Organization development a process of learning and changing, 3rd edition

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Nội dung chi tiết: Organization development a process of learning and changing, 3rd edition

Organization development a process of learning and changing, 3rd edition

THIRD EDITIONORGANIZATIONDEVELOPMENTOrganizationDevelopmentA Process of Learning and changingThird Editionw. Warner BurkeDebra A. NoumairPublisher: Pa

Organization development a process of learning and changing, 3rd editionaul BogerEditor-in-Chief: Amy NeidlingerExecutive Editor: Jeanne LevineDevelopment Editor: Natasha WolmersOperations Specialist: Jodi KemperCover Desi

gner: Alan ClementsManaging Editor: Kristy HartSenior Project Editor: Betsy GratnerCopy Editor: Karen AnnettProofreader: Debbie WilliamsIndexer: Word Organization development a process of learning and changing, 3rd edition

Wise Publishing SenicesSenior Compositor: Gloria SchurickManufacturing Buyer: Dan Uhligo 2015 by Pearson Education. Inc.Upper Saddle River. New Jersey

Organization development a process of learning and changing, 3rd edition

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THIRD EDITIONORGANIZATIONDEVELOPMENTOrganizationDevelopmentA Process of Learning and changingThird Editionw. Warner BurkeDebra A. NoumairPublisher: Pa

Organization development a process of learning and changing, 3rd editionrtment at corpsales@pearsoned.coin or (800) 382-3419.For government sales inquiries, please contact questions about

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Organization development a process of learning and changing, 3rd edition

from the publisher.Printed in the United States of AmericaFirst Printing February 2015ISBN-10: 0-13-389248-41 sB N-13: 978-0-13-389248-2Pearson Educa

THIRD EDITIONORGANIZATIONDEVELOPMENTOrganizationDevelopmentA Process of Learning and changingThird Editionw. Warner BurkeDebra A. NoumairPublisher: Pa

THIRD EDITIONORGANIZATIONDEVELOPMENTOrganizationDevelopmentA Process of Learning and changingThird Editionw. Warner BurkeDebra A. NoumairPublisher: Pa

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