Macrofinancial linkages trends, crises, and policies

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Nội dung chi tiết: Macrofinancial linkages trends, crises, and policies

Macrofinancial linkages trends, crises, and policies

Trends, Crises, and PoliciesEditorsChristopher Crowe. Simon Johnson. Jonathan D. Ostry. and Jeromin Zettelmeyer f*Ki T r n M A T ■ n M A IkAA n V r II

Macrofinancial linkages trends, crises, and policiesI M nMacrofinancial Linkages Trends, Crises, and PoliciesEditors Christopher Crowe, Simon Johnson, Jonathan D. Ostry, and Jeromin Zettelmeyer© 2010 In

ternational Monetary FundNothing contained in this book should be reported as representing the views of the IMF, its Executive Board, member governmen Macrofinancial linkages trends, crises, and policies

ts, or any other entity mentioned herein. I he views in this book belong solely ro rhe authors.Cataloging-in-Publication DataMacrofinancial linkages:

Macrofinancial linkages trends, crises, and policies

trends, crises, and policies / editors, Christopher Crowe ... [er al.].— Washington, D.c. : International Monetary Lund, 2010.p. ; cm.Includes bibliog

Trends, Crises, and PoliciesEditorsChristopher Crowe. Simon Johnson. Jonathan D. Ostry. and Jeromin Zettelmeyer f*Ki T r n M A T ■ n M A IkAA n V r II

Macrofinancial linkages trends, crises, and policiesW). II. International Monetary Fund.HB3722.M33 2010Production: Maryland Composition, Inc. Cover: Lai Oy LouieTypesetting: Maryland Composition, Inc.Pl

ease send orders to:International Monetary Fund, Publication Services PO Box 92780, Washington, D.C. 20090, U.S.A. Tel.: (202) 623-7430 Fax: (202) 623 Macrofinancial linkages trends, crises, and policies

-7201ContentsForeword XVAcknowledgments xviiContributors xixIntroduction xxiiiI.FINANCIAL BOOM-BUST CYCLESChapter 1Lending Booms and Lending Standards

Macrofinancial linkages trends, crises, and policies

.....................................2GIOVANNI DELLARICCIA • ROBERI MARQUEZ1.1.Introduction_______________________________________________________3u.

Trends, Crises, and PoliciesEditorsChristopher Crowe. Simon Johnson. Jonathan D. Ostry. and Jeromin Zettelmeyer f*Ki T r n M A T ■ n M A IkAA n V r II

Macrofinancial linkages trends, crises, and policiesecortpniic Shocks and Banking Crises........................ Ji1.5.Determinants of Equilibrium....................._................ 121.6.I he Role

of Information staring............................... 2$ Macrofinancial linkages trends, crises, and policies

Trends, Crises, and PoliciesEditorsChristopher Crowe. Simon Johnson. Jonathan D. Ostry. and Jeromin Zettelmeyer f*Ki T r n M A T ■ n M A IkAA n V r II

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