Productivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industry
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Productivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industry
PRODUCTIVITY ANALYSIS FOR VIETNAM'S TEXTILEAND GARMENT INDUSTRYNguyen ThangTo Trung Thanh Vu Hoang Da(Rcmco H OostendorpABSTRACTThis paper uses firm-l Productivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industrylevel panel data to study the development and determinants of technical efficiency and productivity in the textile and garment sector in Vietnam during the period 1997-2000. Applying the methodology of Battese and Coelli (1995). we find that average technical efficiency of the textile and garment se Productivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industryctors is relatively high, but that technical efficiency differs significantly across ownership, location, size, age, and export orientation. The mostProductivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industry
productive firms in lire textile sector are old. mid-sized, private. South-based, export-oriented firms, while in the garment sector old. medium to laPRODUCTIVITY ANALYSIS FOR VIETNAM'S TEXTILEAND GARMENT INDUSTRYNguyen ThangTo Trung Thanh Vu Hoang Da(Rcmco H OostendorpABSTRACTThis paper uses firm-l Productivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industryod, reflecting changes in technical efficiency as well as technical progress.IAcknowledgementsIllis paper was written based on a competitiveness study funded by the Internationa] Development Research Center of Canada as part of the Vietnam Economic Research Network. We like to thank Bernard Decaluwé Productivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industry and John Cockburn for their valuable assistance in the course of the study, and we arc also grateful to (he seminar participants al (he Hue. HaltingProductivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industry
Bay ami Hanoi workshops for their helpful discussions and comments on earlier versions of the paper. Any remaining errors remain our own.PART I. INTROPRODUCTIVITY ANALYSIS FOR VIETNAM'S TEXTILEAND GARMENT INDUSTRYNguyen ThangTo Trung Thanh Vu Hoang Da(Rcmco H OostendorpABSTRACTThis paper uses firm-l Productivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industryy lire collapse of the former Soviet Union and Eastern European socialist countries and the resulted loss of CMEA market. Vietnam T&G industry managed to develop with the average growth rate of 10.6% per annum and make up 7.5% of the overall GDP during past years (GSO, 2003). Tire sector has consist Productivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industryently featured in the list of top exporting industries. In 20(44. the export value of the T&G industry reached approximately US$4.3 billion and the seProductivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industry
ctor thus became the second largest earner of badly needed foreign exchange in Vietnam (Vietnam Economic Times. 2005). Of equal to importance, the indPRODUCTIVITY ANALYSIS FOR VIETNAM'S TEXTILEAND GARMENT INDUSTRYNguyen ThangTo Trung Thanh Vu Hoang Da(Rcmco H OostendorpABSTRACTThis paper uses firm-l Productivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industryin the manufacturing sector (VLSS 97/98). T&G sector has therefore been regarded as an important and strategic industry in solving the acute problem of unemployment and poverty, by exploiting Vietnam’s comparative advantage in labor intensive production. Although these unprecedented achievements are Productivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industry undeniable, the T&G industry is not without problems regarding productivity which could threaten the sustainable development of the sector. This hasProductivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industry
naturally aroused interest of researchers in doing careful studies on efficiency and productivity, and on this basis, making well-founded policy recomPRODUCTIVITY ANALYSIS FOR VIETNAM'S TEXTILEAND GARMENT INDUSTRYNguyen ThangTo Trung Thanh Vu Hoang Da(Rcmco H OostendorpABSTRACTThis paper uses firm-l Productivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industry in productivity analysis for T&G industry, which bears some shortcomings. First, the use of total wage bill as measure of labor input may cause problem of identity and non-absoltiteness of controlling the difference in both production function and technical inefficiency effects may lead to bias in Productivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industryestimate results. Second, assumption of all firms's minimizing costs and maximizing profit which is inherent in the Tornqvist index number approach apProductivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industry
plied may be a constraint to the analysis. Third, the analysis does not take advantage of properties of unbalanced panel data available. Fourth, the rPRODUCTIVITY ANALYSIS FOR VIETNAM'S TEXTILEAND GARMENT INDUSTRYNguyen ThangTo Trung Thanh Vu Hoang Da(Rcmco H OostendorpABSTRACTThis paper uses firm-l Productivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industryprove the productivity analysis through obtaining better deflators and using stochastic frontier method to directly calculate Malmquist TFP index and its components.To acquire above objectives, the rest of the study is organized as following: Part II briefly describes the methodology that will be us Productivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industryed for tire subsequent empirical analysis. Based on the regression result and estimates of indices. Part 111 gives a detail picture on technical efficProductivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industry
iency performance of the textile and garment sub-sectors and determinants of technical efficiency. And then Part IV will give the whole content growthPRODUCTIVITY ANALYSIS FOR VIETNAM'S TEXTILEAND GARMENT INDUSTRYNguyen ThangTo Trung Thanh Vu Hoang Da(Rcmco H OostendorpABSTRACTThis paper uses firm-l Productivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industry the methodological framework that will be used for the subsequent empirical analysis. A brief discussion of sources of output growth, which include input growth and TFP change, will be presented in the beginning. Next, the section mentions the Malmquist TFP index that w ill be applied in the study. Productivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industry It then discusses the stochastic frontier method to estimate Malmquist technical efficiency change, technical progress change and TFP growth. Some otProductivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industry
her methodological issues will be also shown in this section.2. I. Source of Output Growth and Mamlqulst IndexOn the supply side, any output growth isPRODUCTIVITY ANALYSIS FOR VIETNAM'S TEXTILEAND GARMENT INDUSTRYNguyen ThangTo Trung Thanh Vu Hoang Da(Rcmco H OostendorpABSTRACTThis paper uses firm-l Productivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industryugh TFP concept, which measures joint productivity of all inputs used in combination (0 produce certain goods and/or services. TFP change, as mentioned earlier, can be in turn broken down into technical efficiency change and technical progress. The concept of TFP is closely related to disembodied te Productivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industrychnological change in that it does not increase the productivity of a particular input but rather that of all input jointly.To have clearer picture onProductivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industry
this issue, a production function is specified as: ổ(í)=F[z(íVk,'>-1where Q(t): observed output level at time tZ(t): the set of inputs used at time tPRODUCTIVITY ANALYSIS FOR VIETNAM'S TEXTILEAND GARMENT INDUSTRYNguyen ThangTo Trung Thanh Vu Hoang Da(Rcmco H OostendorpABSTRACTThis paper uses firm-l Productivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industry to time (I) and dividing both sides of the equation by Q<0.(I) can be re-written as0(0 FzzZF, ■—--- = —_--— + ~~ -t- II0(0 F zF(r)where (Fzz/F) and (FI/F) is the output elasticity of F(Z(I).I) with respect to inputs Z(t) and time t respectively. represents the technical efficiency change over lime Productivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industryat point I.Thus, tlx? changes in output can be decomposed into 3 components: The first term of (!’) reflects the output change that is caused by inputProductivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industry
change or due to input accumulation. The second term represents the rate of technical progress and lite third one - rite technical efficiency change.PRODUCTIVITY ANALYSIS FOR VIETNAM'S TEXTILEAND GARMENT INDUSTRYNguyen ThangTo Trung Thanh Vu Hoang Da(Rcmco H OostendorpABSTRACTThis paper uses firm-l Productivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industrys and technical efficiency change, which are captured by the last two terms of (I’).The following figure helps to visualize how a change in output can be broken down into the above mentioned components. In the output-input space, the firm has the production frontiers Fl and F2 for year I and year 2 Productivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industryrespectively. The firm is said to be technically efficient if output is produced al (be frontier level, e.g. Yl* in period I and Y2* in period 2. OtheProductivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industry
rwise the firm is technically inefficient, for example if realized outputs are Yl in period I and Y2 in period 2. both being lower than the efficient PRODUCTIVITY ANALYSIS FOR VIETNAM'S TEXTILEAND GARMENT INDUSTRYNguyen ThangTo Trung Thanh Vu Hoang Da(Rcmco H OostendorpABSTRACTThis paper uses firm-l Productivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industryor period 2 respectively. The change in technical efficiency over time is the difference between TEG I and TEG2. Technical progress is measured by (he distance4 Productivity analysis for Vietnam''s textile and garment industryPRODUCTIVITY ANALYSIS FOR VIETNAM'S TEXTILEAND GARMENT INDUSTRYNguyen ThangTo Trung Thanh Vu Hoang Da(Rcmco H OostendorpABSTRACTThis paper uses firm-lGọi ngay
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