. on tehtăva păỉỉtõs initen tuotteet varastoidaan: keskitetysti tai hajautetusti ja integroida tanitf valinta sopivien kuljetusmuotojen kanssa. Aasiasta P Logistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely developmentolyois-Eiuooppaan on halpaa kãyttãã menkuljetusta. nnitta operaatio kestãã hyvin pitkaăn -joissain tapauksessa jopa kahdek-san viikkoa Toisaalta lentoLogistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely development
kuljetus on sekỉí kallis ettă rajoittaa siirrettăvien tnotteiden eràkokoa On oleinassa kolmaskiỉì vailitoehto. josta voisi oỉla ratkaisuksi: rautatiekOllj-Pekka Hilmola & Bulcsu SzekelyLOGISTICS DEVELOPMENT IN FINNISH AND SWEDISH COMPANIESWITH RESPECT OF RUSSIA AND FOUR ASIAN COUNTRIES: TRAFFIC FLOW Logistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely developmenta suiumattiin Suomessa ja Ruotsissa toinũville yrityksille. Tuloksien penisteeỉla teenime johtopăătỗkset siitíí. initka kuljetusninotojen márkkinaosuudet mlevat olemaan nilevaisuudessa sekíỉ Inomnie kuvan kuljetusviiroista Euroopan. Venậịãn. Etelã-Korea. Intian. Kiinan ja Japanin vâlỉllã. Samalla on Logistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely development tarkoitus ennakoida sitã. miten tarkastelun kohteena olevat ỵritykset aikovat keliinăă knljetnksiaan ja varastoũưiaan nilevien vuosien aikana. TulostLogistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely development
en perusteella nayttaa silta. ettđ seuraavan viiden vuoden kuluessa kuljemskustaiuiukset eivỉít merkittãvissã inããrin tule muuttuman ja men- sekã knmiOllj-Pekka Hilmola & Bulcsu SzekelyLOGISTICS DEVELOPMENT IN FINNISH AND SWEDISH COMPANIESWITH RESPECT OF RUSSIA AND FOUR ASIAN COUNTRIES: TRAFFIC FLOW Logistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely developmentulokset paljastavat. enã Kiinassa ja Venajalla kuljetettava konttúnăărã kasvaa: Intiassa tulos on saman sunntainen. joskaan ei min voimakas. Analỵỵsmune mnkaan knljetnsvntoilnn Intụ-va epãtasapamo sãihy Venajan kuljetusten suhteeiỉ yiitykset iatkavat tulevaisundessakin vientiperwsteista stiategiaans Logistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely developmenta Varastoinnin puolella tuiuiistamme pienennnăn mnntoksen. ịonka mukaan pienikokoisten vaiastojen mããrãt todennakôisesti vãlienevãt tulevaisuudessa jaLogistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely development
kmmostus isoja varastoja kohtaan ỉisaãutyy. Tăssa kohtaa on mainittava, ettã snomalaisilla yrityksillã on enenunăn varastoja Keski- ja Ită-EuioopassaOllj-Pekka Hilmola & Bulcsu SzekelyLOGISTICS DEVELOPMENT IN FINNISH AND SWEDISH COMPANIESWITH RESPECT OF RUSSIA AND FOUR ASIAN COUNTRIES: TRAFFIC FLOW Logistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely developmentotimaassaan. Valitessaan varastojensa sýoitnskoliteita vrihkset painottavat senraavia kriteereitã: alhaiset jakehikustaiunikset, kokoamispaikan valnnstnstehtaan lăheisyys. saapuvan logistiikan integroitavuus ja saaỉavilla olevat logisũikkapalvelnt. Tntkimuksennne ỉopussa pããdynuue siihen, ettă varas Logistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely developmenttojen sijoituspaikat eivat muntn satannen rakenteen ja liikeimeyhteyksien takia kovinkaan nopeasti.Avainsanat: Kansainvđliset kuljetukset. knlịetnsmuoLogistics development in finnish and swedish companies with respect of russia and four asian countries: Traffic flow and warehousing analysis from current situation and likely development
dot. tnlevaisnnden maikkinat.vaiastointi3TABLE OF CONTENTS1Introduction42Literature Review - World Trade, Traffic Flows and Major Continents 63LiteratOllj-Pekka Hilmola & Bulcsu SzekelyLOGISTICS DEVELOPMENT IN FINNISH AND SWEDISH COMPANIESWITH RESPECT OF RUSSIA AND FOUR ASIAN COUNTRIES: TRAFFIC FLOWGọi ngay
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