National accounts of OECD countries, volume 2018 issue 1 main aggregates

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Nội dung chi tiết: National accounts of OECD countries, volume 2018 issue 1 main aggregates

National accounts of OECD countries, volume 2018 issue 1 main aggregates

National Accounts of OECD CountriesMAIN AGGREGATESOECD Volume 2018/1National Accounts of OECD CountriesMAIN AGGREGATES2018/1®// OECDBETTER POLICIES FO

National accounts of OECD countries, volume 2018 issue 1 main aggregatesOR BETTER LIVESThis work is published under the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments employed her

ein do not necessarily reflect the official views of OECD member countries.This document, as well as any data and any map included herein, are without National accounts of OECD countries, volume 2018 issue 1 main aggregates

prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any te

National accounts of OECD countries, volume 2018 issue 1 main aggregates

rritory, city or area.Please cite this publication as:OECD (2018). Notional Accounts of OECD Countries, Volume 2018 Issue 1. Main Aggregates. OECD Pub

National Accounts of OECD CountriesMAIN AGGREGATESOECD Volume 2018/1National Accounts of OECD CountriesMAIN AGGREGATES2018/1®// OECDBETTER POLICIES FO

National accounts of OECD countries, volume 2018 issue 1 main aggregatesD CountriesISSN 2221-4321 (print)ISSN 2221-433X (online)The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant I

sraeli authorities The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights. East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in National accounts of OECD countries, volume 2018 issue 1 main aggregates

the West Bank under the terms of international law.Corrigenda to OECD publications may be found on line at: wunuoecd ceg/pubfehit^/cixrigendfl© OECD

National accounts of OECD countries, volume 2018 issue 1 main aggregates

2018You on

National Accounts of OECD CountriesMAIN AGGREGATESOECD Volume 2018/1National Accounts of OECD CountriesMAIN AGGREGATES2018/1®// OECDBETTER POLICIES FO

National accounts of OECD countries, volume 2018 issue 1 main aggregateswner is gtnn. All requests foe public at commercial use and translation rights should bi submitted to nụlitsAxcd 0»9 Requests for permission to photoc

opy portions of this material for public or commercial use shall be addressed directly to the Copyright Clearance Center (COCI at iqfc National accounts of OECD countries, volume 2018 issue 1 main aggregates

or the Centre francais Sexploitation du droit de copie (CFQ at cont»s«rfcrprr ccm.Table of contentsConventional signs and abbreviations..............

National accounts of OECD countries, volume 2018 issue 1 main aggregates

............................................ 9International comparisons.................................................................... 111.Cross

National Accounts of OECD CountriesMAIN AGGREGATESOECD Volume 2018/1National Accounts of OECD CountriesMAIN AGGREGATES2018/1®// OECDBETTER POLICIES FO

National accounts of OECD countries, volume 2018 issue 1 main aggregates....................... 133.Gross domestic product per headat current prices and PPI’s............................ 144.Cross domestic product per head

at the price levels and PPPs of year 2010.............. 155.Gross domestic product per headal current prices and current PPPs, index.............. 16 National accounts of OECD countries, volume 2018 issue 1 main aggregates

6.Gross domestic product per headat the price levels and PPPs of year 2010, index....... 177.Gross domesticproduct at current prices and exchange rate

National accounts of OECD countries, volume 2018 issue 1 main aggregates

s............................ 188.Gross domesticproduct at the price levels and exchange rates of year 2010............. 199.Gross domesticproduct at

National Accounts of OECD CountriesMAIN AGGREGATESOECD Volume 2018/1National Accounts of OECD CountriesMAIN AGGREGATES2018/1®// OECDBETTER POLICIES FO

National accounts of OECD countries, volume 2018 issue 1 main aggregates.... 21

National Accounts of OECD CountriesMAIN AGGREGATESOECD Volume 2018/1National Accounts of OECD CountriesMAIN AGGREGATES2018/1®// OECDBETTER POLICIES FO

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