Medical case reports in english and vietnamese a genre based analysis
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Medical case reports in english and vietnamese a genre based analysis
VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND IN IERNAĨ1ONAL STI DIES *****NGUYEN THĨ TUYET MATMEDIC Al. CASE REPORTS IN ENGLISH AND Medical case reports in english and vietnamese a genre based analysis VIETNAMESE:A GENRE - BASED AN ALYSIS(Các báo cáo trưòng họp lâm sàng tiếng Anh và tiếng Met: Phân tích dựa vào thê loại)A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in LinguisticsHANOI - 2019VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY O Medical case reports in english and vietnamese a genre based analysisF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STL DIES*****NGUYEN THI TUYET MATMEDICAL CASE REPORTS IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE: A GENRE - BASED ANALYSIS(Các báo cáo trMedical case reports in english and vietnamese a genre based analysis
ường hựp líìm sàng tiêng Anh và tiếng Việt: Phân tích dựa vào thề loại)MAJOR: ENGLISH LINGUISTICSCODE: 9220201.01A dissertation submitted in partial IVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND IN IERNAĨ1ONAL STI DIES *****NGUYEN THĨ TUYET MATMEDIC Al. CASE REPORTS IN ENGLISH AND Medical case reports in english and vietnamese a genre based analysisvien .comDECLARATIONI certify my authority of the study project report submitted entitled:MEDICAL CASE REPORTS IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE:A GEN RE-BASED AN ALYSISIll fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics at Vietnam National Universit}-, HanoiExcept where Medical case reports in english and vietnamese a genre based analysis the reference is indicated, no other person's work has been used w ithout due acknow lodgement in the text of the dissertation.Hanoi,2019SignatureNguMedical case reports in english and vietnamese a genre based analysis
yen Thi Tuyet MaiACKNO WLEDGE \ I EM sFirstly, I would like to express my deep gratitude to my supervisor. Associate Professor Doctor Le Hung Tien, foVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND IN IERNAĨ1ONAL STI DIES *****NGUYEN THĨ TUYET MATMEDIC Al. CASE REPORTS IN ENGLISH AND Medical case reports in english and vietnamese a genre based analysisercome many obstacles and hurdles along the stressful writing stages of this dissertation and find the motivation to keep moving on my own work.Secondly. I would also like to thank Doctor Huynh Anil Tuan from VNU. Hanoi University of Languages and International Studies. Faculty of Post Graduate Stud Medical case reports in english and vietnamese a genre based analysisies and Doctor Pham Hicn from Vietnam Institute of Lexicography and Encyclopaedia who contributed to this dissertation. Their valuable and thought-proMedical case reports in english and vietnamese a genre based analysis
voking comments and feedback have helped me to enhance this work in its Style and content.Thirdly, I would like to give many thanks to all the professVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND IN IERNAĨ1ONAL STI DIES *****NGUYEN THĨ TUYET MATMEDIC Al. CASE REPORTS IN ENGLISH AND Medical case reports in english and vietnamese a genre based analysisthe examination committee and for their constructive questions, suggestions and comments about this research.Next, 1 express my sincere and deepest gratitude to my friends and colleagues from Faculty of Foreign Languages. Vietnam Military .Medical University who has patiently listened to all my prob Medical case reports in english and vietnamese a genre based analysislems and helped me at different stages of this research over the last few years. Thank them for all the vivid discussions wc have had.Most importantlyMedical case reports in english and vietnamese a genre based analysis
, I would not have been able to complete this work without the support of my family: Many thanks to my parents, my mother-in-law, my sisters, my brothVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND IN IERNAĨ1ONAL STI DIES *****NGUYEN THĨ TUYET MATMEDIC Al. CASE REPORTS IN ENGLISH AND Medical case reports in english and vietnamese a genre based analysisal, unselfish love and support. 1 also would like to give special thanks to my big friend, my husband who even not knowing anything about this research, has motivated me endlessly.iiABSTRACT Medical case reports in english and vietnamese a genre based analysisVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND IN IERNAĨ1ONAL STI DIES *****NGUYEN THĨ TUYET MATMEDIC Al. CASE REPORTS IN ENGLISH ANDGọi ngay
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