Operational risk a guide to basel II capital requirements, models, and analysis

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Nội dung chi tiết: Operational risk a guide to basel II capital requirements, models, and analysis

Operational risk a guide to basel II capital requirements, models, and analysis

OperationalRiskA Guide to Basel II Capital Requirements, Models, and AnalysisANNA s. CHERNOBAI SVETLOZAR T. RACHEVFRANK J. FABOZZIo ICCNTCNMIAL• 1 8 0

Operational risk a guide to basel II capital requirements, models, and analysis0 7 2 ị WILEY; Í 2007 •->•I—— ....JrOlCfNTtNNIALJohn Wiley Sc Sons, Inc.Copyright (ộ 2007 by Anna s. Chernobai, Svctlozar 1. Rachcv, and Frank J. Fab

ozzi. All rights reserved.Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New jersey.Published simultaneously in Canada.Wiley Bicentennial Logo: Richar Operational risk a guide to basel II capital requirements, models, and analysis

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Operational risk a guide to basel II capital requirements, models, and analysis

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OperationalRiskA Guide to Basel II Capital Requirements, Models, and AnalysisANNA s. CHERNOBAI SVETLOZAR T. RACHEVFRANK J. FABOZZIo ICCNTCNMIAL• 1 8 0

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Operational risk a guide to basel II capital requirements, models, and analysis

their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of

OperationalRiskA Guide to Basel II Capital Requirements, Models, and AnalysisANNA s. CHERNOBAI SVETLOZAR T. RACHEVFRANK J. FABOZZIo ICCNTCNMIAL• 1 8 0

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OperationalRiskA Guide to Basel II Capital Requirements, Models, and AnalysisANNA s. CHERNOBAI SVETLOZAR T. RACHEVFRANK J. FABOZZIo ICCNTCNMIAL• 1 8 0

Operational risk a guide to basel II capital requirements, models, and analysis electronic books. For more information about Wiley products, visit our Web site at 978-0-471-78051-9Printed in the United States

of America.10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1ASCTo my husband, Makan, and my parentsSTRTo the memory of my parents, Nadezda Racheva and Todor RachevFJFTo my wife, D Operational risk a guide to basel II capital requirements, models, and analysis

onna, and children, Francesco, Patricia, and KarlyContentsPrefaceXVAbout the AuthorsxixCHAPTER 1Operational Risk Is Not Just "Other" Risks1Effects of

Operational risk a guide to basel II capital requirements, models, and analysis

Globalization and Deregulation: Increased RiskExposures2

OperationalRiskA Guide to Basel II Capital Requirements, Models, and AnalysisANNA s. CHERNOBAI SVETLOZAR T. RACHEVFRANK J. FABOZZIo ICCNTCNMIAL• 1 8 0

OperationalRiskA Guide to Basel II Capital Requirements, Models, and AnalysisANNA s. CHERNOBAI SVETLOZAR T. RACHEVFRANK J. FABOZZIo ICCNTCNMIAL• 1 8 0

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